Double Summit War: The More Contrast, The More Collapse Sengoku

Chapter 49

049. Who Doesn’T Get A Nosebleed After Watching It? The Relationship Between Master And Apprentice Has Gone Bad (Subscription Is Recommended)

If you open your hand and hold a marshmallow hard..


This is the view presented 10 centimeters in front of Ron.

Ron: “…cough cough.”

“(Original) Sanji: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Sanji from the original world has pink hearts in his eyes, and his nose bleeds with envy.

[(Original) Zoro: You Kappa, don’t be ashamed of yourself here? By the way, didn’t Kuina die in another world?”

“(Now) Zoro: What are you talking about? How could Kuina die so easily? Who can kill her?”

“(Present) Ace: Eh? Guina, you are still amazing, no wonder you can protect Chief Ron personally, you know how to protect personally.”

(Present) Luffy: Hahaha, young and promising, Guina!”

“(Present) Kuina: Shut up, you two idiots, and… Is the word young and promising used in this way? Read more, you idiot!”

Gu Yina can’t wait to go up and give the two of them a big fight now.

Damn, what a shame.

Jump over this scene quickly, the number one swordsman in the world has never felt his heart beat so fast.

This speed was even faster than when she defeated Hawkeye.

(Present) Luffy: Eh? Kuina, your heart is beating so fast, do you also drive in second gear?」

The Luffy of the present world made another sentence inappropriately.

puff. .

In second gear?

The surrounding Marines did not hold back.

He laughed outright.

Gu Yina’s face exploded with anger.

God damn meow in second gear.

This product is still so cheap!

“(Present) Kuina: If you talk nonsense again, be careful that I will cut you off.”

at this time.

The video screen suddenly pauses.

Was fixed in this scene.

“(Original) Sanji: Eh? Why did you pause at the critical moment? That guy, isn’t he going to do something pervert in a while?”

“(Present) Kuina: Do you dare to slander Master Ron? Be careful, I will cut you off.”

Guina is crazy.

Why is it still suspended? I can’t explain it clearly.

Now in the present world, Kuina has become the world’s number one female swordsman.

A blush could not help but appear on a cold face.

When I was young, I didn’t feel anything.

but now.

When playing back this screen.

Guina did blush.

Feeling hot on the face.

Its temperature seems to be higher than the Hedao Yiwen that ate the Mera-mera Fruit in his hand.

That video was seen by so many people.

Guina can’t wait to find a place to get in.

Especially, Ron was sitting in front of him at the moment.

She’s mostly Ron’s bodyguard now.


Wherever Ron goes, she stands behind Ron.

One sits in front and the other stands behind.

Doesn’t this picture look familiar to me more than 10 years ago?

I’m afraid Ron will look back at this time.

Because this head position is exactly the same as it was 10 years ago.

Guina felt her heart pounding.

I also don’t know if Ron got the previous rewards, which produced an effect.

Guina looked at Ron’s eyes now, always with a hint of shyness.

In addition, the embarrassing scene played in the video of the first encounter served as a catalyst.

In short, it is difficult to explain Guyina’s mood at the moment.

The teacher-student relationship seems to have changed.

at this time.

A line of text slowly scrolled across the screen.

“The 4th round of random answer questions begins”

“In the process of comparing Luffy’s life, when the people involved with Luffy appear, a random question-and-answer mode will be activated.”

“The content of the question and answer is: The two worlds guess each other’s future highest achievement of this person in the other world”

Highest achievement?

I didn’t expect that there would be another round shortly after the last round of Q&A.

It seems that the pace is getting faster and faster after that.

Everyone got excited.

After all, the previous rewards were so rich that they were inhumane.

“(Original) Sanji: I want to be the first to answer this time, and I want to get the reward of the first answer, which is the luck of the whole life!”

“(Original) Whitebeard: Little ones, keep your spirits up, this time we can’t let Marines take advantage of them, read the questions carefully for me, divide into lists and multiple choices!”

“(Original) Aunt: Take it seriously!”

[(Original) Shanks: I am optimistic about the topic, this time the question is about the highest achievement, not the future status, Benn Beckman, is it easier to infer this time?」

“(Original) Kaido: Be fooled, little ones, if it’s a single-choice question this time, just follow the rules I taught you, and if it’s a multiple-choice question, just choose whatever you want.”

“(Now) Kizaru: I still have to fight for the first choice. This time I have to use the speed of Sparkling fruit’s awakening state to choose! There must be an option that makes my work easier! Don’t compete with me.”

