Double Summit War: The More Contrast, The More Collapse Sengoku

Chapter 74

074. Robin’S Rebellion, Lao Sha Is Confused: What The Hell? Where Do You Sing

These words fell on Princess Vivi’s ears like a bolt from the blue.

It made her completely stunned.

They finally spent a lot of money to buy enough fresh water from several neighboring countries.

Shipped for several days.

I thought it would be able to solve this water shortage crisis.

This is their only hope for Alabasta.

After all, the people here can’t wait that long.

If there is no more water, people may die.


There will also be a lot of riots, which will lead to more chaos and more people will die.

Princess Vivi was very confident.

but now.

The emergence of this bad news.

Let Princess Weiwei collapse instantly.

Who would have thought that after so many days of hard work, the only first-line chance that was finally won would be destroyed like this.

Which wicked guy is that?

Why attack these water convoys?

You must know who Alabasta respects very much. The citizens here know the preciousness of water, so they will never make such a waste of water.

Not to mention destroying all the buckets, this will prevent the opportunity to transfer water from other places.

Princess Weiwei’s mind went blank, but she tried her best to keep calm.

Asked again in a low voice.

“Is this news accurate?”

The soldier nodded, and then replied in a low voice.

“It’s absolutely true, I am one of the members in charge of escorting the water delivery team.”

“See who made it?”

Princess Weiwei’s expression became severe.

“No, it’s weird…but there’s a lot of sand in the bucket.”

“It’s as if it’s been punctured by sand.”

The soldier said somewhat uncertainly.

“Oh? Sand…”

Princess Weiwei is so smart.

At this time, a possibility has been thought of.


There is no reason.

Only the Crocodile can use sand abilities.

And with his strength, it is also possible to destroy all the buckets without anyone noticing among so many people.

But why would he do this?

Isn’t Crocodile a good guy? And it’s still 7 Wuhai.

Since this guy came to Alabasta, he has done a lot of good things and is loved by the Common people here.

And the relationship with the royal family is also very good.

How could such a person do such a thing?

Princess Wei Wei fell into deep thought.

But he also knew that the current situation could not allow him to delay any longer.

The news that the bucket was broken and all the returned water was spilled must not be revealed, and the public must not know, otherwise it will definitely cause slippage.

Because Princess Wei knows very well.

Now the Common people have been driven to a very desperate situation, and the water brought back this time is their only hope.

If even this hope is gone, it is hard to imagine what horrible things they will do.


Things always go for the worst.

at this time.

In the crowd, the spies arranged in advance by the Pakistan Locke Work Agency suddenly started to pick things up

“Hey, I heard that all the water brought back from other places was spilled halfway. Is there such a thing?”

If there is only one voice, it is better to suppress it.


The vile Crocodile has more than one man.

In such a large square.

There is such a provocateur in every other area, who is responsible for inciting the emotions of the masses.

They yelled almost simultaneously.

Although the content of the propaganda is different, the key words are all the only water resources that cannot be delivered.

This time.

Fry the pan in the crowd.

These Common people were full of expectations.

At the beginning, I believed in Princess Vivi and thought that the water resources sent were indeed coming soon, but there were too many people.

These guys are starting to get more and more suspicious.

So they began to question Princess Weiwei one after another.

“Hey, you always say that the water is coming soon, when will it come? Could it be true that all the water will be scattered on the way?”

At this moment, Princess Vivi’s expression became somewhat mixed.

I have been urging everyone not to get excited, and will think of a solution.

But the more you persuade them, the more lying people will be.


Someone has already begun to take the rhythm.

It is said that the water was not spilled, but was used by the princes and nobles for their own enjoyment.

Even everyone started agitating.

It is said that there are a lot of water resources in the palace.

As long as you rush into the palace, you don’t have to worry about water resources.

Suddenly, the crowd became angry.

The situation at the scene seemed out of control.

Someone must be manipulating this.

Princess Wei Wei also noticed it at this time.

This situation is really abnormal, but…there are too many people in the square, and public opinion has been biased. People are irrational when they are crazy, and most of them are herd mentality

As long as a few people bring the rhythm, then everyone will fall into a state of mass unconsciousness.

This is a terrible state.

Princess Wei Wei has no doubts that this group of people will rush in immediately.


