Count’s Youngest Son is a Warlock

Chapter 148: Hume is Hume (3)

[Wow………. He used magic without a mana? I’m going crazy. Lucion, I don’t know how to express how I feel since I met you.]

Russell hit him hard on the forehead.

Lucion created the creature of darkness.

As the creature of darkness, Ratta could not only immediately extract the souls of the dead, but also stop the use of black magic at any time.

And Hume used magic without mana.

“It’s not magic. It’s an ability to consume and use the darkness I received from the young master.”

Hume smiled broadly.

―Is Hume like Ratta? Is he the same thing as Ratta?

Ratta’s eyes twinkled.

“I can’t tell you it’s the same because I haven’t felt how Ratta uses darkness.”

Hume crouched down and stroked Ratta.

When Ratta says “shoo,” he loses all his energy. Lucion’s darkness fills Rata’s darkness right away when you think, “Ah, Rata is out of energy now.” Well, Rata’s fine now. What if Hume loses strength like Rata?

―When Ratta starts using ‘shion’, Ratta loses all her strength. When Ratta thinks, ‘Ah, Ratta has no energy anymore,’ Lucion’s darkness immediately fills Ratta’s darkness. Well, Ratta is fine now. What if Hume becomes as weak as Ratta?

When she found out that Hume was different from her, Ratta looked at him with concern.

“I have to control it well. I don’t want to lose control of my body.”

Lucion took out the darkness and imbued it into Hume.

“No. It won’t happen before I fall, so let’s take Ratta out.”

“Yes, sir!”

Although masked, Hume still noticed that Lucion was pleased.

At the same time, Hume was happy.

* * *

Lucion walked to the hole that Hume had drilled.

“It’s up there, right?”

He asked Bethel as he pointed upward with his finger.

[Yeah. This hole is deep, so I’m looking for a way to get down safely.]

Bethel nodded.

Lucion and Hume were a minority, but the majority were those brought by Kran.

The risk was high to fall through this hole.

“Hume. Go up the stairs and pierce the entrance.”

“All right. I’ll be moving in a minute.”

As Hume put Ratta down, Ratta tactfully entered Lucion’s shadow.

Only then did Lucion look at the hole in the ceiling.

“Can my darkness even reach there?”

He didn’t know when he came down, but it was far away to go up again.

[Of course you can. Try it]

Russell pointed to the hole in the ceiling as if he were hesitating.

“Yes. Then I’ll try.”

Lucion took the darkness out of his hands.

‘Now. Stick to the ceiling. Strongly.’

The darkness stretched out to the ceiling, making it long and thin like a spider’s web.


Ratta, peeping out of Lucion’s shadow, looked at the darkness and was amazed.

Even Bethel, who was curious, blinked and showed more interest in the different appearance.

[This spider web……Or is it not?]

“That’s right, though it didn’t turn out to be real.”

Although it was not as thin as a real spider’s web, the darkness stretched out and clung to it near the ceiling hole.

‘Oh, it’s stronger than I thought?’

When Lucion pulled the darkness, the adhesion was quite good.

―Oh! It looks like a slingshot is being pulled! Ratta have an idea.

He felt like he would understand it without having to listen to the rest.

“Ratta. I didn’t mean to ride it like a slingshot.”

Even though darkness is not as fast as light, he thought it would be faster if he received momentum like a slingshot.

―Ratta hasn’t said anything yet. How did you know?

Ratta’s ears perked up and her eyes widened.

“But it’s a pretty good idea.”

Russell, who was chuckling, stopped laughing at Lucion’s words and looked at him with anxious eyes.

[You’re not really going to use it…… right?]

“Here we go.”

Lucion sped off at Russell’s words, sucking in the darkness from both hands.


―Whooooooo! Hooooo!

Ratta, who was at first surprised, gradually enjoyed the pace with Lucion, and when they popped out of the hole quickly, she was busy laughing.

