Cultivation of Immortals Begins with Drilling Wood To Make Fire

Chapter 49

Chapter 49 – 【Opportunity Is Coming】

Chapter 49 [Opportunity is approaching]

With the bronze tripod, Fang Chang no longer plans to cook in his bedroom, which will always fill the bedroom with the smell of food. Although it can make his nose linger with the aroma when he sleeps, it is not very refreshing after all.

After drinking the last bit of bamboo rat soup in the tripod, Fang Chang smacked his lips.

Under the sunny **** in the bamboo forest on the hillside, the bamboo rats are consumed very quickly, and they can’t go there for at least half a year, otherwise it would be against the natural way to catch and eat them all.

And only by paying attention to sustainable development can bamboo rats be eaten in the years to come.

Only when “few shackles do not enter the pool” and “axes take time to enter the mountains and forests” can there be “fish and turtles cannot be eaten” and “wood and wood cannot be used”.

After scrubbing the bronze square tripod, he started to build the kitchen.

The firepit in the bedroom will still remain, which can be used for heating and lighting, and can also keep smoking the bacon above.

During this period of time, Fang Chang had enough salt, and the prey that could not be eaten up and feared to be spoiled turned into bacon one after another.

They hang above the firepit, like a grove of drooping meat. Occasionally, there will be grease dripping during the smoke and roasting, and it will make a “sizzling” sound when it falls into the fire.

The kitchen could be simpler.

Bamboo is a very good material with a wide range of uses, so Fang Chang picked a lot and carried it back to the cliff, but most of it is still unused and piled up by the side of the grass shed.

As an excellent building material, we can try our best to consume a batch of bamboo when building the kitchen this time.

Punch holes in the ground to stand up large bamboos, and use thin bamboo and rattan to tie them tightly to form a frame, and tie a few diagonally at the corners to form a triangular stable structure, then shovel soil and slaked lime to pad the ground, leaving a hole in the middle for the firepit, and the rest Only the roof remains.

Fang Chang is still not ready to build a wall for the kitchen.

Maybe there are extra bricks, which can be used as low house walls to save space.

The roof of the kitchen does not use thatched bamboo leaves like the other two buildings, but directly splits the bamboo in half, removes the diaphragm, and buckles the front and back together as long tiles.

The roof ridge is simpler. Take the thickest bamboo and split it, and buckle it downwards.

Of course, be careful to tie it tightly, otherwise, when a gust of mountain wind hits, the roof of Fang Chang’s kitchen will be lifted and it will become a “bean inch square”.

Constructed in this way, the kitchen has become an all-bamboo structure.

Move the tripod in, make a few bricks simply surround a fire pit, and you’re done.

My own building, from three bamboo and wood thatched houses, grass sheds, and shacks, has increased by one to four.

In the days that followed, Fang Chang ended his daily morning class and wandered around the mountains, starting a kiln to burn charcoal.

The brick charcoal pool in the grass shed has bottomed out.

The pointed charcoal inside was completely consumed in the last smelting and casting after firing some high-quality pottery.

He was going to fill it up again in case of need next time, which made the pure practice days stained with a thin layer of charcoal powder color.

Every time the charcoal is fired, wait for the charcoal kiln to cool down, and then simmer the firewood inside until it is thoroughly burned.

During these waiting times, Fang Chang became more leisurely. He did not choose to use multiple charcoal kilns to increase efficiency—since there is no shortage of time, why not take it easy?

In the high mountain behind Xianqi Cliff, there is a rugged stone forest.

Searched for it, and chose a large stone that was similar in size to the stone table in his own open space, with a flat side. Fang Chang carried it on his shoulders, moved it to the open space in front of the house, and began to process it.


There are nineteen vertical and horizontal paths, and there is no heavy game through the ages.

Three hundred and sixty-one points, very simple rules, but with infinite changes, yin and yang are intertwined, just like the movement and evolution of the universe, with a trace of meaning in it.

Find a straight bamboo stick to make a ruler, and a piece of charcoal as a pen.

Fang Chang is on the flat side of the stone, draws square squares on the top, and points to it as a sword, and draws on it.

Among the flying stone chips, straight ravines were drawn along the charcoal marks.

“Yes, Not Bad.”

Taking a deep breath, blowing off the powder on the stone, Fang Chang looked at the chessboard above, very satisfied. He made his previous stone table in the same way, and carved it on a checkerboard.

On the contrary, the chess pieces are more thought-provoking.

Black and white, both of which can be made by the method of making pottery, but the steps and raw materials are completely different.

Among them, the white chess pieces, Fang Chang searched all over the Yunzhong Mountains, found white porcelain clay, carried a few baskets with broad leaves on the bottom of the basket, washed them with water, and then used wooden boards as molds, and made them into the shape of chess pieces with mud. And completely dry, into the kiln firing.

It requires a very high temperature and requires charcoal. Fang Chang adjusted the original kiln structure, and after many experiments, he obtained a batch of relatively perfect white chess pieces. They are essentially white pottery, all of which are elegant and delicate.

To make black chess pieces, black pottery needs to be fired, and its raw material is relatively fine red clay.

After homogenization, precipitation, and starting, the chess pieces are made into embryos. After the surface is calendered, the kiln is fired. When it is almost fired, water is slowly added from the top of the kiln to let the charcoal extinguish to produce thick smoke, forming unglazed and uncolored carbonization. The effect of kiln transformation, after several successful experiments, the color of the finished chess pieces is natural, black as lacquer and bright as a mirror.

Grabbing a handful of each of the two, Fang Chang played with it, and was very satisfied with his work during this time.

He kept firing and accumulated a lot of chess pieces.

Divided into two parts according to the slight difference in size, after washing, put them in several chess baskets made of fine rattan, and the production of these two chess pieces is finally completed.

Unknowingly, a month or two slipped away like this.

It only took half a day to find materials for the chessboard and make it, but it took nearly two months to make the chess pieces.

However, in Fang Chang’s small bamboo and wooden thatched house, he also added several pieces of wooden furniture, including a table, a chair, and a table, all of which are made of solid materials, heavy and sturdy.

On the wall of the table and in the shed next to it, there are more utensils with different purposes, such as bamboo hats, poles, fences, sieves, saws, pots, cups and pots…

It is all due to the prosperity, so it is made and used.

Take off a piece of rope from the wall, tie the two baskets of chess pieces, hang them on your body, and then walk out the door.

Two big stones were lying there quietly, both of which were carved with chessboards, one of which was a square long stone table, and the other one, he was going to give to Zhang Shanshen as a gift, because he had promised to teach Shanshen Zhang Chun how to play chess.

Holding this waist-high five-foot-square stone with both hands, Fang Chang exerted a little force, being careful not to touch the chess basket at his waist, gently lifted it up and placed it on his shoulders.

He walked slowly towards Xianqi Cliff.

The solar terms change, and the mountain scenery is different.

Birds, animals, vegetation, mountains, rocks and creeks seem to have put on new clothes, giving people a new feeling.

Halfway through the walk, Fang Chang’s spiritual sense suddenly moved. He frowned, stood still on the spot with the chessboard on his shoulders, and stretched out his left hand to calculate lightly.

Spiritual touch is born from the heart, but sometimes it touches the key points on the path of practice, which must be taken seriously.

After calculating the result, Fang Chang said with a smile:

“So that’s it, it seems it’s about time.”

Second update

Thank you Leng Chen丨Reward

(end of this chapter)

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