Princess Vivi stomped her feet anxiously. After all, she is only a 9-year-old child. Even if she is ugly, she will inevitably panic at this time.

And at the same time.

Momousagi watched the scene.

“Political commissar, those people seem to be following the rhythm, which is extremely detrimental to Alabasta.

“What shall we do now?”

Ron nodded.

“Well, send someone to keep an eye on those rhythmic people, don’t do anything yet, our big show is still to come.”

“The opponent’s lord, Kakuzu, didn’t appear, so why should we worry?”

“Well, I understand.” Rabbit nodded.

Thinking about the current situation gives me a headache.

Even if Momousagi puts herself into the perspective of the other princess, she doesn’t know how to solve the current situation.

She also doesn’t know what big drama Ron is talking about?

I didn’t even see what Ron was doing.

And after all, it is the first time to come to Alabasta.

Everything here should be very strange.

After all, that’s how Momousagi feels right now.

The situation in Alabasta is not yet fully understood.

At this time, even if there is any backup, it is unlikely.

You don’t understand how the situation here breaks down?

But Momousagi saw Ron’s expression, and the political commissar was as calm as ever.

Although Momousagi is a little confused.

Did the political commissar really make arrangements in advance? When?

[(Original) Princess Vivi: Was it that crisis? I remembered that crisis directly weakened the prestige of the royal palace, and even gradually formed civilian armed forces. It can be said to be a turning point in the fate of Alabasta. ”

[(Original) Sengoku: Such a profound method to incite the masses. I am afraid that the problems that Alabasta will face are not only water problems, but also government affairs problems. At the same time, it will also make everyone feel dissatisfied with Wang Gong, so that For another regime to take over, it became a little more acceptable here. ”

After all, Sengoku sees it more thoroughly.

I understand the logic behind this very well.


On a roof in the city.

Klocke Dahl wears a cape with a cloak.

Quietly watching the scene below.

There is a feeling that everything is under control.

“Haha, everything is going according to plan, it’s time for me to play, you’re right, Robin.

Locke Dahl flashes that controlling smile.

Stretch out two hands.

Robin said very cooperatively.

“That’s right, it’s time to play.”

“Distance control Alabasta [step 1 is almost completed.” Klocke Dahl is very confident. This is a big game.

“You will be the hero to save Alabasta.” Robin said with a smile.

“Of course, Robin!”

After Crocodile finished speaking, he jumped off the tall building.

And Robin said lightly from behind.

“I’m talking about the master, not you idiot.”

[(Original) Locke Dahl: Robin you sucker!”

When Ke Locke Dahl just left here.

Robin took out the phone bug.

“Master, Crookedall has entered the arena.”

“Well, follow the plan.” Ron replied.

“Understood, master.” Robin jumped off the high wall after saying that.


The people at the scene were in a mess.

Princess Weiwei ordered the soldiers not to be impulsive, not to fight with these people.

so as not to harm these people.


Princess Vivi’s kindness is obviously not understood by these people.

On the contrary, it made them more presumptuous.

And this time.

Suddenly there was a sound.

“Everyone, everyone be quiet.”

G Locke Dahl enters.

“It’s Ke Locke Dar!” Princess Vivi’s expression changed.

She always has a bad feeling.

But I can’t tell.

Seeing that it was Ke Locke, the crowd in the audience became a little quieter.

“Don’t you all want water? I can help you solve this problem, please don’t worry.

“What? You can solve why I don’t believe it?”

“That’s right, how can you solve things that even the king can’t solve?”

Those in charge of singing double porn in the crowd began to cooperate again.

Locke Dahl laughed.

“I can make the sky start raining right now!”

As soon as this statement came out.

There was a moment of silence among the crowd.

Then there was sudden cheering.

“Is what you said true? Can it really make the sky rain? We haven’t had rain in months.”

“Yeah, if you can really make it rain, you’re our hero!”

“Heroes! Come and save us!”

“Look, everyone, what is this?”

Crocodile appreciates the feeling of being in control.

So the show continued.

Then he took out the dancing powder.

Then he said to the crowd.

“What’s this?”

“Yeah, can this thing make it rain in the sky?”

The people present were puzzled.

But Princess Vivi’s complexion changed.

Because that’s Alabasta’s taboo dance fan.

…0 for flowers……

Although this kind of thing can rain for a short time, but its price is. The surrounding moisture is sucked dry, which causes the surrounding area to be unable to rain.

