Double Summit War: The More Contrast, The More Collapse Sengoku

Chapter 67

067. Robin Who Met Ron Vs Robin Who Didn’T Meet Ron

“Think about it, after eating Devil Fruit, you won’t be able to swim anymore.”

Ron reminded.

“It’s okay, then I won’t swim.” Nami said, looking into Ron’s eyes.

“Okay, this is called the staring fruit, after eating it, you will have clairvoyance, and you can also use the vision of animals to see.

Nami is also very smart.

When Ron introduced it here, she understood what it meant.

Wow! This is great, so I can take advantage of the seagull’s vision and look down from above. In this way, many islands become easy to draw, and this is simply the most suitable Devil Fruit for me! With him, I can help my godfather finish drawing the map of East Blue as soon as possible.

Nami jumped up excitedly.

Ron put the fruit in Nami’s hand.

“Thank godfather!”

“Ugh, it’s so unpalatable.” Nami frowned.

But still bite the bullet and ate all the Devil Fruit.

After all, Ron said don’t waste food.

after eating.

Nami’s eyes flashed a pink light curtain.


Everything in the surrounding 4000 kilometers comes to mind.

It really is clairvoyance.

so clear.

This is the first time Nami has such a wide field of vision.

The shape of the surrounding islands and various buildings come into view.

Nami even believes that if she picks up a pen now, she can completely draw the whole picture of this small island in just a few minutes, without missing any river, any mountain, or even Lose any residential houses.

“How. Can you adapt?”

Ron said very gently.

“Yes, godfather, this fruit is really useful. Although the scale of the map I drew before is very close to the real one, it seems that there are still many places to be modified.”

“Don’t worry, godfather, with this Devil Fruit, I guarantee that the maps I draw will be the most accurate in the world!”

Nami is very happy.

She felt that this time, too, she could help Ron.

Ron stroked Nami’s head.

“(Original) Sengoku: This Ron is the atmosphere. Devil Fruit will give it without hesitation. In just a few days, two Devil Fruits have been sent out in a row.”

“(Present) Sengoku: Didn’t I tell you all about it? These Devil Fruits are all insignificant to Ron. “He has collected countless strange Devil Fruits.”

“(Original) Sengoku: This staring fruit and little Nami’s drawing ability are a perfect match. I really envy you will have a perfect map soon, but our Marine’s current map is still messy. There are many errors. Hey. ”

May the world be over Sengoku couldn’t help but sigh.

To be honest, he was also envious of Ron’s goddaughter now.

“(Present) Sengoku: To be honest, I’m afraid you’ll be hurt. In fact, in our world, we already have the most perfect map in the world, which basically includes all the places in the four seas, and all of this is done by Nami’s company. .”

“(Original) Sengoku; don’t say it, it hurts too much, do you want to consider selling us a copy of your map?”

“(Present) Sengoku: You have to discuss this with Ron or his daughter. After all, this is someone else’s copyright. Even if you buy it, you probably can’t afford it. It’s very expensive. You should save the money and fix it later. Fix your Marine HQ.”

“(Original) Sengoku: Who are you scaring? How much money can a map make? Really think that our Marine has no money.”

“(Currently) Sengoku: The complete map of East Blue costs 10 billion Baileys, not to mention several other larger sea areas.”

“(Original) Sengoku: Er, sorry to bother you, I’m leaving.”

“(Present) Sengoku: I told you earlier that you can’t afford it. This company run by Nami is good for everything, but one thing is too expensive and too dark, but there is no way other people’s things are a monopoly. You want You can only buy it from her.”

“(Original) Sengoku: Save the money and move.”

The video sped up again.

in the next few days.

In order to finish drawing the complete East Blue map.

The warship came to the entrance of the Grand Line from Cocosia Village, the northernmost village of East Blue.

It took almost 10 days.

Nami drew all the maps along the way clearly.

She hasn’t had much rest these days.


“Godfather, can I sleep in this room?” Little Nami said with a yawn.

Early the next morning.

Guina looked at Nami with very bad eyes.

So in the next few days.

Kuina stood by Ron’s door at night.

The euphemism is to protect Ron.

In fact, it is to prevent Nami from going in in the middle of the night.

This move made the gunpowder between the two girls even stronger.

This leads to.

The three Luffy brothers were very honest in the next few days.

They didn’t dare to fight with each other on the boat.

For fear of offending the two of them.

During this time.

Ron also went to a sea restaurant and had a meal.

have to say.

It is indeed delicious.


Ron directly recruited everyone in the restaurant on the sea.

