Cultivate, Sign In, And Be Rewarded Handsomely

Chapter 106 - Mutated Vicious Beast

Chapter 106: Mutated Vicious Beast

They were red ants, but the flashing light was their wings. These ants had clearly mutated. Not only was it big, but its red wings were also emitting a faint glow. The number of them was terrifying. When the flying ants rushed towards the village, the surroundings were silent.

Suddenly, something was frightened and crawled out of the ground. It instinctively ran towards the village, but was discovered by these flying ants.

Red light flashed as flying ants larger than peanuts swarmed over. The thing looked to be a meter or two long and was covered in soil. Its thick armor moved very quickly. Its sharp mouth was a little like the pangolin in Li Yuanqing’s impression. It was many times larger than the pangolin. Moreover, its sharp fangs and hard scales covered its body, giving off a very ferocious feeling.

In Li Yuanqing’s impression, this kind of animal should be able to eat ants. These flying ants might even become its food. However, this vicious beast did not intend to go against these red flying ants. Instead, they rushed towards the village, as if they wanted to find a place to hide.

However, the vicious beast’s body turned red and even emitted light in just a few breaths since it had alarmed those ants. This was because its body was densely covered in red flying ants that were flapping their wings. In the darkness, their red wings with light represented destruction and death.

The vicious beast let out a series of wails and rolled on the ground. It tried its best to crush the rock, as if it wanted to shake off the flying ants on its body. However, there were too many of them. Layer after layer, even if it shook off countless layers of flying ants, the flying ants that were crushed on the ground shook their wings and flew up again, continuing to climb on the vicious beast.

The beast’s screams did not last long. In just two to three breaths, it was completely silent. Only a pile of red ants remained in the shape of the vicious beast. After the ants dispersed, not even the bones of the vicious beast were left.

Hu Jiujiu jumped from Li Yuanqing’s shoulder into his arms. She was afraid. She was really afraid!

These mutated red flying ants were not ants. They probably wouldn’t even spit out bones when they ate humans. Moreover, there were so many of them that it made one’s scalp tingle.

These things were too dense and there were too many of them. It was unknown how many hundreds of billions of them there were. In any case, it would make people with dense diseases dizzy and tremble.

These things could make one’s hair stand on end.

Li Yuanqing looked at the large red clouds. Wherever they passed, there was almost no grass. No matter what they encountered, they would devour everything. Moreover, the red cloud began to move over. He had more than 200 Demon Slayer Swords on him, but he might not be able to deal with so many flying ants with the Demon Slayer Swords.

This was because these ants were especially big and were quite hard after mutation. Coupled with a pair of wings, they could fly quite quickly. These things were not easy to deal with!

At this moment, the Man-eating Vine’s leaves, which were originally crawling all over the stone house, quietly contracted. It looked rather wary of these flying ants.

Hu Jiujiu was so afraid that she even covered her eyes with her claws. She did not dare to look at those flying ants, those moving densely packed ants, at all.

The number of these ants was astonishing, and they moved in groups. In addition, they had wings. If no one controlled them, they would quickly become the most terrifying thing in the Land of War.

Li Yuanqing was looking at those flying ants. In his previous life, he had heard of an ant that things would die wherever it passed. Even grass would not grow. However, those ants were much weaker than the mutated flying ants in front of him. At the very least, those ants could not fly and were afraid of fire. They were not that big either.

More importantly, the bodies of these flying ants were extremely hard. They were not something ordinary ants could compare to.

These things were a little tricky.

What now?

For a moment, Li Yuanqing was in a difficult position. All the treasures on him seemed to be unable to deal with these flying ants. It would be good if he could send such an overwhelming number of ants into his domain.

For a moment, Liu Yuanqing was a little tempted. The domain he could control contained the Yufu Mountain, the Man-eating Vine, and a large spirit stone.

He had never tried to store these things into his domain before and was not very familiar with it. He only knew that this domain was a treasure that relied on the Saint Extermination Stone.

Thinking of this, Li Yuanqing picked up the Saint Extermination Stone.

The Saint Extermination Stone had a special characteristic. It could delay the opponent’s movements and control their mind for an instant within a certain range of its control.