Alabasta is a big country.

if jump

If the dance fans only let Wangcheng rain, it means that there will be no rain in the countless surrounding villages in the next few years.

This is tantamount to drinking poison to quench thirst.

And once this thing is used, it will generate great dependence.

And the sky won’t rain anymore when you’re not using it.

The more you don’t know the more you need to use it.

This forms a very bad cycle.

What’s even more frightening is that if the citizens of Alabasta around know that Wang Cheng uses dancing powder to make rain every day, and all the rainwater that originally belonged to them is plundered, then

Then the problems that the entire royal city will face will become more serious.

It will be a matter of time before the surrounding villagers unite to resist subjugation.

That’s why the royal family of Alabasta knew about this dancing powder, but never used it.


That’s exactly Crocodile’s plan.

In order to successfully seize the power of the kingdom.

His first step was to force Wangcheng to use dancing powder, so he cut off all opportunities for the royal family to obtain water resources.

As long as he rains down dancing powder now.

Then, in the hearts of these residents of the royal city who are in urgent need of water resources, Tak Locke Dar is a hero.

Ke Locke Dahl understands a truth very well, that is, a group of very hungry people, he doesn’t care what the source of food is.

As long as you give him food, he will appreciate you.

And this is just the first step of Crocodile.

First use dancing fans to attract a wave of fans for yourself, set up your own heroes, and establish the prestige of saving the masses.



Residents here will always rely on dancing powder, and will use it every time there is no rain.

After all, people are selfish, they only care about whether they have rainwater, and they don’t care whether the surrounding villages are interesting or not.

This is especially true for these pampered residents in the royal city.

As a result, the contradiction between the residents in the royal city and the residents outside the royal city was caused.

at this time.

Crocodile is trying to provoke the conflict between the residents outside the royal city and the residents inside.

The method of mobilizing conflicts is also very simple, as long as you tell the truth about the dancing fans.

In this way, the residents outside will definitely hate the king, thinking that the king used the dancing powder to transfer the water resources that belonged to them to the king city.

When the time comes, these guys will definitely rebel.

And this time.

He can stand up and lead these people to overthrow the dynasty, and he has become a leader logically.

This is the ultimate goal of his plan.

In the image of a hero.

Pushed by the people to the position of king.

The plan was supposed to be foolproof.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that there will be variables today.


Crocodile has taken out the dancing powder.

Princess Weiwei stepped forward to stop her.

“What are you doing? Crocodile! This thing is off limits, don’t you know it’s taboo in Alabasta?”

Locke Dahl burst out laughing.

“Look at your people. They are almost dying of thirst. There is a solution, but you don’t use it.”

“Ask the people below, do you want water? Do you want it to rain immediately?”

As soon as this statement came out.

The people in the audience suddenly cheered!


“Of course we would.”

“It doesn’t matter what contraband it is, as long as it can rain.

“That’s right, Princess Vivi, obviously there is a way to make it rain, why don’t you use it.

“Of course your royal family is not short of water, but have you ever thought about us? You are so selfish.”

“Crocodile! We want water! Give us water, my hero Klockedar.”

The atmosphere at the scene changed suddenly.

For a group of hungry and thirsty people, they don’t care whether this will make other places have no water to drink. What they want now is that they must have water to drink.

So everyone supports Ke Locke Dahl.

For the royal family, under the deliberate rhythm of those people, everyone is getting more and more disgusted.

Princess Vivi is still explaining hard there.

“Everyone listen to me, there is no water in our palace anymore. We are the same as you. We don’t use more water than you.

Too much water, he himself has not drunk water for a long time. ”

Princess Vivi yelled loudly.

But at this time, no one believed her.

“Fart, you hypocritical bastards, who knows if what you said is true or not, maybe you are still swimming in the palace swimming pool now.”

“Crocodile is my hero who saves us!”

Seeing the cheers of the people below, Crocodile couldn’t help but smile.

“Next, I would like to invite Robin to explain to you how to use the dancing powder.”

Everyone was looking forward to it, and the scene suddenly fell silent, waiting for the explanation attentively.

However, Robin’s first sentence was:

“Don’t be fooled, the culprit who made you useless is him!”

Locke Dahl was dumbfounded.

What are you doing, Luo Shi?

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