[(Original) Kizaru: You are really good, you are amazing, I.. have nothing to say. ”

“Questions start”

“Please ask the audience from the original world to answer, what is the highest achievement of Kuina in the other world

“This selection is a short-answer question”

“Note: Please indicate the reason for your choice after the option. If the option is correct and the reason is correct, it will be judged as a correct choice. If there is one incorrect answer, it will be regarded as a wrong answer.”

“A. No highest achievement, 10-year-old fell from the stairs and died”

“B. The world’s number one swordsman”

“C. Curator of Kendo Gym”

“D. A pirate with a bounty of 300 million”

“E. Marine”




“Please start answering”

The bullet screen instantly calmed down.

Only a few who didn’t read the questions carefully chose the option directly, but did not put a reason behind it.

The result was unsurprisingly judged wrong.

People in the original world, you look at me, I look at you.

The difficulty of answering the question has increased this time.

Everyone didn’t dare to choose first.

After all, if you don’t think about the reason, you will be wrong even if you choose first.

It seems that this time you can’t rely on hand speed to grab the first answer reward.

The forces of all parties began to gather together for research again.

As the winner of the first answer award last time.

Sengoku is given a high priority by Marine.

At this moment, Sengoku rubbed his chin and analyzed carefully.

“Excluding answer A first, how can someone fall from a ladder and die? Impossible!

Garp immediately nodded in agreement.

“That’s right, when the old man threw Luffy under the cliff, into the sky, and into the crocodile pond, Luffy didn’t die, but he could die if he fell off the ladder. It really made the old man laugh out loud.”

Sengoku shivered all over for no reason.

As soon as he heard that Garp had the same views as himself, he felt problematic.

However, he still continued to analyze.

“As for option B, that’s even more impossible. There is no way for a woman to become the number one swordsman in the world.”

Staff Officer Crane nodded: “That’s right, normally a woman’s strength will not exceed that of a man, unless there is a heterogeneous blood like aunt, but it is obvious that the opposite Guina is just a Common person, her achievements It is absolutely impossible to surpass Hawkeye.”

Sengoku nodded and continued to analyze.

“So option C is the most suitable for the curator of the kendo gym. After all, her family opened the kendo gym. It is not impossible for her father to pass the kendo gym to her, because opening the kendo gym does not require high swordsmanship.”

Staff Crane and Garp also agreed.

At present, this is indeed the most logical and reliable point of view.

After the selection, you can justify yourself and find a reasonable reason.

Not as outrageous as the first two.

As for the 4th.

Sengoku rubbed his chin in thought for a moment.

“I don’t think the fourth one is very likely. A pirate with a bounty of 300 million, she can achieve this bounty if she works hard, but if it is a pirate, it is impossible to appear in the Marine camp.

“Yes.” Staff Officer Crane agreed.

Sengoku thought for a while and said.

“The fifth answer is too confusing. We can see that the other party also appears in places like the top party. It stands to reason that normal people would think that he is Marine. Can the answer be so obvious? Based on previous experience, obviously not Ah, generally what we see is an illusion.

“That’s why we choose C, the curator of the kendo hall!” As for the reason, it is what we said before that the son inherits the father’s career.

“Garp, you brought a group of candidates to choose E. After all, her highest achievement in the future is Marine, and her status as a Marine cannot be completely ruled out. As for the reasons, you should each think about one.”

Sengoku made the decision directly.

So the choice was made immediately.

As for Whitebeard, Kaido and others, they are also at a loss now, so they have to choose randomly, and the reasons are also made up in a mess.

However, most of them did not choose the answer B.

Because it is unreasonable.

There are very few people who choose the answer B, and the reasons are also filled with eight gates.

All the people here are the top powerhouses in the world, no one knows better than them where the upper limit of a woman is, and it is impossible to become the number one swordsman.

“Question ended”

“The correct answer is B. The number one swordsman in the world, and the correct reason is: she met Ron

“No one answered this time”

The answer is extremely exaggerated, and the reason is extremely simple.

The news exploded the audience.

“(Original) Zoro: The world’s number one… swordsman?”

The original world.

Zoro, who was fighting with the gorilla in an abandoned kingdom, was stunned.

Whether it is the number one in the world or the female swordsman, he feels incredible.

Guina…has his dream come true in another world?


Now Zoro is very clear about how important it is to be number one in the world.

Because he fought Hawkeye.

He defeated his 10 years of penance with one move.

You must know that the weather comes and goes, since Zoro was eight years old, Zoro has not stopped exercising for a day.

But still can’t stop the opponent’s sword.

too far away.

Can’t even see the back.

He is far from the number one in the world.

That is an unattainable height.

That is, he still can’t figure out how to surpass the height.

He knows that there is still a long way to go if he wants to surpass the number one.

