Demon School

Chapter 727 - All human space?

Lu Qiujian simply issued a statement and went on, handing over the scene to Xihe Project and a spokesman for the Chinese government. The reporters who responded raised their hands.

“Please ask the reporter from YMCA!” The spokesman of the Chinese government gave the first question to the reporter who complained last time.

“According to international conventions, space belongs to all mankind! Has the Chinese government’s space mining activities infringed upon the rights and interests of other inhabitants of the earth?” Although the United States has declined, it has been difficult to change for many years. The reporter from the agency was aggressive as soon as he came up.

“First of all, whether there is only one kind of intelligent creature in the universe can not be confirmed, so it is not necessarily appropriate to say that space belongs to all mankind!” What kind of scenes did the spokesman have not seen, how could he be asked by such a question, immediately He retorted, “In addition, there are no other intelligent creatures found in the solar system. We will temporarily think that the solar system belongs to all mankind! The people of China have a fifth of the world’s population and naturally have the right to mine in space! Did n’t the government bring back hundreds of kilograms of ore from the moon? That ’s not fundamentally different from our country ’s behavior today! “

“Furthermore, the Chinese government has not tried to prevent any country from going to space mining! It seems that the United States, Luxembourg and other countries are still in front of China to start the space mining program? The Chinese government welcomes any country to participate in space mining! We are also eager I look forward to the day when human spacecraft will spread throughout the solar system! “The spokesperson explained in a serious way, if you want to go to space mining, go! We have not stopped you! It’s just that you can’t go up without fighting! Why blame us?

This passage almost suffocated the reporter of the United States from breathless! Damn, aren’t you just bullying us for not being able to carry out space mining? Planetary Resources Corporation and Deep Space Resources Corporation have also just launched a few exploration satellites, far from actually entering space! The progress of nasa is also slow! In the short term, I do n’t see any hope of success for a trans-planet spacecraft, let alone mining!

The reporters from China who listened to this dialogue were very comfortable. They laughed desperately one by one, and they almost said that I was relieved to see this kind of rogue of the motherland, which was not conducive to the image of the country and international peace!

“Is the Chinese government’s behavior of devaluing platinum significantly too irresponsible? This is a great harm to the international economic order!” Another European reporter issued a condemnation.

“Our government has already started to recycle platinum from the people’s hands a long time ago! Isn’t it the companies in Europe and the United States that are taking advantage of this opportunity to raise the price of platinum? I think who should be responsible for this economic turmoil needless to say Is that right? “Anyway, we guarantee the economic interests of the vast majority of Chinese! At first you did not take this opportunity to come to China to buy platinum, now you are dumbfounded?

“Your Excellency, we have seen that China has become the most technologically advanced country in the world. The realization of controlled nuclear fusion and space mining has proved this, and the economy of China has maintained rapid development for decades. The quality of life of the people is getting higher and higher! So should China shoulder more international responsibilities? For example, accept more international refugees from the Middle East? In order to eliminate poverty and maintain world peace as soon as possible? “1 A reporter wearing the badge of a large international charity gleamed with compassion! She seems to think that if those displaced refugees are allowed to come to China, they will surely lead a happy life right away?

“Although China’s economic aggregate is developing rapidly, we should also see that China has a huge population base! The economic indicators per capita are still among the ranks of developing countries!” The excuse of the Chinese country, “At present, the social support of China is not perfect, so it cannot bear the burden of receiving refugees like the developed countries of Germany and France!”

The foreign reporters who listened to this speech didn’t even know how to vomit. Is there a developing country with gdp ranked first in the world! Are there any developing countries that monopolize nuclear fusion technology and space mining technology? Is there any developing country that can spend 10,000 tons of platinum to play!

As for journalists in France and Germany, they are crying without tears! The influx of refugees has made the security environment in these two countries drastically worse, and the middle class is constantly decreasing! As a middle class, they paid countless taxes to solve the refugee problem, and faced the danger of being attacked and unemployed. They had long wanted to drive the refugees away! Now seeing China so decisively refused, he couldn’t help but be extremely envious.

“In addition, you just mentioned the problem of poverty eradication! I do n’t think there is any country in the world that is better than the Chinese government! In the past few decades! We can drive tens of millions of Chinese nations every five years. The population is out of poverty! This figure is close to 80 million in the last five years! It is the efforts of the Chinese government and the hard work of the people that have saved hundreds of millions of people from poverty! Live a stable life! ” The face of the person turned solemn. “I believe that even if all the other countries in the world add up to ~, there are not as many people as China in eliminating poverty! So why can you blame China on its work to eliminate poverty? Did not do your best? “

“No, that’s not the same! It is your duty to eliminate the poor in your country! Every government should undertake such an obligation!” Said reporter Zhi Zhiwu.

“Yes! It is the duty of every government to eliminate the poor in its own country!” The spokesperson gave her a profound look. What are the governments of other countries doing? Why should the Chinese government assume the obligations that should belong to them? “And China still has hundreds of millions of people living in poverty. This requires the Chinese government to continue its efforts! We are willing and willing to make our due contributions to international peace and poverty eradication, but these contributions must be borne in our country. Inside! We do not intend to accept foreign refugees on a large scale before we completely eradicate poverty in our country! “

Even if it is successful, China will probably prefer refugees with knowledge reserves and excellent qualities to those who are huh …

“Here, I want to give you a piece of advice. No country in the world can easily get rid of poverty! It is precisely through the decades of hard work since the founding of the People’s Republic of China that we have today’s good situation! I think other The same should be true of the country! “Your Excellency spokesperson’s remarks! (To be continued.)

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