[Oh……! Good application, Lucion.]

Russell immediately praised Lucion.

He only taught him how to take out the darkness from his body and use it, not how to put it back in.

He was not saying this because he was his student, but it was a really good application.

When Lucion popped out of the hole, not only Kran but also Peter and the Reint Mercenary Crop were surprised.

They weren’t expecting him to come out of that hole.

“An entrance will be made soon.”

A calm voice came out, which surprised everyone.


Soon there was a violent sound. Hume smiled, opened the door, and walked out.

“Did you see that?”

Lucion pointed to Hume.

“The target to be saved is down there.”

“Good work, Hamel.”

Reint bowed to Hamel with respect.

He really didn’t expect to be moving this late.

This made it worth getting sick.

Now he knew why there are many people who are worried about Hamel as well as Kran.

He’s running on his own, so they were bound to be worried.

“No, I am rather sorry to call you so late at night.”

Lucion apologized in an apologetic voice, and Reint unwittingly uttered an exclamation.

How can you hate him when he’s not only humble but also speaks the truth.

What a proper person.

Reint had a deep desire to be close to Hamel.

“Mr. Kran. I’m sorry I acted arbitrarily alone.”

Lucion was a little late, but apologized to Kran.

In any case, he was a member of the organization and handled things on his own, so he had better apologize to Kran.

“No. Isn’t the goal of the organization peace and freedom? I’m just grateful to be able to do it right away.”

“Well, then, Kran. We’ll move first. If it’s a rescue mission, don’t worry, I’ve done it quite a bit!”

Reint interrupted the two and bowed to Kran.

“Ah. I’ll be with you in a moment.”

When Kran’s permission was granted, the Reint Mercenary Crops moved.


Last but not least, Reint, who was about to depart, called Peter, who was standing still.

Peter looked at Hamel with a annoyed expression.

He wanted to have a few words with Hamel himself.

He wanted to apologize again for his recent action, and he wanted to brag that he met a saint.

“Okay. Here we go, here we go.”

“As expected, alcohol is the best.”

Lucion heard through the ghost that Peter and Reint had a big fight under the influence of alcohol, and had become close ever since.

Is it better to get close by fighting?

“Ah! Hamel.”

Reint turned around instead of going.

“I, met the saint.”

Reint gave a thumbs up.

Since he couldn’t express his feelings with any exclamation, he poured out all his emotions with his thumb.

“So did I! Next time, I hope Hamel can see the saint. A saint is a man…….”

Peter was dragged away by Reint’s hand, with admiration similar to that of Crane.

[Wow! Must be nice, Lucion. They’re busy complimenting you! As expected of my student!]

Russell deliberately looked at Lucion and praised him.

He was also happy, and it was the most enjoyable to tease at times like this.

―Yes, yes! As expected of Ratta’s Lucion!

Ratta took what Russell had spilled and said in a happy voice.


Even Bethel laughed, turning her head and desperately blocking her mouth.

It was so hard for Ratta to hold back her smile because she didn’t even know Russell was trying to make fun of Lucion on purposely.

“Me too… I would like to see you.”

He wanted to say the same, but Hume managed to hold his itchy mouth.

‘I’m going crazy. What’s wrong with everyone…?’

Lucion was itching to death.

Saint Lucion was only born in the hands of maids.

He grew up beautifully and couldn’t hide his oats, but before that, he was often criticized for being gloomy.

Even if you say that now, you’re an idiot if you can’t you believe it.

“…I’m very late.”

Kran carefully took off his lips after the mercenaries and members of the organization withdrew.

“No. I came in time. Rental. Give me that.”

Lucion reached for Hume.

Hume took the broken black necklace out of his pocket.

As soon as he saw the black necklace, Crane’s hands trembled.

It was an expression he couldn’t tell whether it was joy or anger.


At Lucion’s call, Kran replied gravely, with an expression that it had come.

“…Yes, Hamel.”

