Comprehensive comics daily: Start with Lonely Rock and add some points!

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Although Mo Xiu resisted very much, he finally had to take the flintlock gun, after all, only this one of these weapons looked the most reliable.

Mr. Takuma saw that Mo Xiu still chose to use a flintlock gun in the end, so he took out a fanny bag from the box and handed it to him.

Mo Xiu took the waist bag and opened it, and found that it was a paper package of ammunition that was divided into packs, and counted a total of 17 packs, which means that Mo Xiu fired up to 17 shots, and there was no ammunition.

“Is that all there is ammunition? Mr. Takuma. Seeing

this, Mo Xiu also immediately asked, after all, he will definitely test fire a few rounds in a while, and this ammunition is simply not enough.

“The gunpowder and projectiles used in this gun are specialized, expensive, only so many rounds, but I have the method of making gunpowder and projectiles, if you want more ammunition, you can make it yourself later.”

Looking at the small pocket of ammunition, Mr. Takuma also smiled awkwardly and quickly explained.

You must know that these bullets were sent by those demon hunters, after all, this thing is not cheap even if it is made by yourself, it is not as good as drawing a few talismans.

Mo Xiu was also speechless after hearing the other party’s words, he now has no causal power in his hands, and he can only rely on a large number of bullets to feed him if he wants to improve his shooting skills, but this is a residential area, it is not suitable for gun practice, shoot two shots to familiarize yourself with shooting, it is almost the same.

“Mr. Takuma, you go to the open area, I’m going to test shoot, it may be dangerous to stand nearby, by the way, it’s okay for me to use the tree planted in your yard as a target, right?”

Mo Xiuping raised his flintlock pistol and took out a paper bullet from the waist bag that had just been hung on his waist, while speaking to Mr. Takuma on the side.

When Mr. Takuma heard the previous words, he also hurriedly walked in the opposite direction of Mo Xiu’s gun, but when he heard the second half of the other party’s words, he also barely tightened the corners of his eyes and gritted his teeth and said to Mo Xiu.


After getting Mr. Takuma’s permission, Mo Xiu also based on the teaching of flintlock gun design that he had seen on the Internet in the past, first biting the end of the shell case of the paper shell, holding the special projectile in his mouth, erecting the hammer, pouring a little gunpowder into the medicine pool, closing the fire sickle, pouring all the gunpowder in the paper package into the chamber, and then spitting the projectile into the chamber, crumpling the paper package that had been completely empty into a ball and stuffing it into the chamber as a stopper, and pushing the ammunition to the end with a push lever.

Mo Xiu gripped the flintlock gun tightly, aiming at the tree in the yard at two o’clock, he pulled the trigger after aligning, but nothing happened, and the gunpowder in the gun was not ignited by the flint.

“What the hell? Am I doing something wrong?

Looking at the flintlock gun that did not make a gunshot, Mo Xiu also fell into doubt, but soon Mo Xiu figured out what was going on, closed his eyes and once again exerted his spiritual sense.

He “saw” the structure inside the gun, there was no flint in it, the trigger was connected to a rune, this weapon used the rune as a lead, and the spiritual power as Mars to stimulate its true power.

“So it is.”

Mo Xiu gripped the gun body again and began to aim, this time he began to use the spiritual power in his body, and the energy flowed into the barrel of the gun through the rune along the trigger, and the spiritual sense could feel that the energy in the gun body was constantly accumulating until it reached a peak.


The power of the flintlock gun shooting was far greater than Mo Xiu imagined, and the reaction force after the special gunpowder was detonated, and Mo Xiu’s hands were shaken, and he almost took the gun out completely.

In the distance, the hot projectile instantly shot through the large tree in the yard, leaving a hole with a diameter of more than 5cm, and fell deep into the wall behind.

The power of this thing, Mo Xiu was terrified to see it, this is almost catching up with anti-material weapons.

“How? I said this gun is very powerful.

Mr. Takuma looked at Mo Xiu, who was already stunned, and said with a smug smile.

“The lethality is indeed strong, but can it be said that the talisman paper of the spirit eliminator can also have such strong lethality? Otherwise, why don’t you all use guns, but bows and arrows with talisman paper.

After that, Mo Xiu took the flintlock gun and carefully observed its structure, but he still couldn’t see why it had such great power, and could only sigh at the power of the occult.

“It’s not that the lethality of the rune paper is stronger than this, after all, the supernatural creatures that the two sides deal with are different.

Most of the supernatural beings in the West are all kinds of supernatural beings with entities, and although those monsters are powerful, they are sometimes even killed by physical means, so the other side pays more attention to actual lethality.

And most of the demons we deal with here are demons that can be transformed between virtual and real, their abilities are more weird, their abilities are more comprehensive, and the talisman paper that is more convenient to use is used by us more, and against those monsters without entities, rune paper can be much better than the gun in your hand. Mr

. Takuma spoke eloquently, as a former senior demon slayer, he knew too much about this knowledge that was not secret.

However, Mo Xiu in front of him seemed to be too lacking in these attempts, and after solving the youkai, he would give him his notes and spell tips, which could also be regarded as his concern for half of his apprentice.

“Then such a loud gunshot just now will not be reported by the neighbors.” Mo Xiu asked worriedly.

“You don’t have to worry about this, this is a rich area, there are not many people, and the sound just now is so loud, it is not so much the sound of gunfire as the sound of artillery, everyone will only think that someone is setting off fireworks during the day.”

The experienced Mr. Takuma also judged the direction of events through his own experience, and then calmed Mo Xiu.

“The meal is ready, are you busy?”

The voice of Tsukiko Takuma came from the room accompanied by the aroma of the meal.

Mr. Takuma, who heard his daughter’s words, turned his head to look at Natori Monday, and found that the other party had thoroughly arranged the formation, and climbed off the roof and walked towards this side.

“Yuezi, we are already busy, help prepare the bowls and chopsticks, Mo Xiujun, Monday Jun you have also been busy all afternoon, go to eat, rest, the next thing to do is to wait.”

Mr. Takuma first shouted to Miss Confinement, and then proposed to the people around him, and Mo Xiu they had been busy all afternoon, their stomachs were already hungry, naturally they would not refuse each other’s kindness, and quickly agreed.

Just as everyone was on their way to the kitchen, Mo Xiu thought of something, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his aunt on LINE, telling him that the family was not going back to eat, and that he was with his classmates and did not have to worry about himself.

After finishing typing, Mo Xiu gripped his phone tightly, ready to meet the storm that was coming soon tonight.

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