Demon School

Chapter 705 - Deterrence

“This new arsenal ship in your country is really enviable!” In the observation room, Vladimir’s face was solemn. Although he was not a military expert, he knew China by his knowledge of the leadership of China. The Chinese certainly did not show all their strengths. The current situation is already to save face for the Lucia Navy.

Vladimir uses the term arsenal to refer to the Changan, and the arsenal is also called a fireship. It is a large surface ship program proposed by the US Navy when formulating the 21st century battleship (SC-21) plan. The future arsenal can With strong firepower, it implements firepower support for air defense against ground operations and as a launch platform for anti-missile weapons. It has extremely strong strike capabilities against land, sea, and air. Unlike the Americans, the Chang’an did not use missiles as the main means of attack, but chose electromagnetic guns and laser guns! Other countries cannot imitate even if they want to imitate, because no matter the laser gun or the electromagnetic gun, they need a strong and stable energy supply system, which is impossible for those countries without nuclear fusion reactors.

Moreover, in addition to nuclear fusion reactors, superconducting materials are also used in many places on the Changan. If it is a nuclear fusion method, there is a theory to follow, but materials science is still completely a subject of luck, and I want to catch up. In China, they not only need massive capital investment, but also unparalleled luck.

“Our country has always loved peace, and the development of military strength is only to protect the security of China.” The old saying of Qin Feng reiterated that China did not intend to dominate the world by force.

“I think that China and Lucia have a responsibility to play a greater role in world peace!” Vladimir would not believe this, he hinted that Qin Feng Lucia would be willing to become a partner of China to overthrow the world hegemony led by the United States.

“Hey! The new radar system is not allowed, and the new missiles can’t be used! What time is it now, let’s use an old guy like Perak-10 to fight against the old Maozi fighter! It’s really suffocating!” Li Yunfan side Carefully paint two stars on the body of his love machine, while complaining with Qiao Fei.

“Come on! You still have two stars! My special one is only one!” Qiao Fei didn’t know how to say this guy was good, even if you can’t use these things, the performance of J-18 exceeds Su- 33, and he also grabbed two fighters in the chaos, plus the glorious record of the East China Sea scalpel, he has become the most enviable existence of Chinese pilots!

“If the superior didn’t ask us to hide our strength, I promise that I will be able to fight back with an ace pilot!” Li Yunfan said with dissatisfaction. The ace pilot was also called King of the Fall or ACE. This title first appeared in the first world. World War II generally refers to shooting down more than 5 (including 5) pilots of enemy aircraft.

There are not many ace pilots in the history of the Chinese Air Force. During the war of resistance, a total of fifteen ace pilots such as Gao Zhihang, Liu Zhesheng, and Liu Xigang appeared. During the war of resistance against the United States, Han Decai, Deng Congkai and other seven fighters also appeared. It is very eager to become the 23rd king of the Chinese nation in history.

“The data in the exercise can’t be true!” No fighter pilot wants to be the king of the downfall. Red Baron Richterhofen is always an idol in the hearts of pilots from all over the world. Qiao Fei also wants to get credit on the real battlefield. However, the current conditions do not seem to allow! “Unfortunately after this exercise, I think the surrounding countries will be quiet for a long time, right? We don’t know if we want a real gain!”

“Hua Guo demonstrated their powerful force to the whole world through this exercise! And because of the Norfolk meteorite collision accident, Millikan and China have fallen behind in the research and development of new weapons in the past few years! I think that now It ’s not the time to engage in military confrontation with China! ”Ashton Carter looked immensely after seeing the photo of the warship that played the role of Ulyanovsk shattered under the attack of thousands of metal projectiles. Gloomy, “We must develop a new arsenal in order to face head-on confrontation with China!”

“Can you be sure that the Chinese Congress is stalling while we are developing new weapons?” Admiral Selva put forward a different view. “Now is the time on the Chinese side or the American side? The speed of our military research and development in recent years Obviously weaker than China, the longer the delay, the more disadvantageous to us! “When did this situation start? It seems that after Lu Qiujian returned to his country, Huaguo kept launching all kinds of amazing new weapons, right? Such thoughts flashed through the mind of Admiral Selva Air Force.

“And this arsenal ship in China is not without its shortcomings!” Admiral Selva Air Force took out a large globe on the conference table, and took out a label and posted it. “Please see, this is that ship. Damn Changan! “

Then he took out several other color labels and attached them to another area. “This is our fleet. We can see that due to the curvature of the earth, the attack range of direct-fire weapons such as electromagnetic guns and laser guns has been affected. Greatly shortened, we can be invincible as long as we conduct saturation attacks outside their direct range! “

“But how many missiles do we need to carry to exceed his defensive limit? And do you think the Chinese navy will let Changan be attacked without counterattack? We don’t have such a strong defensive ability!” Ashton Carter Retorted ~ ~ And we can see that the speed of Changan is very fast, and the distance you marked is not safe! Once he enters the range, our fleet will face the catastrophe! The United States of America can no longer lose any aircraft carrier formation! “

“This exercise is a deterrent to us from China!” Trump defined this exercise. “Now it seems that they have achieved their purpose. It is impossible to defeat the Chinese navy simply by relying on the strength of the Asian fleet! China ’s plan for direct military confrontation! “

Trump knows that there is no direct conflict, and the United States can continue to maintain its hegemony, and once their aircraft carrier formation is easily eliminated by the Chinese navy! Then the history of the British Empire defeating the Spanish Invincible Fleet and taking over global hegemony from the other side will repeat itself.

Rather than revealing the problem, it is better to delay it for a while, and I will never seek re-election until the end of this term! Who is the one who loves to clean up this mess? Trump has already made up his mind to dump the pot. “Now it seems that military strength can’t achieve the goal, so why don’t we try the best method of our Americans?” (~ ^ ~)

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