Conan: The King of Villains System

Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Be A Driver, Mysterious Floppy Disk! [Kneeling For Collection, Flower Evaluation Ticket]

Chapter 11 Be a Driver, Mysterious Floppy Disk! [Kneeling for collection, evaluation ticket]

Of course, Matsuda knew what Conan meant in his heart, but he just pretended to be stupid. Xiao Ai always hesitated to talk about getting along with him these days, but he was not stupid. If Xiao Ai didn’t take the initiative to say it, he couldn’t know, and it was impossible to know.

Just as he was about to say a few more words, on the black slate that had no sense of existence in front of him, Ah Fu’s card was suddenly turned over. Although the vital signs displayed on it were still normal, Matsuda’s heart skipped a beat.

“Let’s chat slowly. Since you are classmates, do you have a lot to say? I suddenly remembered that some homework was not finished, so I went upstairs first.”

Matsuda’s excuse to leave was exactly what the other people meant. Among the four people present, everyone else thought Matsuda was an ordinary person. Even though Xiao Ai knew that her sister had revealed some information for Matsuda to know, she still did not intend to let the other party be involved in her own affairs.

When Matsuda walked upstairs and was silent, the remaining three people started to talk.

Leaving Conan’s shouting behind, Matsuda tried to focus on the card, and A Fu’s voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

“Boss, I met someone from the mud meeting, do you want to get in there?”

Afu’s side has been wandering around Shibuya Ikebukuro since he escaped last time. He is very clear that he is a crime card, but he still has the memories of the original book in the past, and his character is the same as the original book, but the object of his allegiance is now Matsuda.

The night before yesterday, after robbing a few passersby, he met the people who participated in the meeting. These people were from the nearby underworld. Ah Fu has been observing until now that he is ready to mix in with these people, and he can also provide convenience for the boss.

It’s just that Ah Fu won’t make decisions without authorization, and he must ask Matsuda’s opinion before doing it.

“Mud attend the meeting? Yes, you can sneak in and act by chance.”

Matsuda’s expression became cold, no longer smiling. He naturally didn’t forget Ah Fu, but just wanted to try to see if the character he summoned was really 100% loyal to him as introduced, and whether Ah Fu was a marionette or did he really have the character of the original book characters.

Judging from Ah Fu’s active contact, it is indeed the original work.

Cut off the connection, Matsuda looked at the card that was turned to the back again, as if it merged with the background, only some faint patterns could distinguish the background from the card.

He still doesn’t trust the characters that appear in this system, this Ah Fu, he has to observe it again.

Turning his head to listen, the conversation downstairs had briefly ended, and Conan also turned from roaring to being appeased by the doctor. Xiao Ai’s voice was too small, but it was a little incomprehensible.

The three seemed to be discussing going out, Matsuda thought for a moment, and went downstairs as usual, making some noises.

The people downstairs naturally noticed, and immediately turned to the stairs, Matsuda looked downstairs with a surprised expression.

The doctor just hung up the phone: “Okay, Professor Hirota.”

Matsuda stood on the stairs and said, “Doctor, Xiao Ai, are you going out? It’s so late.”

The doctor rubbed his head with a dry smile, nodded and said, “Yes, yes.”

Xiao Ai didn’t answer.

“Okay, I’ll stay home.”

Matsuda didn’t ask much, just nodded.

The doctor was obviously relieved, the other two children sat a little far away, Conan had a stinky face and looked like he hated Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai still couldn’t see the expression, but Matsuda had learned to judge the other party’s mood from the atmosphere emanating from Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ai seems to be a little sad now, Matsuda blinked, went upstairs to get two chocolates, and when he came down, he stuffed one to Conan and the other to Xiao Ai.

“Eat it, Xiao Ai, didn’t you just freak out at the police? Eat some chocolate and your body will warm up.”

Matsuda smiled and rubbed Xiao Ai’s head, while Conan was so shocked by Matsuda’s behavior that the chocolate fell to the ground.

The gesture of touching his head and the smile reminded him of Matsuda’s identity.

“You are Mr. Matsuda in the hospital, why are you at Dr. Agasa’s house?”

Matsuda sat next to Xiao Ai, pretended to ask Conan’s question, and showed an expression of sudden realization.

“Oh, it’s you. It seems to be called Edogawa. Hello, do you know the doctor too? I had some problems at home some time ago, so I temporarily stayed at the doctor’s house.”

Conan glanced at Matsuda suspiciously, then at Haibara Ai, who silently peeled off the wrapper and stuffed the chocolate into his mouth.

“I also live nearby and are relatives with the doctor, so I often come over to play.”

Matsuda smiled and nodded.

The doctor was about to say to go out, when a pain in the stomach. He apologized for a trip to the toilet, and the remaining three waited outside.

The atmosphere that followed was not very good, Matsuda kept looking for topics to chat with Xiao Ai, and talking about today’s events, Conan couldn’t help but follow along, and the atmosphere seemed much better.

The doctor just came out of the toilet and went to the toilet again. Matsuda concealed the calculation in his eyes and talked with the two children with a happy look.

He didn’t want Xiao Ai’s mood to be affected by Conan.

“Did the doctor eat something bad?”

Conan asked Matsuda suspiciously.

Matsuda made a memory and tapped the palm of his hand.

“He said he wanted to eat ice at night, maybe he ate too much and had diarrhea.”

After a while, several people waited for the doctor to come out, pick up the key on the table, and prepare to go out.

Matsuda stood at the door and waved his hand, letting a few people go and return early.

Conan, who tried several times in the chat, also determined that the person in front of him was just an unrelated person who was innocently involved. His attitude towards Matsuda softened a lot, and he waved goodbye to Matsuda.

Just as the doctor put on his shoes, he suddenly crouched down, covering his stomach with an ugly expression.

Matsuda immediately went to support the doctor and asked.

“Doctor, what’s wrong with you?”

“Well, I seem to have diarrhea… I ate too much ice tonight.”

Of course it wasn’t ordinary ice. After Matsuda received the call, he added some ingredients to the ice that the doctor had not eaten. It’s just that it will make people’s gastrointestinal activities more energetic. It’s not that poisons can’t be detected after the fact, so it’s suitable for this time.

The doctor clutched his stomach and ran to the toilet, Conan couldn’t even shout after him.

The remaining three you look at me, I look at you.

“Hoshi, please help me drive them there!”

In the bathroom, the doctor’s voice could be heard faintly. Matsuda looked at the car keys on the shoe cabinet and shrugged.

“Okay!” He turned to look at the two children. “Where are you going?”

Conan gave the address quickly, so the doctor was supposed to drive, but now it was Matsuda.

The three hit the road with Conan in the back seat by himself, with Haibara Ai in the co-pilot.

Matsuda looked at Conan through the rearview mirror, but he still had a stinky face, as if he didn’t like Xiao Ai very much.

“What are you going to do?”

Matsuda asked, but before Conan answered, Xiao Ai said it first.

“Take the Doctor’s floppy disk.”

“Oh, I see.”

Just like the plot in my memory, this part is about Xiao Ai and Conan going to Professor Hirota’s house to get a floppy disk, but they encountered a murder case. In the end, the floppy disk was also infected by the virus of the Dark Baron, causing the doctor’s computer to be completely emptied.

Then Matsuda stopped talking, and the two people in the car naturally had no interest in talking, and soon the car arrived at the destination.

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