Count’s Youngest Son is a Warlock

Chapter 150: The Pursuer is the Same (2)

As if he had waited for this moment, Russell could hardly hide his joy.

‘Of course, there was black magic.’

Lucion, too, was excited.

I didn’t know that the mine I got was a lucky one.

“Yes, of course. I have to learn the debuff.”

Lucion nodded.

Debuff was also one of the black magics that Russell mentioned when he first learned black magic.

[Whatever the process, you’ll probably find it much easier to learn now.]



“Am I smart?”


Russell instantly looked at Lucion with arrogance.

‘You just found out? You really didn’t know?’

If that’s the case.

Russell decided to leave him unaware.

There was nothing more scary than arrogrance.

“I’m sorry.”

Lucion apologized immediately, as if he had mispoke.

That would be the case, because even though Russell had said that it was ‘difficult’ and ‘difficult to learn,’ he had not found it too difficult so far.

‘Is it because of Ratta? Probably. Ratta’s help was huge.’


Russell’s expression remained stern, and Bethel hurriedly lowered the cover of the pitch with a smile.

[Pride only eats away at you. You’re still a youngling.]

“I’m sorry. I won’t think about it again.”

Lucion apologized repeatedly.

Russell exhaled for a long time to hold back his laughter, then cleared his voice again.

[Debuff and Delusion are similar in usage. Usually, people learn simpler debuffs and use them as a training method to get used to Delusion.]

“Is it digging into the darkness by any chance?”

[Correct. But it’s much simpler than delusion. You saw the last time the black wizard fought with Heint, right?]

“I saw it. As the bridge was wrapped in darkness, a stigma arose in the air.”

[That’s the most basic debuff. Usually, when it gets deeper, it makes the darkness so small that you can’t see it, so you bury the other person in the dark. But you don’t have to learn that process.]

“Why don’t I need it?”

[Because you’re different.]

Russell smiled.


[What you’re learning today is Debuff that’s tailored to you, including the basics. Now, give me permission.]

Russell reached out and urged Lucion.

“I give you the permission.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, darkness came out of Russell’s fingers.

[Hume. You’re going to the target, so stay still. Don’t be surprised.]

“All right. I won’t be surprised.”



[What do you have?]


[There’s Ratta.]

―Yeah, Lucion has Ratta!

Ratta drew an eye smile.

[And for Ratta, there’s a moving machine called “Shadow Movement.”]

“No way. Are you going to use shadow movement to move only my darkness?”

[That’s right! That’s why you said you were different. Why would you do like others when you have something much better?]

Russell smiled.

Lucion himself did not think of moving the darkness like Russell.

“However, to use shadow movement, you need to know where Ratta is. Ratta’s eyes have been replaced by the existence of darkness, which she can’t reach. You also know that I am one of the reasons for dominating ghosts, don’t you?”

[That’s right.]

“Besides, is the enemy still? The ghost that marks the target must move as much as the enemy moves, but if the opponent is someone blessed with light or a black wizard, this is impossible.”

Light will kill the ghost, while black wizards will notice the existence of the ghost.

[If there is a mark.]

“You’re not saying that you’re going to be the mark, are you?”


At the moment, Lucion flinched.

[Did you forget that Ratta’s power includes “shadow”?]

“Does Ratta recognize the shadows?”

Lucion’s eyes turned directly to Ratta. Ratta had never said anything like that before.

[no. To be precise, I mean the darkness hidden in the shadows.]

“Is it possible…”?”

[It’s just that Ratta didn’t do it. You wouldn’t have known because she didn’t do it.]


When his eyes were on Ratta, Ratta shook her tail vigorously and stared at the shadow.

Soon, Ratta’s eyes glistened.

―Oh, right! Russell is right. The darkness hidden in the shadow is visible to Ratta’s eyes!

Ratta also ran to Hume.

―Look at Ratta.

“Hang on, Ratta.”

Lucion took off his mask while looking around.

Sweat was piling up.

‘The heat is killing me.’

