Demon School

Chapter 709 - Get rich with me

“The rapid economic development of China in recent decades has changed the lives of countless people. The people’s disposable income has continued to rise. Moreover, due to the tradition of the Chinese people’s love of saving, an amazing amount of wealth has been deposited in banks!” Lu Qiujian turned his attention to the governor of the central bank. “I think you must remember this number?”

“Huaguo’s resident savings rate has always been high in the world’s list!” This is not necessarily a good thing for a country’s economy, but now it gives everyone a glimmer of light. The central bank governor quickly reported a series of numbers without looking at the information. This figure is not much worse than that of China ’s total GDP in one year.

“But the right to dispose of this money is not on our side!” Lu Kunqi reminded that if the country comes to call the people’s private deposit to participate in the financial game, even if it wins, it will be a big scandal, which is extremely authoritative for the Chinese government. I believe that foreign forces will not let this opportunity pass. If they find signs during the attack, they will release the news through various channels. Then the major banks in China will undoubtedly usher in the most. Crazy run!

This situation can be expected by everyone present. If this happens, the consequences will be even more terrible than failure in the financial battle with the United States! Because losing to the United States can also cause the enemy of the Chinese people, the Chinese government can also use the selling of the national bonds of the United States to beat the other side and hurt both sides.

However, if such a scandal comes out, it will not only affect the progress of financial warfare, but also cause the people of China to centrifuge from Germany, greatly shake the foundation of the rule of the Chinese government, and I am afraid that China will immediately fall into turmoil.

“I didn’t say that we should directly use this money to invest in the financial war with the US!” Lu Qiujian said confidently. “In recent years, investors have complained that they are sucking blood in the financial market too much! It ’s time we gave them some rewards! “

“Professor Lu, what kind of measures are you going to take?” The governor of the central bank was a little confused, and instead of directly using the money, what kind of method would it be?

At this time, of course, we still follow the mass line. Believe in the masses, mobilize the masses, unite the masses, and rely on the masses. This is a fine tradition when we started. Lu Qiujian made his own plan on the projector, “On the one hand, we can use the large amount of funds that the country now has to confront the hostile forces headed by the United States on the main battlefield! On the other hand, we can mobilize the masses and use them. The funds in his hands are used for auxiliary operations! Although the deposits held by each Chinese are inconspicuous, but the accumulation of sand and towers and the accumulation of armpits into furs, this insignificant number is multiplied by the huge base of 1.4 billion. It will become very scary! “

“A small force multiplied by 1.4 billion is enough to overcome all disasters!” Lu Kunqi repeated his predecessor’s classic quotations. “The key to the problem now is how to convince the masses to dare to take out deposits and act according to our baton. Now! “

“We don’t need to distribute documents or hold a special TV speech! The more you emphasize this kind of thing, the more doubt the masses will be!” Lu Qiujian opened his own plan and looked at the people in the venue and said, “Now it’s the Internet Times are up, we need to borrow the power of the Internet! “

The core figures of dozens of power circles present in China did not comment for a long time after seeing Lu Qiujian’s plan. This plan looks extremely bold, but if you think about it, it seems that it is indeed possible!

“It seems that we still have a lot of preparation work to do!” Lu Kunqi helped his glasses, and began to figure out what kind of means to take in order to do a good job in front of Lu Qiujian’s plan! It seems that in the next few days, I am afraid that I and the leading figures of the China Financial Conference will have little time to sleep! I hope the Americans will give us more time to prepare for a few days!

After the meeting, Lu Qiujian lived in Zhongbeihai, and he will not leave here until the end of this battle! He not only has to carry out his own plan, but also to help the main army analyze the offensive strategy of the United States and propose the most suitable solution to carry out a powerful return!

In the next few days, many large and heavily trafficked vehicles continued to enter and exit in the North China Sea. A team of silent staff in the underground nuclear defense base was nervously busy. Supercomputers, the highest bandwidth networks, and various Various communication facilities and other countless equipment necessary for this battle have been installed.

And Lu Kunqi also led the staff of the Chinese financial and securities institutions to quickly formulate new reform decisions, which greatly reduced the threshold for the Chinese people to participate in financial securities investment. They did not even have to go out, just A simple review through the Internet and the phone automatically qualifies you to participate in financial securities investment.

In the past few days, people in the Chinese financial community also smelled a wind, and the accumulation of a large number of international funds cannot hide too many people! For a while, many practitioners became panic-stricken.

At the same time ~ ~ Many people in the Pearl District thought of Soros’s offensive more than 20 years ago. That attack was when the Chinese government came forward to help them stabilize the economy, and this time the offensive is far stronger Far more than that time more than twenty years ago! Can the Chinese government survive it? They issued such questions.

Some people do not see the rapid development of China over the years, and their impression is still in the historical period when the British Empire is extremely powerful and the Militant is invincible! They realized that China’s economy was about to collapse, so they quickly sold their industries and fled to Canada, Australia, and other places. Some people even began to wonder whether they would take a free ride with the Americans and harvest some from the Chinese government. profit? How much do you want to double your property?

In the Mainland, with the successful construction of the moon base, the grid-connected power generation of nuclear fusion power stations, and the recent successful holding of military exercises, the confidence of the Chinese people in the government has reached its historical peak! They are confidently waiting for the good news of the failure of the United States. They believe that relying on the power of the Chinese government can completely defeat the American attack.

At this time, Lu Qiujian appeared on the bib platform again, published a bib and immediately caused a crazy repost: I want to ask if anyone wants to make a fortune? Refresh my bib in time if you want, I will send some very reliable information from time to time, everyone just needs to do what I say to follow me and get rich! (~ ^ ~)

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