Comprehensive comics daily: Start with Lonely Rock and add some points!

Chapter 44

Chapter 44

“Natori-san, let me stay here and help you!”

After a fierce battle with his other side in his mind, Mo Xiu finally decided to stay here to help Natori Monday, and said that he had already entered Takuma’s house, in case the youkai felt that he and Mr. Takuma were in the same group, what if he attacked him halfway, it was better to stay here.

“Mo Xiu, you don’t have to do this, but I’m glad you can stay here and help me.”

After hearing Mo Xiu’s words, Natori Monday was first taken aback, and then showed his very infectious smile to Mo Xiu, after all, he did not expect that someone would be willing to stay here to help a person who did not know for a while when his life was in danger.

“Confinement, is there a guest at home?”

Just as Mo Xiu and they were chatting with each other, a middle-aged man’s voice came from a distance, and Natori Monday immediately recognized who the owner of this voice was, it was Mr. Takuma, the owner of this house, and after so long, the main lord finally returned.

Mr. Takuma recently felt that his daughter seemed to be hiding something from him, and when he walked alone on the road during this time, it seemed that something had been staring at him, he thought that it might be his previous Shikigami, and he did not choose to leave after he lost his spiritual power, but he could no longer see them, and even if Shikigami continued to stay by his side, it was only to increase his sadness.

Today he still felt that something was staring at him when he went out, but the strange thing was that this time the gaze that didn’t know what it was seemed to be full of malice, Mr. Takuma felt that it was not Shikigami who were staring at him this time, maybe there was an enemy who came to the door, he quickly rushed back home, and saw two pairs of shoes in the corridor in front of the door, which did not belong to this family.

“Confinement, is there a guest at home?”

Mr. Takuma asked urgently, his heart was very afraid, since his wife died early and he lost his spiritual power and could not see Shikigami, his daughter Takuma Tsukiko was his biggest and last concern in the world.

“If confinement suffers any harm, I will never forgive myself!” Mr. Takuma was extremely nervous, and he prayed to hear the voice of his daughter’s confinement again.

“Dad, it’s Mr. Monday who came to visit.”

To his relief, his daughter’s voice finally came, she was not harmed, and the person who came to his house was his former student named Mon, but who was the second pair of shoes?

“Mr. Takuma, you are finally back, something has happened here!”

After hearing Mr. Takuma’s voice, Natori, who knew that he had returned home, immediately pulled Mo Xiu to the front door, and must immediately tell the teacher the news of the demon.

“What happened, panicked, how did I teach you, as a demon exterminator to always stay calm, only rational enough not to make mistakes at critical moments, who is this young man? Tell me about it first. Seeing

the panicked Natori Monday, Mr. Takuma first frowned and reprimanded the other party with a burst of dissatisfaction, and then looked at Mo Xiu and asked the other party.

“Ah, hello Mr. Takuma, I am Mr. Natori’s new assistant, my name is Mo Xiu.” Seeing this, Mo Xiu also introduced himself to Mr. Takuma.

“It turned out to be Mo Xiujun, so Yuezi said that you have been secretly hiding from me, what are you doing? You even invited Zhou Jun to your home!

“I’m not doing anything secretly

, I’m just worried about you, father…” “If you are worried about me, you should tell me everything, although I am old and can’t see, but still not you young people can compare.”

After knowing Mo Xiu’s identity, Mr. Takuma looked at his daughter and asked what she was hiding from her, and Miss Tsukiko said that she only cared about him, but Mr. Takuma did not appreciate the matter.

“But I’m really scared! The situation at home is getting more and more serious, at first it was just the sound of something hitting the roof, but then it became a scream from something that was definitely not human, I was afraid that something would happen to you, father, I was afraid that one day I would not see you, I have no relatives in this world other than father and you! Seeing

that the old stubborn not only did not appreciate it, but also reprimanded him, tears welled up in the corners of Miss Tsukiko’s eyes, mixed with her true feelings, and she roared, and Mr. Takuma was also directly stunned after hearing his daughter’s words.

“I’m sorry, the confinement is that what I just said is too heavy, and the situation at home is actually serious to this extent? My spiritual sense has actually degraded to the point that even you are inferior, sure enough, I am really old, what happened in Zhou Jun’s house?

Mr. Takuma first apologized to his daughter, and then asked Natori Monday with a solemn face, he also had a premonition of the seriousness of the incident.

“Let me say, the initial supernatural phenomenon in this house was caused by the two Shikigami who were banished outside, but the latter phenomenon was caused by the vengeful demons who kept coming.”

Mo Xiu took a step forward and explained the cause and effect of this incident instead of Natori Monday, and Mr. Takuma was also incredulous when he heard that the first thing was actually done by his own god, and when he heard the desolate thing behind, his face was solemn and he began to think about how to deal with it.

“That desolate demon came here from the day before yesterday, when it tried to nest and cursed here with demon magic on the first day, you were trapped outside by the two Shikami, fought to the death to repel it, currently both of them are unknown whether they are alive or dead, yesterday the Ara demon arrived here again and has begun to nest, these are all you trapped at home, that Shikami told us.”


Mr. Takuma did not know whether he was alive or dead after hearing that his Shikigami fought off the other party, and his face changed greatly in an instant, and after Mo Xiu finished speaking, he also immediately rushed to the house, and Mo Xiu and they saw that Mr. Takuma was so anxious and immediately followed.

I saw Mr. Takuma running around the room in one breath, a room that looked like a study and a studio, full of books, as well as all kinds of talisman paper, bottles and jars, and Mo Xiu even saw some weapons that looked very dangerous in the bright place.

After entering the room, Mr. Takuma rushed straight to the desk, he opened the drawer and turned out three wooden cards from the inside, Mo Xiu saw that the wooden cards were written with the three names of Shenbu, Red Button, and Silver Dew, of which the brands of Kambu and Red Buttons were seriously cracked, as if they were about to be completely shattered, while the brand of Ginlu had nothing, very complete, and it was also speculated that the wooden cards might be related to the life state of Shikigami with the above names.

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