Demon School

Chapter 28 - Assistant coach

“Don’t you say something?”, Black stabbed coach Thompson. Lu Qiujian’s behavior seemed to infringe on the authority of the head coach. As an assistant coach, Black felt responsible to remind him.

“It’s great!” Coach Thompson didn’t notice the difference in Black’s tone. “Only twenty minutes of observation summarized the technical defects of the five main forces of the Broncos. I know that Princeton often produces monsters, but I have never seen them. Someone has combined his expertise with basketball! In the second half we will see if his stats can change the game! “

In his speech, he was full of anticipation for Lv Qiujian. Black felt a sour heart for a few years. He had mixed with coach Thompson for several years. Every day he worked hard for the basketball team to get up early, but he had never seen him praise himself. Is the difference?

Shortly after the start of the second half, Anthony received a basketball from Robbie again in the low post. In the first half, he and Patrice were almost mutually explosive. On the offensive end, Patrice would always be swept by his footwork. On the defensive end he can’t resist Patrice’s back attack.

Shake to the left, then hold the ball to the right, ha, that fool will always be shaken by his own realistic fake movements, this time I must buckle one on his head! Anthony thought beautifully.

what! How could this fool still stand under the basket, and when he turned around, he saw Patrice still in front of him, but he was too late to make moves.

With a snap, Patrice slapped him over the basketball above his head. Anthony got the first big hat in this game. Ed quickly took the basketball forward.

In the Broncos half, Patrice squeezed Anthony behind him and raised his hand to shout, “Ed, let me beat him one!”

Ed made a fake shot to swing Robbie away and hang the ball to Patrice. Anthony just got a big hat and was in a hurry. Seeing him catching the ball began to chatter, “Idiot, come on, Like me, one-on-one with a man! I will beat you, even your mother can’t recognize it! “

“Shall I buckle one on your head?”, Patrice leaned back, squeezed away Anthony, and then turned to shoot.

“You don’t think about it!” Anthony jumped up and raised his right hand and wanted to go to the basketball cover in Patrice’s hand; hey, why is he still on the ground? Anthony also wanted to stay in the sky for a while, and wait until Patrice jumped to make up the block again, but Gravity rejected his proposal relentlessly.

When he slowly fell, Patrice took off like a rocket, followed by a loud noise, Anthony quickly shrank his head to avoid Patrice ’s impact, and then he sadly found that Patrice ’s legs were now Hanging on his shoulder.

Was buckled by someone. Anthony burst into tears and numb at the moment, and he will have another five goals tonight! Hey, why should I say that again?

At the end of the game, Anthony hated why he had the nickname in his head. In the following game, Patrice contributed a wonderful block and a one-stop dunk. According to the standard, this ball is undoubtedly also Will board the five best **** at night.

When ESPN viewers saw the five best balls, they were amused by Anthony’s confused expression twice in a row. Anthony could be described as famous in one battle, but this fame may not be what he wanted.

“Hah! You didn’t see Anthony’s expression at that time!” In the locker room, Patrice excitedly held Lu Qiujian and said, “He must be wondering why I just stood on the right side waiting for him, continuously Blocked by me three times and dunked by me twice! He must now be suspicious of his basketball talent! “

“And Robbie, I let him make several three-pointers in the second half, but he didn’t make a hit!” Ed also swept away the haze of the first few games and talked about his heroic deeds to defend Robbie!

Then Gardson, Lei, Will and others also surrounded Lu Qiujian, and he became the biggest contributor to the victory of this game.

In the next game, the Princeton Tigers will travel to Oklahoma to fight the Oklahoma City Footers. This is a strong team in the NCAA. They have entered the knockout game for many consecutive years. In the future, they will also develop the champion. A star player like Fern.

“Gardson, Patrice, Ray, Will, Ed, you five starters!”, Thompson coach slightly adjusted the lineup, “Lv, pay attention to observation, feel free to comment!”

“Okay!”, Lu Qiujian depressed a monograph on group theory and began to observe the five starters on the opposite side. Soon the player named Taki Gray caught his attention. His The movement is very flexible, explosive, fast, and very good at using his body. In the opening few minutes, he has grabbed three rebounds.

Under his leadership, the Princeton Tigers quickly broke down. Coach Thompson looked at Lu Qiujian, “What are your good ideas?”

It’s just a matter of statistics, how can you still ask me tactical questions, but you are paid! Lu Qiujian uttered his observations while vomiting ~ ~ The core of the Czech team is Taki-Grey. Only by restricting his play can we find opportunities, we can see that he attacks every time. Both choose to break through or back play, obviously lack of shooting skills, and at the same time the defense movement is a bit too large, so we can let him shoot when defending, and rush to foul when attacking! As for the other five people … “

Nodded and listened to Lu Qiujian’s analysis, Thompson wrote a picture on the tactical board, and then immediately called a timeout to arrange Lu Qiujian’s ideas.

Soon Taki Gray made two consecutive defensive fouls, and the opponent’s coach quickly replaced him; but even the bench was not something that these guys in Princeton could bear, although Lu Qiujian always analyzed and pointed out, Tiger The team lost its chance at the last minute and lost by five points.

“The Czech team entered the final semifinals last year!” On the bus that went back, in addition to regretting their failure, they were more excited, “We now only lose their five points! And Lu Not playing yet! This year we may have a chance to reach the semifinals! “

“Come on, their main force of the previous year has long since left, and now there are a group of rookies on the court, and they are not at the same level as last year’s team!”

After coaxing these guys, Thompson turned around and asked softly, “Lu, would you like to be my assistant coach?”

Thank Z Taoist for the 588 reward, and thank Long Ling and Dong Lai Jiankun for the reward. The first recommendation tomorrow, three more celebrations, 12 o’clock and 9 o’clock. Seek all kinds of support ~ ~ Welcome the majority of book readers to come to read, the latest, fastest and hottest serial works are all in ~ ~ Mobile phone users, please go to read.

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