Double Summit War: The More Contrast, The More Collapse Sengoku

Chapter 50

050. Meeting Ron = Great Swordsman, No Ron = Falling To Death By Stairs. Outrageous

No one expected that the topic this time would be so tricky.

As a result, even if they wanted to be fooled, they couldn’t find a suitable reason.

Being able to answer correctly this time is purely based on strength.

As expected, no one answered correctly.

Who would have thought of this answer.

It is anti-humanity, anti-science, and anti-common sense.

Sengoku from the original world couldn’t help but turn dark.

I didn’t expect that after I analyzed it, I found that my answer was far away from the real answer.

He chose to be the curator of the Kendo Gym

Consider yourself reasonable.

But never expected.

The real answer was precisely the one he thought seemed the least plausible.

And this reason is also extremely concise and perfunctory.

lead to.

Sengoku couldn’t understand for a moment.

The correct answer is B. Become the world’s number one swordsman.

The reason given was because she met Ron.

What kind of weird reason is this?

It’s just off the charts.

Even if the reason is her genetic mutation or eating Devil Fruit, these can be barely justified.


But he attributed this reason to an encounter.

This is not acceptable to Sengoku.

What can we do when we meet?

This changes a person’s destiny.

If you can do it alone, you can do it, if you can’t do it, you can’t.

It is impossible for a woman to become a great swordsman.

This is an ironclad fact.

Throughout the Sea Circle Calendar’s 1,000-year history.

There has never been such a precedent.

Unless a woman eats Devil Fruit or some special Constitution, it is possible to become a strong man, but the strong belong to the strong, and the swordsman belongs to the swordsman.

Just because she can become a strong person does not mean that she can become the number one swordsman.

Because kendo and martial arts are different.

It is impossible for Kendo to rely on the fruit ability to reach the pinnacle.

The great swordsmen of all dynasties in history are basically those who can “two-two-three” without fruit.

Only when there is no distraction and no fruit interference can one truly reach the peak in the way of swordsmanship.

This brings up a problem.

A woman who is already weaker than a man, if she doesn’t eat Devil Fruit, it will take a lot of effort to become a strong person, let alone become a person who has reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship.

Anyway, Sengoku has never seen it.

So at this moment, when the correct answer was announced, he would feel such a shock in his heart.

Where is the problem?

Can fate be changed after meeting Ron?

But this change of fate is too outrageous.

You can change it a little bit.

For example, people like Luffy Ace, it is understandable that they become a little stronger, after all, the talent itself is there.

It seems reasonable for you to teach and teach them to be stronger.


Kuina is different.

Although Sengoku has to admit, her kendo talent is also very strong.

This can be seen from the few shots she made in the video.

But it is a woman after all.

Sad about development.

After developing, the strength of kendo will definitely not advance but retreat.

This is not a gap that can be filled by hard work.

Nor is it an obstacle that can be overcome by talent.

This made Sengoku have to ask questions.

[(Original) Sengoku: I really don’t understand why a woman can become the world’s number one swordsman. I am skeptical about this answer, and I don’t accept this answer. ”

“(Currently) Crane Staff Officer: Who said that a woman cannot become the world’s number one swordsman? I said Sengoku, why do you still have such an old and stubborn thinking, no wonder you are still a bachelor in another world, another I can see you That’s weird.”



Directly ran out of power to Sengoku in the original world.

The blow was too great.

Hit the weakness directly.

This made Sengoku glance at the crane next to him? Could it be that he really died alone for this reason?

Staff Officer Crane turned his head away speechlessly.

“(Original) Garp: Um, Tsuru, is it true that you are not with Sengoku for this reason?”


Garp pushed the embarrassing atmosphere of the scene to the peak again.

Staff Crane and Sengoku’s faces turned green.

Why is this guy so indifferent to occasions, is this a matter of discussion now?

“(Formerly) Staff Crane: Shut up Garp [Is this the point? This is talking about the possibility of a woman becoming the tenth greatest swordsman in the world! What are you talking about here?”

“(Original) Garp: I’m just curious, so is that the reason?”

“(Original) Sengoku: You really don’t like oil and salt!”

In the original world, Sengoku directly kicked Garp off the execution platform.

I am so mad.

I keep asking, asking endlessly, is it embarrassing not to show the atmosphere at the scene?

“(Original) Aunt: Mamama, who said that women can’t become sword masters, who would dare to take over my sword skills?”

As one of the Four Emperors and the aunt who has the upper limit of female combat power at this stage, she finally couldn’t help speaking.

“(Original) Sengoku: Can yours be the same? Your Constitution, which is scarier than a titan, is already very pervert! Kuina in that world is a Common person, how does it compare to you?”