“I’ll hear from you later.”

Lucion put this behind him so that Kran would not feel burdened, and pointed to Kran with a nod to Hume.

When Hume held out a black necklace, Kran choked on a clue he had found in decades.

“Thank you…… Thank you so much, Hamel.”

“And take this. I found it while I was waiting.”

Lucion additionally handed over the data to Kran.

It was confirmed that places like this were scattered throughout the empire.

Of course, it’s not all marked, but it’ll definitely help Kran.

And once Kran gets the information, he can naturally refer to the divine state of Nevast.

But he couldn’t tell Kran what he found out for now.

“I’ll go first.”


Kran’s face was distorted by additional information.

Hamel probably won’t know what this means.

No, it didn’t matter if he didn’t know.

I was so thankful.

Finally, after a decade or so, I got it back.

He vowed to find out why his country, Keortia, disappeared, no matter how many years it took. 

This job was like a lifelong long-cherished desire.

“No, I’ll answer you in a minute.”

Kran tried to smile.

Apart from his long-cherished desire, he decided to follow Lucion. He didn’t want to make any more secrets from him.

“You can take it easy and answer it.”

‘Because I already know.’

Lucion swallowed back his words and lightly tapped Kran on the shoulder.

He considered whether to hand over the letter he had found to Kran, but in the end, he could not.

It was not because the truth was cruel. Rather, it was because he was worried that Kran would collapse.

This was not the time for Kran to collapse, and it has not changed that he was a key figure in the organization ale, whether it be the pantsman or whatever.

“…… Hamel.”


“I will continue to follow you.”


Lucion replied in a voice of slight weakness.

Whatever the reason, the fact that he hid the truth made his mind heavy for no reason.

“Thank you for your hard work.”

Kran stared there until Lucion disappeared.

* * *

“…I believed it! I trusted you to the end!”

Someone shouted pitifully.

But he couldn’t see their face.

“Why are you turning away? Why are you turning your head?”


The voice came from behind.

It was natural not to be able to see their face.

“…Can’t you hear my voice? If it’s not the case…Are you going to throw away?”

Who are you abandoning?

It felt like his ears were ringing.

“Just once… Look at me for once. Please… Please listen to my voice.”

The voice grew closer and closer, turning into a howling sound.

As he felt his cape pulled, he felt his head moving slowly backward.

You can’t.

If you look back.

A familiar voice grabbed his head and fixed it immobilized.

Who is it?

He thought he knew, but strangely, he couldn’t think of whom.

Tap. Tap.

The surrounding landscape was distorted with the sound of fingers hitting each other.


Time to wake up, Lucion.

* * *


As soon as Lucion opened his eyes, he was surprised to see Russell.

Russell also flinched.

[What were you dreaming about? Drink some water for a moment.]

“…Did I have a dream?”

Lucion had a vague memory.

[It’s a dream, so you might not remember.]

Russell pointed to Lucion’s forehead.

[Wipe off the sweat first.]

Exhaling slowly, Lucion wiped his sweaty forehead.

Lucion’s eyes turned out of the window.

It was early in the morning, but the sun came into the room.

“Is it….morning?”

[Yes. You can sleep more. You don’t have any plans today.]

Lucion looked around, and Russell told him listing things one by one.

[Bethel left to tell me that she was worried about those people who were trapped, and Ratta has followed Hume to the restaurant.]

“Is that so…? Everyone’s busy.”

Lucion blinked.

He didn’t know what he dreamed about; he couldn’t remember.

[Go back to sleep. I’ll wake you up when the meal comes.]

“No, I don’t want to sleep any more because I have one schedule today.”

[There’s no schedule. Just go to sleep. I think it’s a sign that you’re not feeling well when you even dream violently.]

“The mine I happen to have. Shouldn’t we go see what it looks like?”

In the south, they tried to acquire a mine for Zamad, Miella, and other production workers who would join them in the future.

It certainly worked out just in time.

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