In the past, when Li Yuanqing was still a Martial Saint, he had used this thing to deal with many experts. But now, Li Yuanqing was already a Spirit Transformation Realm expert. So he used the Saint Extermination Stone on the group of flying ants and those flying ants disappeared with a few swooshing sounds.

As Li Yuanqing had guessed, the Saint Extermination Stone was the key to his domain. This thing could directly transfer the things controlled by the Saint Extermination Stone into his domain.

Such a powerful army of hundreds of millions of red flying ants had been controlled by him in his domain.

It was indeed good stuff.

Li Yuanqing was overjoyed. The flying ants that were charging in front suddenly disappeared. There were also some flying ants that were scattered around. They were like headless flies that wanted to run.

However, the Man-eating Vine quickly attacked. It spread on the ground and rushed towards the remaining flying ants.

The Man-eating Vine was extremely fast. There were still some flying ants that had yet to react and escape in the darkness. Soon, they were attacked by the Man-eating Vine. Its wide leaves rolled up and wrapped around a flying ant.

Then, it quickly closed its leaves and the vines wandered around, looking for some lone flying ants.

Some of the flying ants could not find the Ant Queen. They fled in all directions and tried to break out. As there were relatively few of them, and many of them were attacked by the Man-eating Vines, the remaining few escaped into the forest.

Because it was dark and most of the flying ants had been sent into Li Yuanqing’s domain, a small portion of them had been devoured and digested by the Man-Eating Vine. There were probably not many flying ants left.

In the Land of War, no matter how powerful these flying ants were, if there were not thousands or millions of them, it would not be difficult for those martial artists to deal with them.

Therefore, Li Yuanqing did not mind. He only watched as the sky turned dark and returned to the stone house to rest.

The man-eating vine that had devoured the flying ants seemed to have grown a little bigger. Moreover, a dim red color appeared on the edges of its leaves. That color mixed with the green of the leaves, revealing a color of rust. It was a little different from before. Furthermore, the leaves of the Man-eating Vine that had devoured the flying ants rustled sweetly, as if it was filled with joy.

After Li Yuanqing and Hu Jiujiu entered the house, the man-eating vines quickly surrounded the entire house. The entire house was covered in vines, and there were even some rust-red leaves on the vines.

Li Yuanqing slept well that night while he stroked Hu Jiujiu furry fox fur when she leaned against him. He slept especially comfortably.

The house remained dark because even the windows were tightly wrapped by the man-eating vine and covered with its leaves. When Li Yuanqing woke up, it was already dawn.

After Li Yuanqing got up, he put away the man-eating vine and prepared to go to the catacombs. He had kept all the flying ants from last night into his domain. When Li Yuanqing checked on those flying ants, he saw that they were running around and it was a mess.

However, they quickly chose a place to settle down in a rocky area at the foot of the Yufu Mountain.

Countless ants were hiding in the rubble. If one did not pay attention, they would not have thought that they were all hiding under the rocks. Moreover, this time, Li Yuanqing saw the ant queen. This ant queen was really big. It was the size of a washbasin. Its fat body was dragged into the underground nest by the other ants.

In the domain, Li Yuanqing was the absolute king and controller.

Therefore, Li Yuanqing could sense the existence of these red ants.

After his consciousness left this domain, he put away the Saint Extermination Stone. This Saint Extermination Stone could be said to be the foundation of the domain. He hoped that he could obtain some domain fragments the next time he signed in. Only then could he expand this domain again.

The most dangerous place in the Land of War was the entrance to Catacomb No. 2.

In the beginning, the cultivators of the Yufu Mountain did not block this exit in time, allowing a large number of demons from the catacomb to escape. The original residents of this place migrated away after those demons caused trouble everywhere, and it became a Land of War.

The Land of War became the place where the Northern Kingdom’s martial artists trained later on. It also became the place where the Northern Kingdom’s army and martial artists were stationed.

If he wanted to solve the root of the Land of War, he should actually go to the catacombs to take a look. Moreover, Yu Fu, who was controlled by Li Yuanqing, had once gone to the catacombs and obtained a cultivation technique there.

