Conan: The King of Villains System

Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Careful Care, Secret Confrontation! [Kneeling For Collection, Flower Evaluation Ticket]

Chapter 5 Careful care, secret confrontation! [Kneeling for collection, evaluation ticket]

After carrying Haibara Ai home, Matsuda wiped her body dry, changed clothes and stuffed her into the quilt, then wrung out the towel to cover her forehead, and then stood aside with a sigh of relief.

It is true that Matsuda likes Xiao Ai, but now he looks like a primary school student, he naturally doesn’t feel anything, and he is not Loli control, of course, what Mats Tian really likes is of course Xiao Ai’s intellectual appearance when he became Miyano Shiho.

So when he was wiping Xiao Ai, it was as if he was wiping the little sister next door, and there was no fluctuation in his heart.

Everything was done, and the water was boiled, Matsuda confirmed Xiao Ai’s body temperature.

This is not an ordinary fever and cold, but a side effect of ATPX4869. But Xiao Ai’s body temperature is still a little high, he is a little worried, and there is no food at home, which is also very troublesome.

After hesitating for a while, Matsuda decided to go out to the convenience store to buy some food, even if it was brewing cereal.

This time, he didn’t bring an umbrella with him when he went out. He rushed out in the rain, quickly picked up a bag of food, quickly settled the bill and ran home.

After panting and opening the door, Matsuda saw Xiao Ai who was still lying quietly. He let out a sigh of relief, put down the food, boiled boiling water, and brewed the cold medicine.

These medicines were prepared by him at home just in case. By the time he was sent to the hospital, it would be too late. And his status doesn’t allow him to always go to the hospital, that’s too dangerous.

The drowsy Xiao Ai floated up, and Matsuda fed the granules a little bit into Xiao Ai’s mouth with a spoon.

Matsuda used a wet towel to dry the potion at the corner of Xiao Ai’s mouth, and then put her down smoothly, and then he took the bento and put it in the microwave to warm it up.

After five minutes of heated ding, he got up from Haibara Ai to get his bento, the childish gasp from behind.

Ai wakes up!

Matsuda restrained his excitement, and thought of a countermeasure between the lights and flint, and turned to face Xiao Ai who opened his eyes in confusion.

“You’re awake? My friend, why did you suddenly faint? It’s very dangerous to run around outside when you have a cold.”

While speaking the same words as ordinary adults preaching, Matsuda was observing Xiao Ai’s expression, trying to confirm whether the other party could recognize him.

Haibara Ai focused her dilated pupils and looked at the stranger and the unfamiliar room in front of her, but she didn’t return to her consciousness for a while.

She only remembered that she broke free from the handcuffs and escaped from the organization, thinking of coming to find the clue that Edogawa Conan was Kudou Shinichi, but she didn’t expect that there was a strange man in front of her.

Haibara Ai’s memory was stuck on hitting someone and the thread was broken. At this moment, she found herself wearing a loose men’s shirt with half-dry hair, and her eyes widened.

“Big brother, are you Loli control?”

Fortunately, Haibara Ai stopped her surprise in time and kept her setting. She is now an elementary school girl, not an adult woman, which is not surprising – not to mention that she is very dry and has no discomfort. Traces, at least that the person in front of him is not a bad person.


Matsuda opened his mouth wide, showing a shocked expression.

The first sentence the goddess said to herself was actually this, Matsuda was a little bit dumbfounded, but he had to play the role of an ordinary college student with no scheming.

“I saw that you were soaking wet and had a cold, so I wiped you and changed my shirt. Ah, this shirt is clean, I haven’t worn it yet!”

Matsuda’s performance was very qualified. He deliberately held his breath a little, his face was naturally red, his ears were also red, and even his eyes were stained with water vapor, as if he was really afraid of being misunderstood.

“I was joking, thank you big brother.”

Haibara’s gaze stopped for a moment on Matsuda’s face, which she always thought looked familiar, but she was pretty sure this was the first time she’d met this stranger.

Haibara Ai woke up and observed the room calmly. There was no clutter like a normal single college boy. The room looked very clean, but there was a sense of life everywhere. The half-opened cupboard door was neatly folded with thick quilts and some small toys underneath. And the book, there is a convenience store bag still stained with water droplets on the table, and it is printed on 7-11, which is a nearby convenience store chain.

Through the reflection of the TV on the side, Haibara Ai could see the balcony behind her, drying the clothes that she didn’t have time to put away. People who live alone often have the bad habit of collecting clothes until they are dry.

To sum up, this is a very ordinary room.

That is to say, she bumped into the boy when he was shopping at a convenience store. It was just a coincidence.

Putting down her guard, Haibara Ai was about to speak when Matsuda interrupted her.

“Are you hungry? I can’t cook, but do you want to eat a sandwich you just bought at the convenience store?”

Matsuda rummaged through the bag at the convenience store, took out a sandwich and handed it to Haibara Ai.

There was still a bit of rain on the cool sandwich, but the inside was still intact. Haibara Ai looked down, and it didn’t have a special price tag on it.

“I eat this.”

I saw Matsuda grinning and tearing at the very hot curry pork chop rice bento with a convenience store half-price sticker on it. This is a promotional measure made by convenience stores when the general bento is about to expire.

“Peanut butter and blueberry jam sandwiches?”

Haibara Ai said looking at the label on the sandwich in her hand.

This is her favorite taste, is it a coincidence?

“I’m afraid you’ll wake up hungry, so you went to the convenience store to buy some and came back. I don’t know if you like it or not. There’s still—”

Matsuda put down his chopsticks, dragged the convenience bag over to Haibara Ai, and took it out as if he was sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Nori and prune sandwiches, chocolate bread, chow mein bread.

And milk, orange juice.

Looking as if she had run out of breads that could be eaten in the convenience store, Haibara Ai shook her head aside her doubts and said, “I like this flavor.”

She opened the sandwich and ate it in small bites. Matsuda smiled and watched her eat. The stomach made a sound, as if she had just remembered.

Haibara Ai is a very vigilant and suspicious person. Matsuda must not expose his flaws before gaining her trust. Even if he knows what Xiao Ai likes to eat, he will deliberately buy a bunch of irrelevant things. Only in this way will the other party not Doubt arises.

Eating the bento in a carefree manner, Matsuda carefully observed Haibara Ai’s expression out of the corner of his eyes. Seeing the innocent and soft expression on the other side, he knew that he had passed this level temporarily, and he was relieved.

The two did not have the habit of eating and talking, so they solved it quickly. Matsuda put the milk in the straw and stuffed it into Haibara Ai’s hand. He picked up the oolong tea and drank it. May I help contact your parents?”

Hearing this, Haibara Ai stopped drinking the milk, and her eyes wandered around the room. She saw a few books on the bookshelf by the bed, and suddenly she had an idea: “Haibara, my name is Haibara.”

Matsuda looked back at the bookshelf. There were several detective and mystery novels on it, not to mention the famous Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes, and even the slightly unpopular “Golden Slippers”.

On the surface, he is an ordinary college student who is a reasoning fan.

Matsuda thought for a while, then nodded: “My name is Matsuda Hiroshi.”


Haibara kept her head down and continued drinking the milk, avoiding the subject of her parents.

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