Lucion wiped away the sweat.

Being able to change the hair color, voice, and mask color were all great, but as the weather entered summer, the inside of the mask was slowly becoming steamy.

[What? There’s a temperature control magic function inside though.]

Russell approached Lucion and examined the mask.


The wind suddenly blew.

In the cool breeze, Lucion did not exhale but looked to his side, surprised by the scattered snowflakes.

“Is it cool?”

Hume was smiling and letting out the cold air.

“Can you also do iced water?”

“…I’ll try.”

Hume sprayed cold air next to Lucion, piling up ice like a tower, and stopped.

After checking Lucion’s expression, which has improved even more, Hume breathed in “fwoosh” instead of his thumb and index finger.

Round ice was made between Hume’s fingers.

―Oh! Oh! Ratta has seen this in the book. Um. Um.


Before the ice fell to the ground, water was poured into a cup that had been taken out in advance.

“Drink it.”

Hume handed ice water to Lucion, and also handed an ice cube to Lata, who was clinging to his leg.

Glups. Glups.

‘Yes, this is it. The reason I tried to save the ice wizard.’

Lucion nodded again and again at the coolness flowing down the esophagus.

He didn’t know he could spend this summer much cooler, thanks to Hume.

“Just right.”

―It’s ice! Yes! Yahoo! Whooo.

Ratta made a strange noise and wagged her tail vigorously.

[Hume. Can you send some cold air here?]

Russell pointed to the mask.

“Can I freeze it?”

[No, you can’t. Don’t freeze it. You have to send Lucion as gently as you did like how you sent him cold air. Can you control it?]

“Yes. If I send it like I did a little while ago, it might be possible.”

[Then do it like that until I say it’s done. The cold energy that was stored in the magic stone has been depleted.]

“All right.”

Replied Hume.

Previously, he heard from Athony that Lucion was ‘hot and cold.’

Hume cared more about Lucion’s already red face, even though it was not so hot yet.

[Lord Lucion.]

Bethel couldn’t help but look at Lucion’s eyes that were not taking his eyes off his surroundings and called him.

[There’s no one around, so don’t worry. I will keep watch.]

Bethel continued to comfort Lucion because she knew that the mask was not just a mask but a minimum safety device.

[So, you can focus on Russell’s class with peace of mind.]

“Thank you, Bethel.”

Only then did Lucion relax and watch Ratta.

“Ratta, do what you were going to do earlier.”

―Really? Ratta is actually doing now? Ratta is going to move now.


Ratta approached Hume again as soon as he answered, and made a figure as if she had grasped something from the shadow.

―I got you!

She limped up to Lucion with three feet and wiggled her toes.


The darkness moved with a startling sound.

I can’t. I got caught!

―See, Lucion? You saw Ratta do it, right? There’s darkness in the shadow. Ratta knows. Because Ratta is smart!

Ratta laughed with a smile.

“Do you feel the darkness?”

―Ratta keeps feeling the darkness? Here, there’s darkness here, too.

Ratta ran toward the mine, not the shadow of Hume, and pointed the shadow on his front foot.

―But there’s no darkness in Lucion’s shadow? I think it’s because of Lata.


―I don’t know. It calls Ratta the god of darkness, but when Lata approaches it, it just backs away. Ratta doesn’t know if it likes Ratta or hates Ratta. Ratta wants to be friends with it.

Ratta’s head tilted around.

[The darkness called you the god of darkness?]

Ratta nodded to Russell’s question.

―Yeah. The darkness said it was nothing, but Ratta heard it clearly. I’m telling you because Ratta likes Lucion, Russell, Hume and Bethel the most.

[It’s true if you acknowledge the darkness. It’s real.]

Said Russell, muttering. He felt much better inside.

“Well, then, Ratta. You can feel the darkness in the shadow, right?”

―Yes, like Russell said, Ratta could do it.

“Teacher, then, tell me about the debuff first.”

[That’s what I was going to do. We need to talk about the basics.]

Russell pointed to Hume.