Therefore, Li Yuanqing planned to make a trip to the catacombs to understand the situation there and see if he could sign in there. At the same time, he would solve the problem of the demons escaping to the human world.

There were actually martial artists guarding the entrance of Catacomb No. 2. Martial artists were forbidden from approaching because this place was too dangerous.

That cave was much larger than the first cave. It was dozens of meters wide, making one feel that it was more like a city gate.

When Li Yuanqing entered, he deliberately alerted the guards, but he was stopped by the guards.

“Supremacy, please wait. You can’t get any closer. If you go in, you’ll be in the catacombs. It’s extremely dangerous. Please leave quickly!”

Most of the patrolling martial artists were Martial Saints. They could not see through Li Yuanqing’s realm, so they were exceptionally polite. However, they still stopped him and refused to let him in. They even informed the general of the catacombs, Qin Feng. This was because General Qin Feng had once ordered that no one, no expert of any strength, was allowed to approach the catacombs for a hundred meters without his orders as those demons were very cunning. They would possess the bodies of martial artists and quickly escape.

In order to encircle and annihilate those demons, the Northern Kingdom had spent a lot of effort to get Qin Feng to bring countless martial artists to patrol and encircle this Land of War. They hoped that one day, they could narrow down the scope of this Land of War.

“Someone from the Northern Kingdom? I want to enter the catacombs to take a look.”

Li Yuanqing glanced at the vigilant guards. They were all new Martial Saints from the Northern Kingdom. Most of them were at the first-grade Grotto-Heaven Realm. However, he did not recognize any of them. However, he knew that the martial artists from the catacombs and the Northern Kingdom were temporarily under Qin Feng’s management.

“No one is allowed to enter the catacombs. Please stay away from the catacombs. Please leave quickly!”

At this moment, the patrol team and guards were not giving in to Li Yuanqing at all. The strength of the Northern Kingdom had increased greatly, and these martial artists were full of confidence.

Even though Li Yuanqing seemed to be much stronger than them and had an unfathomable feeling, they were not afraid of him since they were guarding the catacombs in the Northern Kingdom.

“I’m Li Yuanqing. Tell Qin Feng that I want to enter the catacombs!”

These people could not stop Li Yuanqing. Such a place required these people to be loyal. Therefore, Li Yuanqing still reported his name and planned to inform Qin Feng. Qin Feng was very obedient in front of him.

“What? Your name is Li Yuanqing? You are the guardian of the Northern Kingdom? A Human God?”

Upon hearing Li Yuanqing’s name, the leading martial artist was instantly petrified. As he spoke, he had already knelt down with a plop. Not only him, but all the guards around the cave and countless martial artists hiding in the dark also knelt down.

What surprised Li Yuanqing was that there were seven or eight martial artists hiding in the dark. They should be the hidden sentries here. Ordinary people would not be able to discover them. At this moment, they were actually kneeling on the ground.

These people were completely spontaneous and sincere.

Moreover, someone had already rushed to look for Qin Feng after Li Yuanqing reported his name and said that he wanted to inform Qin Feng.

The guardian of the Northern Kingdom, the Human God Li Yuanqing, the strongest existence in the Northern Kingdom, had actually come to the Catacombs?

In fact, after Li Yuanqing became a Human God and entered the Imperial City, the news had already spread throughout the Northern Kingdom. Everyone knew that the guardian of the Northern Kingdom was Li Yuanqing. He was also the first Human God in the past thousand years.

Qin Feng was shocked when he heard the report. He could not believe it. After asking around and confirming that the person who came was indeed Li Changqing, he was overjoyed and immediately informed the rest.

“Everyone, welcome the arrival of the Human God with me!”

Qin Feng’s shout spread far and wide. There were many martial artists in the Land of War. When they heard someone send a message for them to hurry to the exit of the catacombs, most of them were shocked.

They thought that something had happened in the catacombs. At this moment, they couldn’t care less and immediately ran towards the catacombs.

Li Yuanqing was invited to a house specially built for the guards of the catacombs to rest. Someone even specially brought tea and told him.

“Divinity, please wait for a moment. General Qin Feng will be here soon. He has been waiting for you to arrive. He once instructed everyone about this. The General probably has something to ask of you.”

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