Comprehensive comics daily: Start with Lonely Rock and add some points!

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

“Mo Xiujun, are you angry to get up?”

Mr. Takuma looked at Mo Xiu, who had a somewhat unkind look in front of him, and asked tentatively.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Takuma may have scared you a little, I just had a dream, a very outrageous dream.”

Mo Xiu said, and recalled the incredible dream just now, the first half of the paragraph had nothing to say, just highlighted the outrageous two words, and in the second half, Mo Xiu suddenly cared about the dream of Yidi Zhi Hongxia, the remaining half of the sentence that was not spoken.

“Hiss——! Am I springing? After all, this body is always an adolescent teenager, and he will definitely be affected by hormones. Thinking

about what happened in the dream, Mo Xiu rubbed his face to wake himself up, the dream just now was so embarrassing that he didn’t know how to face Hongxia after that.

“I don’t have to be so nervous, anyway, no one will know about the dream, as long as I have a thick skin, I won’t be embarrassed when I see Hongxia.”

Mo Xiu got up and prepared to go to learn the use of props with Mr. Takuma, while he was still thinking about the dream he had just had.

There are so many beautiful girls around me, why do I dream of Hongxia, not Liangxianbei or Kita, but Itachi Hongxia, can I say……

Mo Xiu, who was walking behind Mr. Takuma while thinking about things, was suddenly stunned.

“Could it be that I have unknowingly inherited the legacy of a certain Jean Marshal? Shhh, no, I joined the end band, just to engage in causality, women and so on can only affect the speed at which I add points. Mo

Xiu sobered up for a moment, and then strengthened his will, although Yidi knew that Hongxia was a woman who could become my mother!

But Mo Xiu will never inherit the legacy of an Oedipal Kamen who likes loli’s mother, who is probably so tall and so big, even if he is allowed to open red horns three times faster, he will not agree. (Probably…

“Mo Xiujun, are you still thinking about that dream you had just now?”

“Ah, yes, Takuma-san, the content of that dream kind of cares me.”

Looking at Mo Xiu, who had been restless, Mr. Takuma also asked with concern.

“The content of dreams, most of the dreams of ordinary people are chaotic and useless, but we spirit people are stronger than ordinary people, so sometimes there will be revelations for the future in dreams, but you don’t have to care too much, the future will also change for various reasons.”

Mr. Takuma also enlightened Mo Xiu, who had been thinking divergent because of the content of the dream, but after hearing the other party’s words, Mo Xiu frowned again.

“Fragments of dreams are revelations for the future? Then I will have this kind of dream, don’t I say…” Don’t

dare to think, Mo Xiu quickly put back the thoughts that I don’t know where to go, whether it is Godzilla’s invasion of Tokyo or going to the fireworks festival with Hongxia, I dare not think about anything, Mo Xiu doesn’t want to fall in love, just want to add points, and when he is strong enough to be invincible in the world, he will directly incarnate the motherland, no, ancestors, not what he wants.

Just when Mo Xiu was thinking about it, he had been taken outside the house by Mr. Takuma, several boxes and bags were placed in the yard, and a few scraps of paper were blown in front of Mo Xiu by the wind, Mo Xiu looked at the place where the confetti blew over, it was the roof, and Natori was constantly shredding the talisman paper on it, and then spread those scraps on the roof.

“Natori-san, what is he doing?”

Mo Xiu saw the other party’s behavior and asked Mr. Takuma on the side puzzled.

“Ah, you said this, Zhou Jun he is using those talisman papers to cover the traces of the formation he has laid down, although it is a confetti in our eyes, but this can indeed blind the perception of the monster.”

Mr. Takuma looked at Mo Xiu, who looked puzzled, and immediately explained.

“It turns out that this is the case, and it seems that this situation has also appeared in the original book.”

After the doubts in his heart were solved, Mo Xiu touched his chin and also thought in his heart.

“By the way, Mo Xiu is coming at night, and the rune paper and the like have to learn spells to use, and it’s too late to teach you now, so let’s try these, as long as you can control the output of spiritual power, you can use props and weapons.”

Mr. Takuma walked to the box placed in the yard, then squatted down to open the box and fumbled inside, and then he took out a weapon that ordinary people could recognize at a glance, and Mo Xiu couldn’t help but twitch at the corner of his eyes when he saw what he was holding.

No way! The weapon Mr. Takuma was holding was…

Flintlock guns?

“Where did this come from, Mr. Takuma, this thing won’t blow up, right?” I haven’t used a flintlock gun.

Mo Xiu looked at Mr. Takuma with a defiant face, after all, the flintlock gun is not a good weapon, this thing is very likely to be shot and can’t wait for the second shot, the use of the flintlock gun is cumbersome and dangerous, if he pulls out a revolver for himself and teaches himself the rice style, maybe he can still consider it.

“Well, don’t worry, Mo Xiujun, although this gun looks like an antique, it is indeed an antique, but its quality is absolutely excellent, this is a weapon made using occultism, the demon hunters on the other side of the ocean are still using flintlock guns and special ammunition to exorcise demons, whether it is its own strength or power is absolutely guaranteed, it should not explode, right?”

Mr. Takuma and Mo Xiu bragged about the flintlock guns in their hands, but the more he talked about it, the more he seemed to be weaker.

“Mr. Takuma no, you haven’t used this thing either, have you? Don’t just use others as guinea pigs for experiments!

Mo Xiu saw the weakness in the other party’s words, and directly complained mercilessly.

“Mo Xiujun, you can’t say that, I have used this weapon before, but I haven’t used it to participate in actual combat, and by the way, this gun has not been maintained for a long time.”

Mr. Takuma said as he remembered the experience he had acquired with this gun, which he had received as a gift after completing commissions with mysterious people from abroad called demon hunters.

When I first got it, I was excited, and I quickly tested a few shots, but then I found that this thing was not only inconvenient to carry, but also the special ammunition used was very expensive, compared to the bow and arrow strengthened by rune paper, the power was not weaker than this under the blessing of spiritual power, and the cost was quite cheap, it can only be said that the skills left by the ancestors are more practical.

“Mo Xiujun, after all, this is the most suitable for novices in the weapons in my hand, relying on special ammunition, even if you don’t use spiritual power to strengthen shooting, you still have a considerable power to shoot through the defense of demon power, because the effective range of the flintlock gun is relatively close, so you don’t need to think about whether to hit or not, after all, they are all shot close to the face.”

If you don’t want to use it, I have other weapons here, such as the Demon Sealing Needle, which can defeat the demon power and is highly poisonous, and the bamboo gun that uses spell enhancement and is filled with special gunpowder inside, which can explode after being shot into the enemy’s body.

Mr. Takuma pulled out a bottle of poison needles soaked in an unknown liquid and several bamboo guns that looked like they could explode at any moment.

Mo Xiu looked at the weapon in the other party’s hand and didn’t want to take it, your demon killer’s weapon is either poisonous or will explode, so dangerous is you really not afraid of pit yourself to death one day?

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