Demon School

Chapter 31 - Domestic response

This year, Professor Zhang, who was only in his forties, resumed the college entrance examination. The first batch of students studying at the university could sit on the throne of the head of the Chinese Mathematics Department at this age.

Professor Zhang was admitted to the Department of Mathematics as an elementary school teacher. He quickly indulged in the wonderful country of mathematics. After entering Beijing Normal University, he began to study the finite group and was awarded for solving an international mathematical problem. Widely concerned by the international mathematics community.

Reminiscing about the difficult days, he felt emotion and pride. At that time, there was no computer retrieval system at that time. If you want to search for the latest research results related to that problem, you can only turn over one journal in that period. He read all the Algebra magazines in the past two decades. This magazine publishes two magazines every month. There are almost five hundred in twenty years. This is just one of his reference materials. In these magazines that were taller than him, he found clues to the puzzle.

Although he has become the dean of the Department of Mathematics of Peking University, he has been busy with work, and his research on finite groups has reached a critical stage, but he still hasn’t let go of reading journals.

“The latest issue of the” Annual Mathematics “has been sent!”, Professor Zhang sighed, and has published only two articles so far with the strength of the strongest mathematics department in the country, one article is 18 years ago. , Another article is two years ago, although there has been some improvement in recent years, but the thought of those good seedlings have gone to the Department of Finance, Professor Zhang worried about the future of the Department of Mathematics.

Ok? This name seems to be Chinese! Have mathematicians in the Chinese community recently achieved remarkable results? Professor Zhang quickly turned to Lv Qiujian’s thesis and scanned the signed part; hey, it was Princeton’s. I thought it was from the domestic university!

Hey, Lv-QiuJian? This name seems familiar! Professor Zhang immediately put down his thesis and turned over the files in the filing cabinet. He said that even if the mathematics data was placed in a mess, he could find a place; but this kind of administrative data was neatly organized by the assistant. Not thinking.

Immediately got up and walked outside to call his assistant, “Hurry, help me find information! What is the name of the student we exchanged with Princeton this year!”

“No need to check, I remember it should be called Lv Qiujian!”, The assistant remembered the math formulas unclearly, remembering these things but never forgetting them, I couldn’t help complaining for a while, but I didn’t offend myself for this quota. people.

“Are you sure?”, Professor Zhang showed a hint of joy, shook his head after two clicks, “still have to be careful, you go to find his file to show me!”

“What’s going on here?”, The assistant went to the cabinet where the information was stored.

“It’s a good thing, it’s a good thing!” Professor Zhang looked left and right, and later wanted to go back to see Lv Qiujian’s papers. After a while, he was afraid that he couldn’t see Lv Qiujian’s archives for the first time. ! It takes so long to find a document? How do you usually do your work! “

“It’s okay, it’s okay!”, The assistant responded with a smile and secretly vomited. Such materials have always been placed deep in the cabinet. How can there be documents such as the “Faculty and Staff Housing Survey” important! What happened to Professor Zhang today? I used to be less active when I divided houses!

“Ah! You look for it quickly and find where to send me immediately!” Professor Zhang finally couldn’t help but go back to the office and carefully looked at Lu Qiujian’s paper. Usually Liu Xiaoting is very arrogant, how to find a document today I did n’t find it for three minutes!

“Good article! Good article!”, Professor Zhang tapped the table rhythmically with fingers, and praised Lü Qiujian’s thesis. He is still a young and prosperous person. Besides his own finite group problem, he has studied other frontiers. Some followers soon saw that Lu Qiujian’s article was not bad.

Hey, I remember that the partial differential teacher of the college was from Professor Ren. The research direction of Professor Ren seems to be different from the problems involved in this paper? Professor Ren’s main research is … and the problem solved by this article is …

“Professor Zhang, the information was found!” The assistant’s words interrupted his thoughts, and he looked up and saw a file bag passed by the assistant.

“Don’t you wait for a while! Didn’t you see me thinking about the problem!”, Professor Zhang was very annoyed when he just managed a clue but was interrupted by others.

Open the file bag three times and two times, take out Lv Qiujian’s file, and it is written stably that he will go to Princeton University in the United States for a one-year exchange study abroad.

Did n’t you just send me the information as soon as I found it? The assistant did not dare to argue, so he stood there aggrieved.

Is him! Professor Zhang saw the assistant still telling him, “Go call Professor Ren and let him come to me immediately!”

Is right again! The assistant is allergic to these two words now, and is about to go out but sees Professor Zhang and waved his hand. UU reads the book and picks up the phone by himself, “Forget it, I can’t find any information. I do n’t know when to wait! Or let me come, go out and remember to bring the door! “

You guys are too bad! The assistant wanted to cry without tears, and the good image he had worked hard in front of Professor Zhang was destroyed today!

“Haha, Professor Ren! What are you doing? … Oh, review the paper! … Let me do the work first! Come to me, I will show you a paper!”, Professor Zhang Endure the invitation with excitement.

Had wanted to get rid of it. Seeing Professor Zhang’s attitude was firm, he put down the paper in his hand and hurried over; when he entered the door, he just saw Professor Zhang holding a magazine and walking around in the office.

“Yao! Who is publishing this paper again?” Professor Ren walked over with a smile, this kid came to show his achievement to me again?

“Huh? Ann.-of-Math !!!”, Professor Ren was shocked when he saw the cover of the magazine, and couldn’t help reading the English abbreviation of “Mathematical Yearbook”, “Lao Zhang! You have published an article on this! Great! ! “

“It’s not me! It’s a student of our school!”, Said Professor Zhang passed the magazine over. Hey, this article is good, but the word Princeton is awkward. If it is replaced by Beijing Normal University, it’s good!

“Oh, which exchange student went to Princeton!”, Professor Ren was still impressed with the name Lv Qiujian. “It’s only a few months of effort to be able to publish papers on this. Is this Princeton really so powerful?” , I’m looking for an opportunity to communicate and exchange in the past!

There is a chapter at nine o’clock.

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