[The target is Hume. Wrap the darkness around Hume’s legs.]

Following Russell’s words, Lucion sent darkness around Hume’s legs.

Now this was easy.

[There must be a stigma here. To receive this stigma, you must dominate the area. Like when using ‘Delusion’, you need to dig deeper. You know it well because you’ve tried it, right?

“Does it have any resistance like Delusion?”

[None. Since it’s not made by mind, it just goes through without needing to sharpen it. Ah. You do know you shouldn’t show aggression like you did when you use Delusion, right?]

“Yes. I will certainly keep it in my head.”

Darkness, like light, could turn off and on its aggression.

Just as light turns off aggression, only regeneration remains, so darkness could penetrate inside like manna if it turns off aggression.

Lucion penetrated inside, scratching Hume’s legs with darkness.

―Hume. Does it hurt, Hume?

“No. It’s rather encouraging.”

Hume smiled broadly.

‘That’s right. My darkness is food to Hume.’

Lucion chuckled at Hume’s reaction.

[It’s not supposed to be like this. Those who have been blessed with light will taste like death as you have been in the light, and those who have manna will stiffen.]

“Then, what should I do here?”

[It’s simple. A short order can be accompanied by a command. The order is ‘Stig’. So, ‘Stig, tie its feet.’ You can do it like this.]

“Don’t tell me, did ‘Stig’ come from stigma?”

Lucion asked, wearing a frowning face.

[That’s what the epoch said.]

“It’s really not good.”

[I think so, too. I don’t know who made this up, but I get annoyed every time I say it.]

Russell also crumpled his face.

[Yes. Debuff is a black magic that limits your actions in the first place. Twist it, break it. I can’t do this directly. Now do it.]


Lucion exhaled deeply and uttered the spell and the command together.

‘Stig, tie his feet.’


A black star rose on Hume’s right leg, which was dominated by darkness.

―Oh! The stars are here!

Ratta had her ears perked up.

Hume tried to sneak, but his right leg was lifted slightly.

“My legs… It can’t move.”

[See? Delusion works better, right? So, why do you need a debuff? You can command there again until the dark power disappears. Please continue.]

‘Stig, speed up his feet.’

Let’s do it!

Hume, who was trying to raise his legs, couldn’t control the speed and his legs were stretched high into the sky.

When Hume’s posture collapsed in an instant, Lucion, surprised, stretched out to catch Hume with darkness.

However, Hume took center stage by turning his waist back.

As if watching a circus, Lucion looked at Hume with a puzzled expression.

“It’s okay…?”

“Oh. I’m sorry if you’re surprised. I’m good at balancing. But what happened just now even surprised me a little.”

Lucion’s mask was held dearly in Hume’s hand.

He didn’t stop breathing in the cold air while he was talking.

[Shall we move on? Are you ready, Ratta?]

Asked Russell.

―Yes! Ratta is ready.

[Okay. Lucion. You let out the darkness, and Ratta, you move to the shadow of Hume. Can you do it?]

Russell looked at Ratta again.

―Yes! Ratta can do it! Ratta is smart!

“That’s great.”

Lucion smiled and immediately let out the darkness.

He wanted to know how much Ratta reacted.


He heard a surprised Ratta voice.


The darkness from Lucion’s fingertips had disappeared when he blinked.

Lucion immediately turned to Hume’s shadow.

His darkness was spreading in Hume’s shadow.

‘…She really did it, didn’t she?’

―Wow! Ratta did it!

“Good job, Ratta.”

Lucion got down on his knees and stroked Ratta, taking control of his surprised expression.

―Hehehe! Ratta can do anything!

When Hume and Bethel also praised Ratta, Ratta’s eyes naturally turned to Russell.

[So cool, Ratta!]

Russell clapped his hands lightly.

[Let’s move faster and wrap it around Hume’s legs?]

Passion must have flared up in Russell’s mind, and he looked at Lucion and Ratta with real happiness.

As if it’s just the beginning.

Lucion’s face crumpled.

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