Double Summit War: The More Contrast, The More Collapse Sengoku

Chapter 46

046. Stud Wins The 2Nd Question, Sengoku Gets The Reward For The First Answer

Sengoku froze.

Unbelievably slow back.

When you can see that familiar figure.

It really is him!

Rosinante! ! !

Sengoku: “Great, you’re alive! What the hell is going on!”

Sengoku asked impatiently.

Rosinante: “It’s Virgo. I didn’t know at the time that he was an undercover agent sent by Brother Ming, so I gave him an important piece of information. That’s why he discovered my identity as an undercover agent.”

“Then he told Doflamingo about it.”

“It was Doflamingo who killed me, too.”

Rosinante briefly explained the matter.

Sengoku couldn’t help but froze.

“Damn it. Unexpectedly, it was Virgo, and I was buried in the dark!”

Thinking that he has been focusing on cultivating Virgo for so many years, and cultivating the person who killed Rosinante, Sengoku feels extremely guilty.

Sure enough, he was blind.

At this time, Sengoku remembered what Sengoku from another world said to him when Virgo first appeared in the video.

At that time, I thought the other party was mocking me.

Think about it now.

I really deserve to be ridiculed.

The appearance of Rosinante, in addition to curing Sengoku’s heart disease, also added a trump card to Marine.

That is Rosinante’s fruit ability.

It can block all sounds, that is to say, block all vibrations.

And Whitebeard’s Shock Fruit is a huge damage caused by vibration.

“Great! Just in time for you to come back, Rosinante.”

Sengoku said very excitedly.

On the other hand, Whitebeard’s complexion was a bit bad.

In this round of answering questions, Whitebeard didn’t get any benefits.

It also resurrected Marine to a person who restrained his abilities.

As for Kaido, none of his crew guessed right.

The red-haired Shanks is better. After analysis by Benn Beckman, some people guessed it right, so it is said that the physical attributes have been strengthened.

As for Aunt Yu, it was miserable.

Because I trust Marine too much.

As a result, he took all his subordinates and followed Marine Stud directly.

Who would have thought.

Sengoku also has a day of being blind.

He actually trained an undercover agent to become Vice Admiral.

As a result, the aunt lost everything here, and no one answered correctly.

“(Original) Aunt: Sengoku! You’ve let me down so much, you’re almost an Admiral undercover, and you don’t even know it.”

“(Original) Sengoku: Although Marine didn’t choose anything, but Rosinante’s resurrection is worth more than anything!”


“Please choose in this world.”

“A. Undercover sent by pirates to Marine”

“B.G5 Marine Branch Base Chief”

“C. A good big brother who often takes care of his sick sister”

“D. The undead whose grass is five meters high”




present world.

Sengoku looked at Ron.

“Commander Ron, which one do we choose?”

“Choose A, B.”

Ron said flatly.

This confuses Sengoku a bit.

“Why? Shouldn’t these two be opposites, can’t they be chosen at the same time?”

“In their world, according to the current timeline, Sengoku did not discover his identity as an undercover agent, so he now has dual identities. The first is the base of the Marine branch, and the second is the one sent by the pirates to Marine. Undercover.”

Heard Ron say that.

Sengoku suddenly realized.

Sure enough, I still have to rely on Ron.

If it was on him, he would never have thought that these two answers could be chosen together.


According to the meaning of the other side, at the current point of time said by the other side, Virgo is not dead.

So option D is not selected.

“Commander Ron said, choose A and B.”

One order.

All Marines, all selected.

After all Marines were selected, Dama Gourmet Company, Kaido Mining Company and others began to choose. Of course, they didn’t know what Marine chose, so they were purely blind.

“The time to answer the question is up, and those who do not answer will be disqualified from answering the question”

“Now announce the correct answer”

“The correct answers are A and B.”

“The winner of the first answer reward is the captain of the Rosinante Special Forces. This time, a total of 110,000 people answered correctly, and the reward is a 1% increase in body attributes.”

“Please choose the reward for the first answer”

“1. Resurrection”

“2. Obtain 5 billion Baileys”

“3. Devil Fruit Awakening”

“4. Obtain a body with double fruit ability”

“(Now) Rosinante: I choose 3, Devil Fruit awakens.”

Question 1 is over.

Ron was still rewarded with all options.

“(Original) Sengoku: What in another world, Rosinante didn’t die?”

