Comprehensive comic group chat: Yanqing template, sister Sagiri?

Chapter 77

Chapter 77

“It’s not too early now, let’s go to dinner first.”

Seeing that everyone was still immersed in this atmosphere, Yanqing said with a smile.

Tai Nakarita touched his moist eyes and smiled.

“Yes! Eat before! ”

“After all, it’s hard to get together once, but you can’t waste this opportunity!”

Yui Hirasawa and Kotofu also echoed.

“Finally going for dinner?”

“I’m starving to death!”

“Whew… The stomach is flat. ”


So, everyone set off towards the restaurant that Tianjing had decided on in the morning.

The restaurant ordered by Tai Naka is not bad, and the decoration is very good.

After entering the restaurant, the waiter led them to the private room.

Everyone seemed to have completely forgotten what had just happened, and there was talk and laughter in the box.

In particular, they also talked about Yanqing at school.

Girls, they’re all quite gossipy.

“Speaking of Hiko-kun, what is your relationship with Senior Sister Sawamura and Senior Sister Kasumigaoka?”

Tai Nakaru asked curiously.

You can see that the fire of gossip under her eyes is burning.

Faced with this problem, 22 even Yui Hirasawa and Kotofu looked over curiously.

Of course, Mio Akiyama is.

I don’t know why, Yanqing always feels that Mio Akiyama and Pingsawa are different from their eyes that only want to listen to gossip.

But Yanqing still smiled and spoke.

“Ordinary friendship, it’s not what you think.”

“Cut ~ I don’t believe it.”

“Last time, Senior Sister Sawamura and Senior Sister Kasumigaoka went to the class together to find you.”

“Then I heard that you went to the roof.”

“And there are rumors that I saw you and Sawamura-san on the way to school several times.”

“Oh yes, and the second-grade little bird travel sister!”

“Wow~ After this calculation, Yanjun has a little relationship with many famous beautiful girls in the school~”

Tai Nakaru said, with a mocking smile on his face.

At this time, she said amazingly again.

“Did you say… Is Yanjun’s ultimate goal to open a big crystal palace in the school?! ”

Hearing this, Yan Qing was stunned for a moment, and then quickly refuted.

“How is it possible!”

“These are rumors, do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors.”

“Besides, I don’t have any idea of opening a crystal palace, I’m a pure warrior!”

“Really fake~” Tai Nakaru looked incredulous.

Hirasawa Yui and Kotofu are also suspicious.

Just when Yanqing didn’t know how to explain.

Suddenly, Mio Akiyama spoke.

“Law, you seem to know Hiko-kun very well.”

“Are these rumors specially inquired about?”

It’s good that Mio Akiyama didn’t open his mouth, and when he opened his mouth, he suddenly spoke amazingly.

Tai Nakaru’s face turned red all of a sudden.

“Hmm! Mio, how can you say that about me! ”

“We’re childhood sweethearts, don’t you know me?”

“My usual hobby is just inquiring about this gossip.”

“Boring study life, if you don’t have these lubricants, you won’t be too bored, right?”

Tai Nakaru asked the crowd.

But in the eyes of Mio Akiyama, who knows Tanaka best the most, it looks like a tough defense.

I don’t know why, when she heard that Tai Zhongru knew Yanqing so well, she felt a feeling of taste in her heart.

At this time, Tai Nakaru’s eyes flashed, and his gaze fell on Mio Akiyama.

“In other words, we’re talking about Hikokun’s gossip right now, and suddenly the topic comes to me or something.”

“Mio, shouldn’t you be…”

Tanaka Ritsu’s eyes were scrutinizing and squinting.

Similarly, as Mio Akiyama’s best friend since he was a child, how could Tanaka not understand Mio Akiyama’s thoughts.

Hearing this, he listened to the words that Tianjing Nakaru had a meaning to say.

Mio Akiyama’s face suddenly turned red.

“You… What are you talking about…”

Seeing that he was about to fall into a strange atmosphere again, Yanqing even came out to play the circle. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Okay, okay, what are you discussing badly, why are you discussing my gossip.”

“I’m a party, and it’s a bit too much to discuss something in front of me.”

And at this moment, the door of the private room opened, and the waiter walked in with a rich dish.

Yan Qing followed the trend and spoke.

“Okay, it’s served.”

“Let’s get ready to eat.”


Under the persuasion of Yanqing, Tai Nakaru and Mio Akiyama stopped the idea of continuing the discussion.

With hearty dishes being laid out on the table.

The people, who had been hungry for a long time, suddenly moved their fingers, and they did not have the heart to discuss those unwarranted things.


When dusk cleared and the sky slowly darkened.

Everyone finished their meal.

“Okay, it’s not early, change it back.”

“That’s what I said, my mother should count me when I go back.”

“In that case, let’s go home.”

“Okay, bye bye everyone, see you on Monday!”

“Well, see you on Monday!”

After saying goodbye to each other, everyone went back to their homes and found their mothers.

Jean had her driver pick her up.

Yui Pyeongtaek took a taxi home.

Of course, Yanqing went back alone.

And Mio Akiyama and Ritsu Tai Naka, as best friends, do not live far away, so they walk together.

The two were walking home on their way.

I don’t know why, I was originally two little girlfriends who didn’t guess and talked about everything, but they were a little dull at the moment.

I don’t know how long I walked like this.

It seems that it is not far from home.

Tian Jing’s voice suddenly sounded slowly.

“Naw… Mio, you like Hikokun, right? ”

The sudden question made Mio Akiyama stunned in place. 877

Hongxia quickly climbed up her cheeks.

But Mio Akiyama retorted.

“What are you talking about… It’s just nothing! ”

However, Tianjing Naka had a confident smile on his face.

“You can’t fool me, Mio.”

“Have you forgotten that we grew up playing with Ome together?”

“Even so…” Mio Akiyama lowered his head, his face already turning crimson.

As smart as her, in fact, she has long known that she may have secretly liked Yanqing…

Tai Nakaru touched his chin and showed a thoughtful look.

“I want to think… It must be the evening of the welcome party performance, right? ”

“When I went on stage, I saw Hiko-kun grab your hand.”

“Yanjun was just to comfort me not to be nervous at that time…”

“Of course I know this, but can you guarantee that you were not moved at that time?”

Tanaka Ritsu stared at Mio Akiyama with a “you don’t have to argue” expression.

Mio Akiyama fell silent and did not speak, biting his lip.

If you have to say when you liked Hikokun.

Maybe it was really at that time.

In that environment, Yanqing gave her an irreplaceable sense of security.

But Mio Akiyama is unwilling, he has always been controlled by Tanaka Ritsuki like this.

Gritting his teeth, Tai Nakaru also expressed his opinion.

“Then I guessed correctly.”

“Law… Also like Hiko-kun… Right? ”


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