Conan’s Strongest Uncle

Chapter 94

Chapter 0094 ‘Teaching’ Kazuha2

In the dojo, Mouri Kogoro’s palm had left Tōyama Kazuha’s thigh and came to Kazuha’s belly.

“Kazuha, Aikido is a kind of martial arts that wins with one blow. The key is to keep one’s body and others in harmony. You need to perfectly integrate yourself with the surrounding environment. You follow my breath and start breathing.”

The bodies of the two were pressed together tightly, and Tōyama Kazuha’s face was red and bleeding. Hearing Mouri Kogoro’s words, he breathed along with the sound of breath coming from Mouri Kogoro.

Inhaling air, the two of them bulged slightly at the same time, exhaled air, and both bodies contracted at the same time. Gradually, their breath and heartbeat rhythm became exactly the same.

Mouri Kogoro’s heartbeat was like a heavy drum, beating in Kazuha’s mind, making Kazuha’s mind unable to hold other things.

Mouri Kogoro’s hand on Kazuha’s abdomen began to slowly climb upwards, and he said, “Yes, that’s it, let it be.”

Tōyama Kazuha only felt a wave of heat rising from her abdomen, and finally stopped in front of her chest. Her sandalwood mouth was slightly open, and her red face was full of surprise, but she did not make any resistance.

Mouri Kogoro, who was standing behind Kazuha, showed a smile on his face. With a big hand, he instantly grabbed a mass of extremely elastic softness. Although it was only full and grippy, its elasticity that belonged to a girl was the best.

Tōyama Kazuha’s tranquil and natural mood was suddenly broken, her heart beat rapidly, her pretty face blushed, she stretched out her hand to push Mouri Kogoro, and shouted: “Mr. Mouri, what are you doing? Don’t do this, let me go.”

But she herself didn’t realize that it was useless to push Mouri’s hands at all, and the words she said were more like flirting.

“How can I let go of a girl as cute as Kazuha?” Mouri Kogoro leaned over, the magnetic voice reached Kazuha’s ears, the warm breath hit her earlobe, and Tōyama Kazuha resisted getting smaller.

At this moment, the figure of her childhood sweetheart, Hattori Heiji, suddenly appeared in Tōyama Kazuha’s mind. When she thought of this, the strength of her palms could not help to resist.

But Mouri Kogoro’s face suddenly appeared in front of him.

A kiss on Kazuha’s small mouth.

This kiss instantly smashed the figure of Hattori Heiji into countless pieces in Tōyama Kazuha’s mind, and replaced it with the manly Mouri Kogoro in front of him.

Tōyama Kazuha lowered his hands gradually, his amber eyes narrowed slightly, and he began to respond slowly.

Mouri Kogoro’s palms kept moving, flexibly untied Kazuha’s clothes under him, and the white martial arts uniform fell on the martial arts arena. (A thousand words omitted here)

In a villa, Hattori Heiji straightened the green hat on his head, and there seemed to be a bad premonition in his heart, but he didn’t care, and looked at the client who had just suffered the loss of his child in front of him, watching the person who killed him. The golden retriever ‘John’ said confidently, “This is not an accident, but a complete murder case, and the culprit is John’s owner, Mr. Itaguchi.”

“Mr. Banguchi, the key to killing Xiaogang lies in the ringing of the phone, the sound of the bell, and your instructions, Mr. Banguchi, these three sounds can make John attack, Mr. Banguchi, if you don’t believe it, then we You can do a test.”

Hattori Heiji took the phone and approached John in the cage. A police officer immediately called the phone. The bell rang, and John the Golden Retriever stood up, looking alert. At this time, Officer Megure took out the tape recorder and called the The recorded hourly chimes are played.

The golden retriever John immediately bared his teeth, as if preparing to attack.

Hattori Heiji said to Mr. Itaguchi, “Please, Mr. Itaguchi, repeat what you said to John before!”

The face of the board kept shaking, and finally he sighed: “I plead guilty, I ordered John to do it.”

The father of the deceased Xiaogang rushed up quickly, grabbed the collar of the board, and made a gesture to fight: “You bastard, why did you kill my son, why?”

Bankou yelled that his son was bullied to death by Xiaogang on campus.

This is another case of revenge caused by school bullying. Hattori Heiji dusted off the dust on his head and put it on again. He ignored the grievance between Bankou and Xiaogang’s father and walked out of the villa.

After Hattori Heiji solved the case this time, he was not happy at all. Instead, he felt a dull feeling in his chest. It felt like he had lost something important. The office is gone.

Tōyama Kazuha was a new recruit in the martial arts field and could not bear to be whipped. Mouri Kogoro looked at Tōyama Kazuha who was in unbearable pain on the ground, and couldn’t help but cast a healing technique on him to repair his injury, and then continued to test the depth of Tōyama Kazuha. People are getting better and better, and Kazuha’s swaying body shows a satisfied smile.

The battle died out after more than three hours.

Mouri Kogoro and Tōyama Kazuha changed back to their original clothes, and the two walked out of the martial arts field together, but at this time they were completely different from the scene when they entered the martial arts field in the morning.

Tōyama Kazuha was like a petite wife, holding Mouri Kogoro’s arms tightly with both hands, her face flushed slightly, and a hint of shyness flashed from time to time. The little girl was as sweet as it was when she first met love, and said everything to Mouri Kogoro.

The two did not return to the office, and their physical strength was greatly reduced after repeated training. Mouri Kogoro took Tōyama Kazuha to eat a beef dinner to replenish the physical energy consumed today.

After the meal, the two went to the movies and kissed passionately in the theater, just like the young couple, until it was nearly nine o’clock in the evening, before the two took a ride back to Mouri’s office.

When it was time to go home and part, Tōyama Kazuha said with reluctance in his eyes, “Mouri-kun, my mother has learned about the big case of Blizzard Villa and asked me to go back to Osaka tomorrow, what should I do? I can’t bear you, I don’t want to go back.”

Mouri Kogoro grabbed Kazuha’s high ponytail, hugged her in his arms, and comforted her softly: “Since Kazuha’s mother is worried about you, then you can go back, anyway, Osaka and Tokyo are very close, and it will be there in two hours. , I will visit you when I have time, and remember to come and find me when you have time, come to Tokyo when you are on vacation, and live with me.”

“Hey, Kazuha, why don’t you transfer schools and come to Tokyo. Come to school here, and we can have the opportunity to be together more.”

Kazuha blushed slightly when he heard this, and there was a gleam of longing in his eyes, but he quickly sighed: “Mouri-kun, I can’t leave my parents for the time being, wait for me, I will definitely come to Tokyo for the university entrance exam.”

“Okay, I’ll wait for you.” After that, the two kissed again.

The two returned to the place, and as soon as they opened the door, they saw Hattori Heiji like black coal, and the two quietly released their clasped hands behind them.

Hattori Heiji complained, “Kazuha, where have you been, and why have you been there for so long? I’m tired of waiting for you.” After that, he yawned.

Tōyama Kazuha immediately replied, “Mr. Mouri taught me martial arts today, so I came back late.”

“Okay, then, we’re going back, we’ll take the Shinkansen back to Osaka tomorrow!” Hattori Heiji got up from the sofa and walked out.

The two said their goodbyes to Mouri Kogoro, and then descended the stairs.

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