Comprehensive comic group chat: Yanqing template, sister Sagiri?

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

“Don’t break sir, retreat quickly!”

“We are not their opponents at all!”

“If you continue, you will all die!!”

A police officer said anxiously to the curly-haired officer.

But the commander, who was called unbreakable, had an angry face.

“Damn it!”

“If you withdraw this time, it will be difficult to catch them next time!”


“When will the support from the army come?”

Don’t break the opening to ask.

The officer shook his head.

“I don’t know, but the army station is far from here, even if it is the fastest, it will take half an hour…”


Don’t break the tongue and curse.

“What the hell are these monsters?!”

Unbreakingly, a punch hammered on the lid of the police car.

As the captain of the criminal police team, after receiving the order, he has been looking for the traces of the prisoner without breaking the advice.

Before that, they had no idea that the culprit was actually a bunch of “monsters”?

As soon as he got the news, he immediately led a team to encircle him without breaking the advice, and even called the special police for support because the criminals committed murderous crimes and were likely to have dangerous weapons.

But even so.

After they successfully surrounded the criminals, they found out that the criminals were actually a group of monsters that looked like bugs!

After some fighting, they are no match for this group of monsters at all.

Ordinary thermal weapons do not cause any damage at all.

Seeing the team members sacrifice one by one, Unbroken Qi’s heart was very angry, but helpless.

The army that group of guys who eat dry food.

By the time they came to their support, they and the others would have died a long time ago!

In the end, reason prevailed over anger.

Without breaking the order, he ordered everyone to retreat.



“How could you just run away?”

One of the Zerg monsters made a sound like a shabby bellows and suddenly jumped and blocked the policemen’s retreat route.

Before some policemen could react, they were cut in half by the monster raising its sharp claws like praying mantises.

Blood and guts were scattered all over the place.

If he didn’t break the advice, he could only widen his eyes, and his eyes were bloodshot.

“You fucking fucking fellow!!”

Unbreakingly, he pulled out his pistol and angrily vented bullets at the monster.

But it’s a pity that he is not the protagonist and has no idealistic power.

The bullet hit the monster’s thick leather armor, and it didn’t stir up a little wave.

“Little ant.”

The Zerg monster made a disdainful sound and swung its blade towards Unbreaking.

When the blade is about to fall.

“Don’t break the captain, be careful!”

A police officer slammed into the air.

Tear and pull –

Only listening to the voice, the police officer had been split in half.

He could only watch the officer die for himself.

His name was muttered in his mouth.


Maori Kogoro, the unbroken junior brother, graduated from the Kyoto Police Academy together, and then joined the criminal police team together.

The relationship between the two has been very good since their college days.

After becoming a criminal policeman, he has experienced life and death many times, and has long been like a brother.

Kogoro once told him that when he finished working as a criminal policeman, he would become a private investigator.

That was his dream.

But now….

Look at the stump on the ground.

Unbreakable eyes were full of anger.

“Damn it… Guy! ”


Bu Bao let out a roar and picked up the pistol that had fallen to the ground.

Bang bang bang——!

Constantly pulling the trigger on the monster until the entire magazine was fired, the unbroken anger was not extinguished.

He even dropped his pistol, grabbed his baton and smashed it at the monster that was close at hand.

However, with just a wave of his hand, the monster instantly flew out more than ten meters without breaking the advice, and smashed into the police car at once.

The pain in the whole body makes it difficult for you to want to stand up.

“Don’t break the captain.”

A policewoman named Miwako Sato came to Unbreak’s side, carried him, and prepared to evacuate with him.

But Miwako Sato had just walked a few steps without breaking the advice when she was stopped by the monster.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of Fu Shi and Miwako Sato were full of despair.

It seems that today’s criminal police team will be completely destroyed here.


The monster shouted and swung its scythe at the two!

And yet——


A sword clanging sounded!

Fu Shi and Miwako Sato looked at the back that suddenly appeared in front of them, and were stunned in place.

And the person who came was Yanqing.

After getting the news of the little bird You Liuhua, Yanqing rushed towards this place quickly.

Hearing that the police were also there, Yanqing also deliberately disguised herself.

A white cloak covering the whole body, plus a pure white mask.

With a sword in his hand, he blocked the monster’s attack, and with a slight push, the huge body of the zerg monster flew out.

At this time, Yanqing turned around and looked at Miwako Sato behind him.

“Let’s go, I’ll leave it to me.”

Bu Shi and Miwako Sato, looking at the costume of this person in front of them, they only feel that the world is crazy!

First, monsters appeared, causing heavy losses to the police force.

Then this mysterious man wearing a mask and cloak appeared, and with a single blow, the monster as big as a car flew out!

This can’t even do any damage to their thermal weapons!

Looking at the two policemen in a daze, Yanqing did not pay much attention to it.

There are also many police officers who are chasing monsters.

Yanqing was on tiptoe, and the whole person quickly flew out, like a bullet.

In the blink of an eye, he came to a monster.

When it was about to kill a police officer, a sword behind Yanqing split the monster in half.

Turquoise blood spilled on the ground, corroding the ground and emitting blue smoke.

Perhaps the existence of Yanqing was discovered.

The remaining four monsters immediately dropped the pursuing policeman in their hands, gathered together, and surrounded Yanqing in the middle.

“Finally found you!”


“Today is your time to die!”

The four monsters, revealing red eyes, stared at Yanqing deadly.

Hearing this, Yanqing nodded.

Sure enough, I guessed right.

These guys are still from the Zerg.

Moreover, the goal is still yourself?

“Go and die!”

The monsters shouted and attacked Yanqing together.

Although the monsters looked imposing, they faced Yan Qing.

The next second, in everyone’s shocked eyes.

I saw a blue sword light flashing.

As Yan Qing beckoned, let the flying sword return to his side.

On the bodies of those monsters, cracks appeared in the unity.

With a green liquid erupting from the crack.

Four monsters fell to the ground together and lost their lives.

Seeing that these monsters had been solved, Yan Qing also ignored the policemen who were stunned in place, and as soon as he stepped on the flying sword, he disappeared into the sky.


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