Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 41

Chapter 41 – 【White Clothes Prospect And Gourd Seeds】

Chapter 41 [White Clothes Prospect and Gourd Seeds]

There is a cave not far from the residence, the front and back are transparent, and because it is only about a foot deep, it looks more like a stone ring.

Woke up early in the morning, went to the big rock where he used to stay and practiced breathing. After finishing breathing, Fang Chang lit a fire in the house, took a bamboo tube to boil water, and prepared to make tea for a while.

Then he went out, took a long cane from the valley, and tied it to the stone ring in the distance.

He also wove some ropes, using thatch, rattan skin, etc., which was a pastime when reading a book in front of the campfire at night, but those ropes were not long enough, so this time he could only use rattan.

Then Fang Chang took the quilt out, unfolded it, and hung it on the vine to dry. Since the quilt was a little damp, he didn’t use it last night, and kept stacking it on the bedside.

The sun is good today, the bright sunshine dispelled the fog, exposing the green carpet-like mountain peaks under the blue sky, covered with lush vegetation, and the folds of the surrounding mountain peaks are clearly reflected in the sunlight. Mark of.

Clap your hands, he is going to grab a small animal and bake it for breakfast, and then he will continue with the few things he didn’t finish before going down the mountain.

Such as charcoal kiln.

The semi-circular charcoal kiln is still lying there, and it hasn’t rained in the past few days when he went down the mountain, so the charcoal kiln is not much different from before he went down the mountain, just like… a grave bag.

Let’s take it off quickly.

Before starting, Fang Chang checked his shed first.

The thatched shed next to the hut is not bad, it is strong enough, it has not changed during the period of time away, and it can block the rain. There is no humidity in the pond built with homemade bricks in the middle of the thatched shed, where the charcoal from the kiln is going to be stored.

He gently opened the outer wall of the charcoal kiln, and saw that the firewood inside had already turned dark gray, and the roots were standing upright, but still maintained the shape before entering the kiln.

Take out two sticks and knock on each other, there is a clanging metal sound. After breaking apart, you can see that the wood inside is completely charred.

Well, very successful, good charcoal!

The charcoal kiln is a one-time product, and it cannot be used after being opened this time. If you want to burn the next batch, you need to build a new kiln with mud.

Although Fang Chang never lacks time, everything can be built slowly, but someday he is in the mood to build a charcoal kiln that can reuse most of the kiln body.

After smashing the shell and soil to open the kiln, Fang Chang picked up the charcoal blocks from it, put them into the back basket, and then carried them to the shed one by one, and poured them into the built charcoal pool.

The results of this kiln filled the small half pond.

But Fang Chang’s hands and body were stained with spots by the black charcoal powder flying up during the labor process.

Looking at his new clothes and palms, and at the stream in the distance, Fang Chang pondered for a moment.

Perhaps, sometimes, it’s not as good to be completely hands-free.

In this barren mountain, he has never had anything to live by himself, just enjoying the fun of creating things by himself, experiencing the natural and contented artistic conception, rather than torturing himself.


Fang Chang waved his fingers, concentrating on running his mana.

Like a gust of wind, the black charcoal dust on his soapy clothes and hands, and even the dust on his body before, were all pushed away three feet from the surrounding area and fell to the ground, vaguely forming a circular shape. trace.


This is a very useful little spell, which can save a lot of effort and allow people to get closer to nature in a more comfortable posture.

This is the first time for Fang Chang to use it. There is no need for spells, gestures, tricks and cheats.

He really doesn’t like doing laundry.

Perhaps, I can consider wearing white clothes in the future.

For the next period of time, Fang Chang will be in the process of repeated work:

Burning lime, burning bricks, burning charcoal.

Fang Chang didn’t stop until the limestone piled up into piles, bricks piled up into stacks, and charcoal filled the two pools. Looking at these results, he was very satisfied.

The firepit in the house was burning.

In addition to making charcoal, lime, and bricks, Fang Chang often went to the woods to collect firewood.

This made his firewood reserves increase instead of decrease, and they were neatly stacked in the grass shed. The abandoned shack before was also filled with firewood and hay.

The thatched hut where Fang Chang lived is no longer the main storage place for firewood as it used to be. Inside, there are only hay and firewood piled up under Fang Chang’s bamboo bed as spares. That pile is being used.

In the firepit, the pine and cypress branches burn quietly, occasionally making a sound of peeling, and the smoke floats upwards, smoking the bacon hanging high and low above the firepit, infusing it with fragrance, and then bypassing the roof and following the gaps on both sides escape into the outside.

However, the time has not yet come, and the bacon is not yet finished.

Fang Chang only used the wild boar to make bacon once at the beginning, because when he first went up the mountain, the bag of coarse salt he brought had been used up, so he couldn’t make pickled products anymore.

It also makes my diet a bit dull recently.

Currently, the dojo is just starting up. Except for the bamboo bed and the firepit, there is no furniture in the house.

There is only a small piece of large tree trunk, and Fang Chang uses it as a bench.

On the wall made of bamboo chips, there are several bundles of ropes hanging, which are Fang Chang’s pastimes at night.

There is also a big gourd next to it, the skin color is still green.

Picking it off, he could feel that the inside of the gourd was empty, and he had already finished drinking the sorghum wine he bought from the town at the foot of the mountain.

Since it was brought up the mountain and hung on the wall, this gourd will always be taken down at night, and Fang Changhui will take a small sip to drink in front of the kiln fire and the bright moon and starry sky—

Wine and the moon match very well.

Shaking the gourd, Fang Chang hung it on the wall again.

The lack of alcohol has little impact on life, it just lowers the style. It is estimated that this gourd will not be untied for a long time, and Fang Chang does not know whether it can last until the next time it goes down the mountain without spoiling.

He opened the bedside package and searched for the seeds that had been wrapped before taking it out.

They are the same size as melon seeds, but they are more square in shape, and they are very bulging. There are also those seeds purchased from Huqiao Town next to them, and they have not been sown, but Fang Chang ignored them and poured the gourd seeds. in hand.

Looking at the gourd seeds in his hands, Fang Chang smiled at them:

“This will plant you down and live well.”

Turning around beside the melon field, he felt that it was not suitable. Gourds like shade, and they are not suitable for growing with melons.

Looked at it, and compared the two places behind the thatched cottage and the edge of the cliff, Fang Chang still chose the edge of the cliff.

Maybe one day, the thatched cottage will need to be flipped over, which is a bit dangerous for the seedlings behind the house, and the delicate vines cannot bear too much action.

He turned the soil and planted on the shady side of the big rock that he used to stay in the morning.

The location here is good, shady, fertile, easy to water, and there are big stones for gourds to climb.

Fang Chang’s craftsmanship is very rough.

There is no seed soaking or germination selection, just level the land, remove the weeds, and put the gourd seeds into the land.

He is not prepared to take too much care, as for the growth and results, it all depends on God’s will.

Thank you Ye oоo☆Feng for the reward.

(end of this chapter)

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