Demon School

Chapter 706 - Financial offensive

“Let Janet Yellen, George Soros … come to the White House!” Trump repeatedly read dozens of powerful influencers of the US financial industry, of which Yellen is the Federal Reserve of the US The chairman of the committee, Soros is the chairman of the Quantum Collision Fund, and everyone else is a figure in the financial world. It can be said that any of them will cause turbulence on Wall Street.

In a word, one can become a multi-millionaire, or one can take people to the roof. This is the strength of these financial predators! Trump’s intention to call them over now is self-evident.

“Are you trying to launch a financial offensive against China?” Secretary of State Richard Colby remembered the Vantaa plan that knocked the last nail on the casket of the Red Empire, one of President Reagan’s most trusted financial war experts Euro-Vantaa used his superb financial means to short gold, and let the red empire relying on gold exports continue to cut off the last hope.

After the red empire collapsed, Leo-Vantaa cooperated with other senior experts in the financial wars of the United States and the corrupt forces inside the red empire, and ransacked the national wealth of the red empire. Until today, the red empire has not weakened Recovered!

The Vantaa project is a model of modern financial warfare. Trump is now calling financial predators such as Yellen and Soros to repeat the glorious history of Leo-Vantaa?

“Yes! Why do we have to fight against China militarily? Why don’t we use the means we are best at? Is there any country in the world that is better than our Americans at using finance as a weapon against the enemy?” Trump shrugged. It is said that the financial elites from all over the world are concentrated on Wall Street. If these people are used properly, their power is definitely greater than ten aircraft carrier formations, and they don’t have to worry about the earth entering the wasteland world!

The White House moved quickly. The next day, these financial predators scattered around the world took their own private planes, ended their vacations and business meetings, and hurried to Washington to gather in the White House.

This scene quickly aroused the attention of the media in the US. What did the White House want to do with so many financial tycoons? For a while, all practitioners in the financial industry have laid down their jobs and are concerned about the latest news from the White House! This is absolutely related to their net worth.

“Janet, your clothes are so suitable today! It perfectly sets off your wise temperament! Haha, George, you look very excited now, are you ready for the battle? James, I ’m all I want to invest in your fund, when will you accept funds from investors outside the company? … “At the door of the meeting room, Trump warmly welcomed every big crocodile.

These people also have their own grievances with each other. After meeting, they must sneer or greet each other, and the meeting room of the White House suddenly became noisy. The White House interns gave them coffee and pastries, and looked at them with envious eyes. Several female interns who were consciously good-looking deliberately showed off their sexiness and prayed that they would be favored by a big crocodile. Become the new Deng Wendi.

It is a pity that their insignificant charm is not worth mentioning in the face of the upcoming big plan. These people have concentrated their energy on core figures such as Trump and Yellen, and have not looked at them at all.

With the arrival of the last big crocodile, the room door closed! The interns and irrelevant personnel have long since retreated, and only Trump, his core think tank and these financial predators are left in the conference room.

“Ladies and gentlemen! The pride and legends of the United States of America!” Trump stood at the top of the conference table with his hands on the table, leaning forward slightly, and began his speech with very inflammatory words, “Now Milly The most dangerous moment in the history of the United States has come! Millikan needs your strength! “

With a loud bang, the big brothers around the conference table talked, “His Excellency, are you talking about a series of recent moves by China?” There are no fools here, and people with IQs that are not up to the standard are totally unqualified. The financial circle is calling for storms, and soon everyone understands what Trump is referring to.

“Yes! The grid-connected power generation of China’s nuclear fusion power station is the biggest threat to the international economic order established by the United States!” Trump said with a fist on the table fiercely, said coldly, “If you let China stabilize As it continues to develop, the glory of Militia and the glory of everyone will be reduced to nothingness! Do you want to rely on the breath of the Chinese people in the future? “

“I lost more than half of my net worth in the previous oil futures!” Said a billionaire, gritting his teeth, robbing his fortunes like murdering his parents. The loss of nearly 10 billion has made him the biggest enemy of China.

“Me too! If it weren’t for me to get the news a little earlier than others! I released my list in time, and I would have become a mess of mud under a building!” It seems that I was affected by this oil market crisis It ’s not just them who are losing.

“But China has made hundreds of billions of profits from the oil price crisis!” This figure will undoubtedly make everyone jealous, but unfortunately it is the one who is damaged! Some people are beginning to worry about the financial strength of Hua Guo, “Hua Guo now has the most foreign exchange reserves in the world, plus this harvest, they have a strong financial strength that can be used to deal with our attacks!”

“We are not fighting alone!” Trump opened a chart ~ ~ It is not us who hates China most now, Gulf sovereignty funds, UAE sovereign wealth funds … they are most eager for revenge Guys! “

The Middle East oil countries have accumulated vast amounts of wealth while lying on oil in the past few decades. These dozens of funds have cash reserves that scare the United States. Even though they suffered huge losses in the previous oil price crisis, Their current wealth still envy all financial predators.

With their participation, the confidence of these financial predators became more and more abundant. They waved their fists and shouted, “Teach the Chinese a hard lesson! Drain the wealth of the Chinese!” The scene fell into a frenzy.

Under the passion, only an old man stood up and walked out, “I will not participate in this action!”

“Mr. Simmons! What are you afraid of?” Someone asked immediately.

Simmons held the doorknob and looked back at them, “I will not start a financial war with China because I know that the best financial experts in the world are not in the United States!” (~ ^ ~)

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