But… Sengoku on the opposite side said, that Kuina in that world has become the world’s number one female swordsman?

How on earth did she do it?

This is impossible.

Has she already defeated Hawkeye?

Can anyone really beat this man at the sword?

…0 for flowers‥

Or is there no Hawkeye in that world at all?

Perhaps this is the only reasonable answer.

Zoro didn’t believe anyone could surpass that man.

At least no one except myself!

Even Guina is impossible.

Cultivated to this point.

In fact, even the

Longdu had to admit.

On the way of kendo, women really can’t become great swordsmen.

In fact, his master Koshiro was right.

How could a man from a country specializing in kendo not understand this truth.

It’s just that Zoro was very young at that time, he only had dreams in his eyes, and he believed that everything could be achieved with hard work.

But after so many years of penance, he finally understood.

Women…will really be used further and further away by men.

this is the truth.

The reason why Zoro has the current strength is inseparable from the fact that he swings the barbell shirtless and exercises his upper body strength day after day.

And these, women really can’t do it, their innate growth in strength is not as good as that of men.

One day, one of the two of us will become a great swordsman.

Reminds me of that childhood promise.

Thinking about it now, it was just a child’s fantasy.

I used to love chasing dreams when I was young, and always left reality behind.

At that time, both Zoro and Kuina believed that Koshiro was suppressing the morale of his daughter, because he looked down on women who could become sword masters, but now…Zoro really

Ri knew that at that time Koshiro was good for Kuina.

How could a father not support his daughter’s dreams?

That’s because Koshiro didn’t want his daughter’s efforts to be reduced to ashes.

He didn’t want his daughter to waste more than 10 years practicing kendo before finally discovering the cruel truth.


If you stop this illusion in time, you can stop the loss in time.


Just impossible.

Knowing that it is impossible to do it——is stupid!

It’s just that none of them understood Koshiro’s painstaking efforts.

It was only when he grew up that Zoro understood.

And at the same time.

Hawkeye in Summit War, saw this barrage.

Can’t help but frown.

Is it number one in the world?

He is sitting right here.

Throughout the world, there is no one who surpasses himself in the way of swordsmanship.

Who is that unknown little girl?

How come I have never heard her name in this world?

If there is such a person in this world.

Then let her challenge herself.

The strong do not fear the strong.

“(Original) Hawkeye: Are you the number one female swordsman in the world? Where are you in this world? If you read this passage, come and challenge me. I will always wait at the number one position in the world.

looking at you. ”

Hawkeye in the original world has a cold personality and relatively few words. This is the first time he has spoken on the barrage.

As expected of the number one swordsman!

He even launched a challenge invitation directly in front of the whole world.

The heroism of such a strong man.

It also made many people excited.

Do you want to see a duel between the first swordsmen in your lifetime?

Can’t help it!

When Hawkeye finished speaking, he slashed out with a sword.

In an instant, a pale green sword energy straddled Kaidi.

The ice wall that froze the huge waves that surrounded it before.

Neatly truncated at the waist.

Not only that.

After a second.

The entire ice wall is under such a huge impact.

Instantly turned into ice powder, shining crystal clear light in the sun.

As the sword energy swept across the sea, another monstrous wave was set off.

To know the range.

But the exaggeration reached to surround the whole Marineford.

It can release such a huge sword energy, and it can still produce this kind of power at such a long distance.

It is worthy of being the world’s number one swordsman.

And it’s just one hit.

This scene.

It is also spread all over the world through the screen of the live broadcast room.

It also let everyone see the strength of the world’s number one swordsman.

Is this the world’s number one swordsman?

Will such a man also be surpassed?

And still by a woman.

How can it be?

“(Original) Whitebeard: Gu la la la, Mihawk, you should be more serious before you can.”

“(Original) Foil Vista: It seems that you didn’t use your full strength in the confrontation with me just now. Isn’t it worth your full strength for an opponent like me?”

[(Original) Sengoku: Good guy, these Shichibukai seem to be here to deal with work. Sure enough, pirates are unreliable. Hawkeye can use stronger power,

But I’ve been paddling here, I couldn’t hit Luffy for a long time before, so I knew there was a problem, are these guys here to make up the numbers like Kizaru?”

[(Original) Kizaru: Eh? What does it have to do with the old man, this battle is very serious, and I also contributed. ”

“(Now) Kizaru: As far as what you did on the battlefield, it would have been good if you hadn’t been arrested as an undercover agent, but if it were here with us, just show the record and have a celebration feast

All meals have to be served at the children’s table. ”

“(Present) Sengoku: The children’s table is too much, you know, there is an Admiral, a great swordsman, and a master…”

“(Original) Yellow Ape:…one”.

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