Count’s Youngest Son is a Warlock

Chapter 147: Hume is Hume (2)


Hume straightened up in surprise.

He only found and took out items buried in jewels and money.

This time it wasn’t a sword.

It was a small jewel box.

Hume immediately let go of the thing when he saw Lucion shivering.

“I’m sorry, young master!”


With the sound of falling to the ground, the cold air that had leaked from the jewel box stopped.

“Are you cold?”

Hume hurriedly took a blanket out of my pocket and covered Lucion. His body was already unstable because of the black beads.

[This is not magic……?]

Russell, who was staring at the jewel box, said slightly mesmerized.

“What do you mean?”

Lucion asked, winding himself around the blanket.

[I can’t feel any mana in that jewel box. It’s not light, it’s not darkness. It’s… What is it?]

It looked like a pretty jewel box, but didn’t it reveal that Hume had some power just now?

Ratta, who was sticking tightly to Lucion, carefully approached and touched with her front feet.


Ratta’s eyes grew bigger.

“It only comes out to Hume, so no matter how hard I tap it, it doesn’t come out.”

Lucion sent the darkness to catch the jeweler’s box.

Wind howls.

Lucion stopped as the cold air sprang out like a fume.


Lucion took the darkness off the jewel box in surprise.

The cold air was far less than that of Hume, but what’s more important is that it came out.

[Lucion? I don’t know about Hume, but why are you cold?]

Lucion stammered when Russell asked in bewilderment.

That was what he wanted to ask right now.

“I’d like to ask that, too. I… Why did I…….”

“Young master….. Are you also a monster?”

Hume looked at Lucion with such a confused expression.


Lucion also wavered for a moment, but soon regained his balance and dismissed it.

―Ah? No, Lucion. Ratta came out, too. Look at this!

Ratta pointed to a puddle the size of a fingernail in the place where the jewel box had just been.

“Ratta, you came out, too?”

Lucion asked again, and Ratta touched the jewel box with her front paws like before.

[…..What in the world.]

Russell, looking down from the top, swept his forehead.

It’s a very small amount, but there must be cold air.

Lucion was puzzled by Russell’s reaction and asked,

“Did she really come out?”


“What’s wrong with this…?”

Is it an operation error or something like that?

[Wait a minute.]

Russell finally confirmed himself to find a solution to the situation in which not only Hume but also Lucion and Ratta reacted.

As Russell moved his lips and muttered something, the darkness around him came into his hands.

―Russell just told Darkness to come here. Ratta heard it.

Ratta ran to Lucion and whispered softly.

Even if she didn’t run, she could hear everything because it rang in her head.

Lucion knelt briefly, wrapping his stomach, as he stroked Ratta.

The darkness gathered at the tip of Russell’s finger, and he made it touch the jewel box.

It was similar to Ratta, but the cold air was young.

Russell, who had had enough of the darkness, mentioned one thing that he had found out for sure.

[You’re the reason why this is happening, Lucion.]

“I didn’t do anything.”

Lucion naturally denied the situation.

But as soon as he finished speaking, he paused for a moment. He smoothed my fingers and realized.

“Teacher, Ratta, and Hume are all connected to me.”

[That’s right. You and I are contracted; Ratta is born out of your darkness, and Hume is receiving your darkness like rice.]

“Black… Is it because of the black beads?”

[Maybe, maybe not. Because you’ve never checked like this before, you got a black bead.]

“That’s true. There are only a few cases, so it’s hard to be sure.”

Lucion exhaled briefly and urged Hume.

“Hume. It’s no big deal, just absorb it.”

“All right. It may be cold, but please wait a little bit. I’ll absorb it in a minute.”

Hume checked the blanket covered by Lucion, approached the jeweler’s box and opened it carefully.

Inside, there was a jewel that resembled an eyeball.

No, it was so similar that he thought it was really an eyeball.

His heart throbbed for a moment.

Hume did not know what this feeling was.

When Hume grabbed the jewel, it broke into pieces and permeated Hume.

―Even if everyone forgets us, I hope that someone who carries our blood will remember us. The pride that followed the darkness. Our real names!


As his hair grew longer and his gaze rose, Hume heard a certain voice in him.

He wondered if it was a wicked complusion.

Hume felt strangely touched by that voice, and it hurt.

Sadness, sorrow, suffering, despair, and hope.

His eyes were blurred with tears. He closed his eyes for a moment and then opened them.


As he exhaled, cold air erupted through his breath with falling tears.

Those who follow the darkness.

They called themselves 'La Vie en'[1]La vie is French for “the life” In French, c’est la vie means “that’s life,” borrowed into English as an idiom to express acceptance or resignation, much like Oh well. .

“….La Vie en.”

Hume uttered the words out of his mouth.

“La Vie en?”

Strangely enough, Lucion didn’t ignore the little sound that he would not have normally heard except today.

―Don’t cry, Hume. Did it hurt to absorb the power? Do you want Ratta to blow it away?

Ratta ran to Hume and rubbed herself on his leg.

“No. It doesn’t hurt.”

Hume held Ratta in his arms and stroked him.

“However, someone’s voice… is streaming in. This is what you call  a “wicked compulsion”, right?”

Hume put his long hair behind his ear.

[That’s right. That’s what we call magic, which infuses memories into objects. But it’s really hard to succeed.]

He still didn’t remember, but didn’t Russell himself use black magic so that only he could recognize it in his notebook?

