Conan: The King of Villains System

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Life With Xiao Ai? This Is Perfect! [Kneeling For Collection, Flower Evaluation]

Chapter 9 Life with Xiao Ai? This is perfect! [Kneeling for collection, evaluation ticket]

After being briefly questioned at the police station, the two were put together by the police. All the clues are too straightforward, and there is nothing to investigate. The police went to check according to what Matsuda said, and determined that the scene was in line with his description.

Because when Matsuda first tortured men, he thought about not leaving traces that would be noticed as a means of punishment.

After all, the moment he saw the man, he decided to kill him.

Xiao Ai was sitting in the chair of the police station drinking the hot milk that the female police officer handed her, her expression was a little tense, and she looked like a frightened little girl from the outside.

But Matsuda knew that Xiao Ai must be so scared because he recognized the identity of the man in the black suit.

You must know that Xiao Ai can recognize who is a member of the Black Organization with her unforgettable eyes. If it wasn’t because Matsuda appeared here in another world, if “Kazama” came by herself, Xiao Ai probably would have will recognize it immediately.

“How’s it going? Xiao Ai?”

The doctor rushed in from the gate all the way, and when he saw Xiao Ai, he quickly lowered his body to look left and right, and was relieved when he found that the other party had no wounds.

Matsuda lay aside, the wound on his abdomen had been treated, but the pain started to slowly recover at this moment. It was as if he had been hit with adrenaline. The pain was not strong. I cried out in pain.

The doctor turned to look for Matsuda, saw him running over quickly, noticed the bandage around his waist, and opened his eyes.

“Why are you so badly injured? It’s so pitiful to hear the police officer say that you were attacked by a gangster. Mr. Matsuda, are you okay?”

“It’s okay, I am very lucky. If Xiao Ai hadn’t arrived to help me divert that person’s attention, I wouldn’t have been able to escape with her.”

Matsuda smiled and waved his hand, looking like he didn’t care at all.

Haibara Ai’s eyes flickered, but she didn’t speak.

As Xiao Ai’s guardian, the doctor was called in by the police to explain the matter, and now there are only two people left.

“That person mentioned the organization… Mr. Matsuda, do you know anything?”

Xiao Ai didn’t forget what she heard, but for Matsuda’s desperate effort to lead her to escape, she still made up her mind to speak.

“Organization? That’s me cheating on him,” Matsuda winked with a playful look, but Haibara Ai didn’t smile at all, still looking at him. He could only sigh, slumped his shoulders and said, “Okay, I was mentioned by a lady the year before, but she didn’t say much, just told me she was there, I thought it was a joke at first She passed away some time ago, let me know it turned out to be true…”


Unexpectedly, the person in front of her is related to the members of the Black Organization, and Xiao Ai frowned.

“Her eyes are very similar to yours, and then the hair is a little darker than yours, three or seven points. But I can’t tell you her name, I don’t know if those people are still planning something, so I can’t tell anyone about him – so much because you’re cute.”

Matsuda blinked at Xiao Ai, but Haibara Ai was no longer in the mood to think about it, she opened her eyes wide, grabbed Matsuda’s collar and shouted at him: “Did you smile very tenderly and look beautiful, A cheerful girl who looks a little older than you?”

“Huh? Why do you know, Xiao Ai?”

Matsuda opened his eyes in surprise.

This was of course intentional. He deliberately placed the information that was revealed on Miyano Akemi’s head, so that Xiao Ai would naturally have some trust in him.

“She, under what circumstances did she tell you this?”

However, Haibara Ai has always been cautious, and instead of immediately believing Matsuda’s words, she asked rhetorically.

“One day I was walking down the street two years ago and saw a girl crying a lot, so I went up to comfort her, she said that her boyfriend had gone far away. Then we chatted, and suddenly there was a girl dressed in black. The man in the clothes came and took her away. That person is the man of today. After that, I met three times. Although we had a good chat, she left in a hurry each time. The last time I met her was not long before she passed away. She told me not to talk to her anymore, I asked her why, Miyano-san told me not to ask too much. Then I went to work at the bank, I said to give her a ride, she disagreed, and finally told me to let me I was careful so that I didn’t have to worry too much about her, she was very strong. I was still worried, I overheard a phone call after her, and she mentioned the organization. Then I found out that I was following, and came up to tell me not to pursue it any further. Down. This is the last of us.”

After Matsuda finished speaking, Haibara Ai’s hand tightened and squeezed Matsuda’s collar into crumpled.

“What is this organization? Do you know Xiao Ai?”


Haibara Ai didn’t answer, she lowered her head, suppressing her inner turmoil.

It turned out that the man wasn’t tracking her down, but. Matsuda actually met her sister before she passed away, and the relationship between the two doesn’t seem to be very bad, why? She didn’t want to involve Matsuda, but he had already entered the game early.

The two were at a stalemate, and the doctor came out after finishing the record, looking a little embarrassed at the scene in front of him.

“Xiao Ai, Mr. Matsuda, go back first.”

Haibara Ai let go and Matsuda stood up and reached out to Haibara Ai.

“Let’s go, Xiao Ai, go home.”

Haibara Ai stretched out his hand silently, and the man who was a stranger until yesterday took his hand.

The three walked home slowly. The wound on Matsuda’s abdomen seemed to bleed a lot. After the doctor’s treatment, it did not affect the movement. It was only occasionally that there was sudden pain.

As soon as he entered the door, Haibara Ai took the doctor and walked inside. Matsuda didn’t eavesdrop, but he was also uneasy, wondering whether Xiao Ai believed his words.

After a while, it seemed like an hour had passed in Matsuda’s senses, the pointer skipped one space, and Xiao Ai and the doctor came out.

“Mr. Matsuda, do you want to live here temporarily? Your side has become the scene of the police collecting evidence. In Mr. Matsuda’s situation, it is convenient for you to live here first to help. What do you think?”

Dr.Agasa touched the back of his head and hit haha, his eyes were always looking at Haibara Ai involuntarily.

Matsuda immediately understood whose idea this was, and it seemed that Xiao Ai believed his words, which was really pleasing, and he didn’t expect cohabitation to come so quickly!

He said how embarrassed he was, and put on an embarrassed look, but in fact his heart was already blooming.

Finally, the doctor said, your deposit is not too much, so Matsuda had to accept this proposal.

“Thank you very much. I was still worrying about what to do just now. After all, it’s too difficult to find a place to live temporarily. I’m still wondering if I can only live in a capsule hotel, hahaha.”

Matsuda let out a hearty laugh, with a heartless appearance, and then lowered his head and quickly covered his stomach because of the vibration of his abdomen, oops.

“Mr. Matsuda!”

Xiao Ai rushed up and covered the back of Matsuda’s hand with her small hand.

“Ah, I’m fine, Xiao Ai, don’t worry, I’m very strong!”

Matsuda touched Xiao Ai’s head, the latter’s expression was still full of haze.

So, Matsuda stayed at Dr. Agasa’s house.

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