Demon God

Chapter 127: Phantom Hands!

"Come in, you fucking bastard." The old man said as he started walking towards the house.

Of course, Lionel, too, began to walk towards the house. And while he was walking, he just looked at the house.

After all, this house was something that he was familiar with, was really old.

The house was built with wood, and that was all. However, Lionel couldn't voice out his thoughts as the old man entered the house.

Of course, it didn't take Lionel long to enter the house as well.

And as soon as he entered the house, Lionel spoke.

"Hey, aren't you gonna change your house? It's too old now, it'd probably be destroyed as soon as I flick my finger here."

What Lionel said was the truth as this place was just that bad. What's more, he was strong as well. Even the old man couldn't just ignore Lionel's strength.

However, it seems that the old man thought differently as he spoke.

"Just try it, you bastard. You think you can destroy the spell that I put here?"

The old man said as he walked towards a chair. The chair was...well, old as well.

He then proceeded to sit down and urged Lionel to sit down as well to the other chair across the old man.

"Here!" The old man said as he pointed at the other chair.

Of course, Lionel didn't hesitate and just proceeded to sit down as well.

He even made himself comfortable by putting his legs up on the table.

And that was why the old man had quite the grumpy look on his face right now.

After all, Lionel was just a guest! How dare he act like this in the old man's house!

"What did you come here for, you fucktard! Don't think you can always act like that around me!"

And as soon as Lionel heard that, a wide smile suddenly appeared on his face.

"Don't be like that, I did you a favor last time, no?" Lionel said.

It was the truth that Lionel did the old man a favor last time, and that was why he went here.

Lionel was planning to get the payment for the favor, and since it was a pretty big favor, the old man could not possibly refuse.

Well, that was how Lionel imagined things would play out.

However, it seems that Lionel was completely wrong about that as the old man spoke once more.

"What do you mean favor! I already paid that back! Don't tell me you forgot about how I already checked that Liya or whatever her name is and I even tried to heal her!"

Of course, when Lionel heard that, his face immediately turned grumpy.

After all, this old man was not able to heal Liya, as Liya was not able to get her strength back.

That was why Lionel thought that the old man's check up on Liya didn't count.

"Hey! You haven't managed to fix her, don't tell me you are going to compare failing to heal a patient to what I did for you before?!"

"I sheltered you from one of the Six Gods! Failing to heal someone can't be compared with something like that!"

"Are you really gonna be that stingy with me?!"

Lionel said as he destroyed the table by slashing it down with his legs!

Of course, that made the house shake, but because of the old man's intervention, the house didn't collapse.

And when things calmed down in the house, the old man started talking once more.

"What are you! That was just one of the Six Gods! Don't tell me you are afraid of them!?"

"Just one?! Don't give me that bullshit! The Six Gods are the reigning Gods! Just one could have destroyed the entire Lion Clan!"

"I don't fucking care! I already paid you the favor!"

"What did you..."

The old man and Lionel continued arguing for a while, and it didn't stop there.

They even destroyed some parts of the house, and they even made the cave itself shake.

However, no matter how heated the conversation got, the old man and Lionel didn't fight.

It seems that they were really orderly, but that was not the case for their restraint.

And that was proven as the old man spoke while cleaning his mouth. Well, just from how they argued, saliva or even blood would come spitting out.

" looks like you really are the cat." The old man said as his left eye saw Lionel also wipe his mouth.

It was weird that the old man called Lionel a cat as he was the Lion King, but it seems that Lionel didn't care about that.

It was then that Lionel spoke as he finished cleaning himself.

"Hah! You are overly anxious! Do we have to do this every time we meet?!" 

"Of course! I'm being hunted by one of the Six Gods! If they find my connection with you, they would utilize that and try to sneak on me!"

And when Lionel heard that, his eyebrows wriggled slightly.

After all, it was just absurd that the way to know if Lionel is really Lionel is by arguing.

What's more, the topic of their argument was exactly planned out. If even one sequence were wrong, the old man would immediately run away!

That was how anxious the old man was, and that was how much trouble it is just for Lionel to speak with this mysterious old man.

That was why Lionel didn't really like meeting with this old man even though they were quite close.

"We don't have to argue every time, right!? Just ask me a question that only I would know!"

"Oh fuck that! They probably investigated everything that I've done in the past! The only reason why I'm even fine meeting with you is that we haven't been seen together by the public eye!"

What the old man said was the truth. It was one of the Six Gods who was hunting him, and it wouldn't hurt if he were more careful than usual.

The reason why the old man could meet with Lionel like this is that no one knows their connection.

"Argh, I get it! Fine! Fine!" Lionel said as he calmed himself down.

Of course, the old man, too, calmed himself down. And as soon as he calmed down, he asked Lionel.

"So, what did you come here for?"

And when Lionel heard that, he immediately answered.

"Ah, that's right. There is only one reason why I came here."

"I came to ask for a favor, Phantom Hands!"

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