“(Original) Kaido: Yes, Linlin, and your kendo can only be used by titans.”

“(Present) Aunt: Oumu, he calls me Linlin, it’s so cute, you have to call me that in the future.”

[(now) Kaido: Okay, Linlin. ”

The scene in the original world fell silent for a moment.

Very spicy eyes.

So weird!

“(Original) Kaido: “????? Can you block my image in another world? I really can’t watch it anymore. “”

“(Original) Aunt: “Kaido, I will be called by my full name in the future, do you hear that? You guys keep calling me Linlin, do you have any thoughts about me?”j

[(Original) Kaido: Shut up old woman! I have a sick mind, so I have thoughts about you?”

“(Original) Aunt: That other world…

“(Original) Kaido: That’s not me! He’s out of his mind!”

So cute, Linlin


Shanks didn’t hold back again.

Just laughed out loud.

This made Kaido, who had been confronting Shanks, feel insulted.

The two guys fought again.

Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief.

Even some thanks to Kaido.

At least the embarrassing atmosphere was transferred away.

It was Sengoku’s embarrassment just now, now it’s Kaido’s turn.

Sengoku still wants to understand the authenticity of this matter.

[(Original) Sengoku: Is there no such strong as Hawkeye in the world you are facing? Or maybe the kendo in your world is in a very backward state. ”

Otherwise, I really don’t understand, how did a woman become a great swordsman?

But next.

Hawkeye on the opposite side spoke.

“(Now) Hawkeye: I testify that Kuina is indeed the number one swordsman in the world. It is a kind of swordsmanship that I have never seen before. I admit that I am not her opponent, so you don’t have to argue anymore. The number one swordsman in the world Yi Jianhao is indeed a woman, before that I couldn’t believe it just like you.”

Hawkeye, once the world’s number one swordsman, testified in person.

Everyone in the original world was dumbfounded.

It is impossible for Hawkeye to lie.

That is.

A woman really became the world’s number one swordsman!

“(Original) Hawkeye: This is impossible, how did you lose to her?”

The eagle eye of the world is also interested. After all, he is very clear about his own strength, and his own strength in another world will not be a problem.

He was able to defeat the black knife night in his hand.

How the hell is this done?

“(Present) Hawkeye: I don’t understand until now, I’ve said it all, her swordsmanship is something I’ve never seen before, and her sword is something I’ve never seen before, and now the strongest knife is no longer black It’s the night of the sword, but the flame sword Ryūjin Jakka in her hand.”

“(Original) Hawkeye: What? What kind of knife? Why haven’t I heard of it? It’s not in the Twelve Gongda Knives either. Are you kidding me? Don’t you try to defeat him and reclaim the title of world’s strongest Take it back?”

Hawkeye couldn’t believe that his Heidaoye had been defeated.

“(Present) Hawkeye: I snatched it, but it was useless… At first, I was defeated by three moves, and then I was afraid that I would be defeated by one more move. If you can’t beat me, you can do it. let’s go.”

Hawkeye thought, I really want to fight, but we are not in the same world, how do you want me to fight?

“(Original) Hawkeye: So what are you doing now?”

How do you feel that your own state in another world is so sluggish?

“(Present) Hawkeye: I, now open a kendo gym and serve as the curator. It is also very good to teach children how to dance swords every day.”

Hawkeye was dumbfounded.

Are you going to open a Kendo gym by yourself?



The whole original world was fried.

“(Original) Whitebeard: Mihawk, what kind of insurmountable mountain have you seen? Will you give up so completely?”

[(Original) Zoro: This…」

Zoro’s faith also collapsed.

He has always considered the insurmountable Mihawk the Hawkeye. He was beaten to open a kendo gym.

“(Original) Koshiro: Can a woman really become the strongest swordsman? Am I wrong? Eh, Kuina…if you still…

“Koshiro was muted for 5 minutes”

As the world’s number one swordsman, Hawkeye’s popularity in this world is enormous.

He is a man standing at the pinnacle of the sword.


Since I was beaten into autism by a woman from another world, I went to open a kendo gym.

The world’s number one swordsman went to teach swordsmanship.

This ending is something they did not expect.

Sengoku was dumbfounded.

It turned out that the person who opened the kendo gym in the option was not Gu Yina, who inherited his father’s career, but the swordsman Hawkeye who retreated to the second line.

This contrast.

Even Sengoku, who has a good mentality now, will not be able to accept it for a while.


Through the conversation, it was also learned that the woman who had reached the pinnacle of kendo turned out to be a bodyguard of Ron’s political commissar, not Marine.

This is even more incredible.

It would be easy to understand if it was Marine. After all, he is a political commissar, and Marine should protect him.