He said that he used certain black magic and lost memory because of the side effects of black magic, and as a result, he saved “black” with the black magic.

“The man who came into my head said, ‘We followed the darkness and told me to remember them, La Vie En.’”

Hume bit his lips for a moment and then finally went on.

“……By referring to them as ‘us.’ ”

The meaning contained in ‘us’ was so great.

Hume had absorbed not only the jewels in that jewel box but also the bone-mixed sword known as the monster.

It was possible because he was a monster.

But that voice just denied everything.

They were not monsters. They called themselves ‘La Vie en’.

In reference to pride.

“Am… Am I not a monster?”

Hume’s eyes shook.

Because it wasn’t what the warlock who created him wanted.

Maybe he was trapped in a very small world with no windows because he was different.

“I’m a defective product, so I was stuck in that tiny little room without doing anything? I…….”

“You’re a human being.”

Lucion held Hume steady.

I held on even tighter because I expected that I would never be shaken by something like this until now.

“Whether you’re a monster or a La Vie En, you’re Hume. Hume, my butler.”

He didn’t know anything else, but there was no element to hold the ego as clearly as the name.

Yes, Hume is Hume.

Ratta nodded.

[That’s right. You’re Hume.]

Russell also gave strength to his voice.

“What did I say, Hume? Didn’t I say that it doesn’t matter if you’re a monster or not?”

Lucion took off his mask and looked at Hume.

At that unshakable look, Hume closed his lips tightly and nodded.

“Yes. …That’s what you said.”

“Where are you from?”

“It’s Keortia.”

“What’s your name?”

“…Hume. That’s the name you gave me.”

Only then did the shaking settle in Hume’s eyes.

But he looked as if he would burst into tears right away.

“Do you like your room now?”

Lucion asked with a smile.


Hume’s voice was deafening.

“I didn’t know the stars were so pretty. I didn’t know the moonlight was so bright. I didn’t know the night sky, the darkness I’ve always seen, would be this warm.”

A smile hung over Hume’s mouth, but his head bowed slowly.

“Everyone laughs at me every day, calling me Hume. The young master, the mistress, and Antony are all kind to me.”

The voice became deeply wet.

Tears trickled down to the floor.

He realized how happy he was to smile face to face with someone.

He realized how fun the fun was, slightly different in the same repeated day.

“I… am Hume.”

At that time, he had to think about nothing to hold out in the space.

He was lonely.

He felt lost.

He was so scared that if he said it out loud like that, he would be admitting that he had been abandoned.

He was so scared that he would rather lose control of his body and watch himself walk around.

In the end, he knew that his body was out of control, but he couldn’t leave it even though he knew it was a space where no one was there.

He was able to run out and meet Lucion like this.

“I am your butler.”

Hume gave strength to his voice.

No words could express how he felt now.

Lucion’s butler.

It was his pride now.

* * *

[Lord Lucion]

Bethel came down.

It seemed that the members of the organization had arrived.

Lucion nodded and looked at Hume.

“Are you feeling better now?”

Hume, wiping the dust off Rattas’s tail, looked at Lucion with an awkward smile.

“Yes. I’m sorry. I was not good enough, so I bothered the young master for no reason.”

“No. Of course I should care. Don’t ever apologize for it again. Never again.”

Lucion’s voice rose slightly, but Hume rather laughed.

Isn’t everyone saying this because they’re worried about themselves?

“All right. I won’t apologize for this anymore.”

[What happened…….?]

[I’ll tell you later.]

Russell approached Bethel and whispered softly. Bethel nodded when she felt something had happened.


Hume opened his eyes slightly wide.

“There’s something I couldn’t tell you.”


―Ratta is curious too!

Ratta’s tail was caught in Hume’s hand, and only the tip of the tail was shaken.

Otherwise, Lucion continued to care about Hume’s words.

Lucion thought the whole time, watching Hume stop crying and calm down, and then put all the treasure in his magic pocket.

The man who came into his head said, “They followed the darkness and asked me to remember themselves, La Vie En.”

What Hume said.

―They were born in the dark and became servants of the dark.

The story of a black figure after obtaining a black bead.

The part “followed the darkness” strangely overlapped.

‘Is it a…..coincidence?’

Lucion thought hard, but could not come to any conclusion.

There was a lack of information, and he didn’t want to be clumsily sure.

What if it’s not?

‘I want to get the next black bead and know the contents after that.’

Suddenly, the flavor of the persimmon rose sharply.

If I could buy the next story, I would want to buy it right away.

‘The only whereabouts of the black beads I know are Prince Myronst and Broson.’

When Lucion opened his folded finger and saw Hume, he rose from his seat with sparkling eyes.

“I absorbed the jewelry earlier, so I gained the ability.”

“What’s your skill?”

It’s not like Hume; it’s been moxibustion.

Hume had the ability to transform into a woman, the ability to store and reproduce memories in his head for a day, or about three days now, and the ability to remember and track enormous power and smell.

“Isn’t it an ability related to proximity?”’

Lucion thought for a moment.

With an excited expression, the ice was made from Hume’s hand as he 

unfolded his hand.


Lucion doubted his eyes.

Hume had no mana. He couldn’t use magic without Mana.

But how can he explain that ice?

  • 1.La vie is French for “the life” In French, c’est la vie means “that’s life,” borrowed into English as an idiom to express acceptance or resignation, much like Oh well.

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