Sengoku in the original world was surprised to hear that the winner of the first answer reward in the other world was also Rosinante.

“(Currently) Sengoku: Of course not, Commissar Ron has set up a detailed single-line contact mode for all undercover agents sent by Marine, so it will not be exposed at all.”

The original world Sengoku felt hit again: “….”

“Random quiz question 2 now”

“Answer at the end of the countdown”

“Please don’t rush to answer in advance, otherwise you will be disqualified from answering questions”

“Please answer from the audience of the original world”

“In another world, who defeated Virgo after his identity was revealed?”

“This is a single choice”

“A. Luffy, Sabo, Ace three brothers”

“B·Akainu Admiral”

“C. Ron Commissar”

“D. Momousagi Rear Admiral”





“Please answer from the audience of the original world”

“In another world, who defeated Virgo after his identity was revealed?”

“This is a single choice”

“A. Luo”


“C. Shanks”

“D. Sengoku”





The original world.

Sengoku looked at these 4 wonderful options and completely fell into a sluggish state.

“Is the delusion of option A too serious? These three brothers can’t even know Haki now, how can they defeat Virgo?”

“Looking at this, Virgo should be exposed soon. There are three Marine executives, Ron, Akainu, and Momousagi.”

“However, Ron’s strength is not clear now. He has never made a move, but he can achieve this position and make Akainu and others so obedient. Presumably, his strength should not be weak.”

“By the way, Garp, if you had to choose, which would you choose?”

Sengoku suddenly had an idea and turned to ask Garp.

Garp said without hesitation.

“That must be Akainu. If he finds out that the other party is an undercover agent, shouldn’t he be killed on the spot due to his extreme personality?”

Sengoku nodded.

“Okay, let’s rule out the answer of B Akainu first.”

“Huh? You old man, what does that mean?” Garp yelled.

Sengoku didn’t bother to talk to Garp.

Use Garp to rule out an answer.


“As for Ron, judging by his current attitude, Virgo shouldn’t be worth his shot. As for Momousagi…he is Ron’s secretary now, so he probably won’t make a shot either.”

After Sengoku analysis.

He gritted his teeth and said.

“Just choose A, Ace Luffy, Sabo three brothers.”

“(Original) Sengoku: A”

Garp and Crane staff looked at each other and said.

“You are crazy, Sengoku, this is obviously a wrong answer, the three of them are so small, how could they defeat Virgo.”

Sengoku sighed and said:

“Does the other world surprise us so much? Don’t forget, just now on the warship, Ron seemed to teach those three guys how to use Haki, and the answer to this kind of question is often the one we least expect, so I’m sure it’s an A!”

Everyone in Marine could not agree with Sengoku, so they had no choice but to follow. If they were wrong, they could be wrong. Anyway, Marine didn’t choose the right one.

At this time, the aunt would not dare to choose with Marine again, after all, she didn’t get anything with Stud last time.

Now that Marine has chosen A, Big Mom leads the pirate group and chooses among several other options.

It didn’t take long before everyone was selected.

“Question time is up”

“All those who do not choose are deemed to have given up automatically”

“The correct answer is A!”

“The winner of the first answer award is Sengoku, and a total of 100,000 people chose the right answer”

The original world.

The whole Marine was in an uproar.

Sengoku himself was taken aback.

Did you choose the right one?

Finally got it right!

It’s rare that I didn’t take all the other Marines into the ditch!

But although he chose the right one, he can’t imagine how three guys who can’t even know Haki can defeat Virgo? Just rely on the few words that Ron just pointed out? Not so exaggerated.

The first one who can’t sit still is Doflamingo.

“(Original) Doflamingo: Are you kidding me? Virgo is one of the top cadres under me! How could his strength be defeated by those three brats?”

“(Original) Whitebeard: Gu la la la, indeed, Haki is a watershed. The three kids who didn’t even master Haki can defeat Virgo with a lesson taught by Ron in less than 20 minutes? This Obviously unrealistic! Ron can’t be that amazing.”

“(Original) Aunt: Damn it, it would be nice if I followed Marine this time.”

“Please choose the reward for the first answer reward winner Sengoku”

Hearing this voice, Sengoku was extremely excited.

I don’t know what kind of reward I will get.

He’d even like the reward of asking another Marine world to help with a Summit War, given the chance.


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