But they are not Marines at all.

But he is still willing to be Ron’s bodyguard.

What is the reason for this?

Sengoku felt like his brain was going to explode.

What happened in that world?

Now it seems.

The answer given by the random question and answer should be no problem.

Kuina is indeed the number one swordsman in that world… 0


How that man named Ron changed her destiny.

And in my own world.

What will happen to Kuina?

Since meeting Ron was the key factor in changing her fate.

Here comes the problem.

What is the difference in life between Kuina who met Ron and Kuina who did not meet Ron?

Sengoku became curious about this question.

It’s not just Sengoku who is curious about this question.

Everyone present was curious about this question.

A female swordsman who is strong enough to easily defeat Hawkeye, how could she be unknown in this world.


Everyone is looking forward to knowing.

What is the highest achievement of this great swordsman named Guina in their world?

Just in time, the answering questions at another time point began.

“Please prepare to answer the questions in this world”

“Please answer the audience from the original world, what is Kuina’s highest achievement in the other world?

“This selection is a short-answer question”

“Note: Please indicate the reason for your choice after the option. If the option is correct and the reason is correct, it will be judged as a correct choice. If there is one incorrect answer, it will be regarded as a wrong answer.”

“A. No highest achievement, 10-year-old fell from the stairs and died”

“B. Marine Branch Sergeant”

“C. I fought two thousand times with the world’s greatest swordsman, without losing a single one

“D. Become a swordsmith”

“E. Director of Kendo Gym”




“Questions start”

Looking at another world topic.

Everyone in the original world also began to guess what achievement Guina in this world had achieved based on the topic.

Sengoku all over the world are speculating again.

“Although it’s a bit different from our topic, but what the hell is Marine Sergeant? Is there such a number one character in our Marine?”

“I found it. Someone reported to me just now that there really is a woman who looks exactly like Guyina.” Staff Officer He suddenly said.

“(Original) Tashigi: Ah? It’s not me! I’m really not Kuina, and I don’t know why I look exactly like her.”

Tashigi, who was fleshed out, is still just a little sergeant at the moment.

It’s still a little nervous to post barrage in front of so many big people.

In fact, it was as early as when Kuina showed up in another world.

Tashigi has already discovered that the other party looks exactly like himself


It should be said that he and the other party look exactly the same.

Saw this identical person appear.

All the people in the pirate camp panicked.

It turns out that there is still such a big boss hidden in Marine.

This guy can beat Mihawk.

Unexpectedly, he was willing to hide in the Marine and be a little sergeant.

“(Original) Whitebeard: Alright, Sengoku, to be able to let such a powerful person hide his name and lurk in the army, there is some way, are you going to give me ten surprises?”

The swordsman, who was able to easily defeat Hawkeye, had to make Whitebeard wary.

And Sengoku has always been wily.

This time, it is very likely that such a powerful person was deliberately placed among the Common Marine soldiers, just to give himself a sudden blow during the decisive battle.

[(2.1 original) Hawkeye: Is that the Marine soldier over there? You look exactly the same, it seems that you are Kuina, come on, let me see what it is like to surpass my sword. ”

“(Original) Tashigi: I’m not, I’m so sorry.”

Tashigi panicked, suddenly being missed by so many big shots.

Of course she knew who she was.

She has no memory loss.

So I remember my own experience from childhood to adulthood.

She’s not some Kuina.

Naturally, there is no exaggerated swordsmanship like another world.

But he was missed by so many big figures.

Very flustered.

The matter of Sengoku also had to be treated with caution.

If this guy is really Kuina, the world’s number one female swordsman in Legendary.

So is she lurking in the Marine, a blessing or a curse?

If she is as strong as in another world, Marine’s combat power will be greatly increased.

So when it comes to Sengoku, it is imperative to immediately confirm whether this person is Guna or not.

After the order is delivered.

Less than 5 minutes.

All the materials of Dashiqi’s life are presented in front of Sengoku.

Incomparably detailed.

As clearly stated above, he is not East Blue at all, nor is he Koshiro’s daughter.

Tashigi’s father is also Marine, there is no way to lie.

“(Original) Sengoku: Unfortunately, he is not Kuina.”

Whitebeard and Hawkeye Mihawk are also a little surprised, they look exactly the same, so they don’t?

Sengoku shook his head in disappointment.

Then since this person is not Guyina.

That’s it.

The correct answer is among the other 4 options.


What is Kuina’s highest achievement in this world?

And in another world.

Sengoku also looked at Ron, “Commander Ron, what will you choose this time?”

Kizaru even activated Sparkling fruit awakening, ready to grab the first answer reward. .

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