Let them stay on the warship to cook.

Including little Sanji.

“(Original) Sengoku: Uh, that’s okay? Go to have a meal, and take everything with you and the restaurant?”

[(Original) Sanji: Eh? In another world, I actually went to work as a cook in Marine. This is really unbelievable. I hate pirates the most. ”

“(Formerly) Staff Officer Crane: I have to admire Ron’s ability to do ideological work, it’s really too strong, just eating a meal makes these ruffian chefs want to join the army.”

these weeks.

Ron almost ran all over East Blue just to get Nami to draw.

During this time.

Also met a lot of pirates.

Such as East Blue Overlord Creek.

This guy has 5000 pirates under his command.

Be king in East Blue.

It’s just that luck is a bit bad.

Just happened to meet the Ron warship with Nami’s map everywhere.

Seeing that the other party has only one warship.

And I have 5,000 pirates and 10 warships on my side.

Surround this warship for me! What grade? How dare you be in the same ocean as me?”

Crick’s arrogant opponent ordered.

Not surprisingly, the 5,000 people plus Crick himself.

All were beaten up by 4 brats.

The strongest pirate group in East Blue with a total of 5,000 people.

Just like that, it was killed.

What kind of horror character did Creek realize when he was caught?

Especially when he sees Admiral Akainu.

Can’t help but be afraid for a while.

Fortunately, that Admiral didn’t make a move just now.

Otherwise, they are estimated to have burned into coke and sank to the bottom of the sea by now.

But seeing this Admiral, he was respectful to the man in the white cloak and holding a thermos.

It opened Crick’s eyes even more.

It was the first time he knew that besides the Marshal, there was someone higher than the Admiral, and that position was called the Political Commissar.

It’s not good to offend anyone if I’m sick, but I just offended such a terrifying guy.

And are those 4 bear kids monsters?

I am a big pirate with 5000 subordinates.

He was killed by all 4 brats.

What are you kidding?

I am the strongest in East Blue.

If this gets out, how can I mess around?

It seems that this time it is best to sentence him to life, so as not to embarrass himself by coming out.

Crick thought so.

By the way, I also met a pink-haired kid named Kirby in East Blue.

That guy keeps clamoring to be Marine.


Commissar Ron didn’t directly agree to him either.

Instead, he was recruited to the cleaning department of the warship.

Responsible for the cleaning of the warship.

After nearly a month of hard work.

East Blue has basically been traveled all over.

A complete map was placed in front of Ron.

Little Nami wears glasses.

This little loli looks cute with glasses and a ponytail.

“々`Godfather! Done! There is absolutely no slightest error. This is the most complete map of East Blue today.”

Ron looked at the thick stack of maps on the table.

This is a lot of work.

This little girl hasn’t slept for a few days in a month.

All have dark circles.

Ron went down and patted her head and said.

“Go and get some sleep.”

“Cuddle and sleep.”

“Go back to your room!” Kuina’s displeased voice came from outside the door.

“Go to Alabasta first, then head back to headquarters.

Ron ordered to Momousagi.

Because Nami was asked to draw maps of various places, Ron’s voyage these days was to travel as far as possible to East Blue, so he didn’t enter the Grand Line.

Momousagi also doesn’t know why he’s going to Alabasta.

Might be a way to check it out.

Alabasta has always been a relatively peaceful desert country, and there is Qiwu (good Li Hao) Hai, the hero Crocodile, no pirates dare to harass, so what are you doing there?

After a few more days of sailing.

The warship has successfully entered the Grand Line.

Came to the country of Alabasta.

This is a desert country.

Water resources are the most scarce in this country.

In the water-scarce period, the price of water is comparable to gold!


Alabasta is facing its worst drought in 50 years.

It has not rained in the whole country for a month.

All the people are longing for a hearty heavy rain.

This is the opportunity that the great schemer Klocke Dar has been waiting for.

Today is also the day that Robin officially joined Bar Locke Studio.

As the only scholar who can understand historical texts today, Kua.

Crookedall found Robin with great difficulty and brought her into the group.

I saw Robin reporting on Crocodile.

“Mr.0, an hour ago, there was a warship flying the Red Marine flag. It entered Alabasta. Recently, this warship has been making a lot of noise in East Blue and caught many pirates. It seems that they should come to Alabasta this time. There is a special mission. Do you want me to pay attention to it?”

Crocodile turned from his chair.

A scar across the bridge of his nose made him look menacing.

“Oh, what is Marine doing here? I hope it won’t affect my plan, you go and meet them first, Robin!”

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