Double Summit War: The More Contrast, The More Collapse Sengoku

Chapter 75

075. Get Rich From Oil, Extract Fresh Water! How Should You Repay Vivi

Robin’s sudden sentence.

It directly made everyone on the scene stunned.

Where is this sung?

Even little Princess Vivi is in a state of bewilderment at the moment.

She stared at those big eyes and looked at Luo Chen in disbelief.

There are countless question marks in my heart.

What happened to this guy? Isn’t she supposed to be with Crookedall? Why did she suddenly jump back at this time?

Before that, Ke Locke Dahl had already started to use dancing powder.

And all the people at the scene were all in support of Klocke Dar, which put little Princess Vivi in ​​a very awkward situation.

There was absolutely nothing she could do to stop this.

I thought it was a foregone conclusion.

Who knew that at this time, Locke Dahl’s cronies would expose Crocodile in public.

This series of reversals.

It directly made little Princess Vivi open her mouth in astonishment.

Completely disregarded the image of the princess.

Not just little princess Wei Wei.

At this time, the most confused one belongs to Ke Locke Dahl.

He has no idea what’s going on now.

Locke Dar himself is known for conspiracy.

Basically everything is under his control.

But this time.

The truth made Locke Dahl dumbfounded.

Is this Robin crazy?

She has already made a plan, and she just needs to act according to her plan. Now that the most critical step of the plan has come, why Robin suddenly pointed the finger at herself.

Now most of the people in the royal city have gathered.

What’s going on with Robin at this time?

He never thought that this guy Robin would rebel.

After all, their interests are the same, and their goals are also the same.

It stands to reason that there is nothing more secure than this relationship.


Crocodile is the one who trusts Robin the most.

That’s why he’s so taken aback now.

Originally, “583” had a strategizing face, but at this moment, it was a look of surprise with wide-eyed eyes.

All the people in the audience are also confused.

Now everyone is worshiping Crocodile, which is the time when Crocodile’s prestige is the highest. As a result, Crocodile’s cronies stand up and say that the main culprit that caused Alabasta not to rain is Crocodile.

For a while, everyone couldn’t react.

What exactly do you mean?

What are you doing?

The crowd in the audience was stunned for a moment, and then there was an uproar.

If these words were replaced by other people’s words, these people might not believe it.

If Princess Weiwei said it, they thought that Princess Weiwei was trying to frame Crowe and Tianji.


This is what Crocodile’s men say, which is different.

Even those who did not believe were shaken.

“Hey, hey, what’s going on, tell me quickly.”

“Yeah, what the hell is going on? Why is Crocodile the reason why it doesn’t rain in Alabasta? Shouldn’t Crocodile be our hero?”

at this time.

Even the viewers who watched the video were dumbfounded.

It’s a good way to draw a salary from the bottom of the pot.

Although they already knew about Ron and Robin’s plan in advance, when they actually saw it, it was still very shocking.

“(Original) Sengoku: I have to say that Robin’s backstab is too ruthless, and the timing is right.”

[(Original) G Locke Dahl: That’s mean. ”

[(Original) Princess Vivi: Haha, that’s great, I should treat you like this! I still remember that in my world, you got away with it and openly used dancing fans in Wangcheng, which caused many people to rely on dancing ,Many people bought dance powder privately in order to make it rain, and used it secretly at home, which exacerbated the conflict between the central and local governments. Your trick was too cruel. Alabasta was screwed by you at that time. , the economy has regressed for decades, resulting in Alabasta being the poorest country now. ”

Just when Princess Vivi said this.


The screen of the real world pauses.

The video screen of the original world starts to play.

Everyone is used to it.

From here, the two worlds move towards different futures.

Because of Robin’s words, the two worlds have moved into different futures from here.


in the video.

The picture starts from Princess Vivi.

As the only child of the royal family, Princess Weiwei shoulders a heavy responsibility since she was born. She is going to inherit Alabasta.


Princess Weiwei has been very strong since she was a child.

He has also been learning how to govern the country with his father.

It has to be said that little Princess Vivi has a heart since she was a child.

Loved by the people of Alabasta Common.


Little Princess Vivi also attended World Summit with her father when she was young.

At such a young age, he can be fearless in the face of danger on World Summit, and even if he has conflicts with people from other countries, he can resolve conflicts peacefully.

This kind of performance made the people who watched the live broadcast couldn’t help but admire it.

“(Original) Sengoku: She is a Weiwei princess, and she must be a good king when she grows up. This can be seen from an early age.”

“(Original) Crane Staff Officer: That’s right, but I don’t know what his life will be like after that.”

The video continues to play.

The time came to a point where the video paused.

in this world.

No Ron.

Robin would naturally not be able to rebel.

Everything is moving towards Ke Locke’s plan.

At this time, Ke Locke Dar was looking at the people below with a proud face, who were responding to everything.

Under the helplessness of Princess Vivi and Alabasta Wang.

Crookdal used Dancing Powder in front of them.

Just for a moment.

The sky was full of dark clouds.

Then it started to rain cats and dogs.

All the people were very excited, and started to catch the rain with various basins.

After a long drought and rain, they immediately regarded Ke Locke Dar as a hero.

From this day on, Klocke Dar’s prestige is extremely high.

at the same time.

This heavy rain made everyone aware of a problem, that is, it can rain for dancing fans.

This is something that is banned by the country.

It turns out that there are such great benefits.

Of course they don’t care what those side effects are.

It has nothing to do with them if it doesn’t rain in other areas. They just need to ensure that it rains in their place.


since that day.

Everyone started secretly buying dance fans.

But after all, it is prohibited by the state.

The blow is still strong.

But despite this.

Most people can still buy it through special methods.

This made Alabasta’s royal family feel very headache.

They don’t know why they banned it in every possible way, but these guys can still buy it.

Fast-forward as the video continues.

All the answers are finally revealed.

It turned out that this guy, Ke Locke Dahl, was secretly selling dance fans.

This guy kills three birds with one stone.

Through this incident, he not only attracted prestige to himself, but also planted a thunderbolt for Wang Cheng. In the end, he was able to earn another fortune by selling dancing fans.

This business made him do it, and he won’t be able to win.

“(Original) Princess Vivi: That’s how it is. No wonder dancing powder has been banned all the time, but there are still people who can buy it. It turns out that it’s Ke Locke, you guy called secretly selling [you despicable and shameless guy.”

“(Formerly) King Cobra: It is because of you that Alabasta is getting more and more chaotic, you are the chief culprit!”

time continues to fast forward

Because people in Wangcheng secretly used dancing powder, it caused less and less rain in other places around Fang Yue.

And Wangcheng does often rain.

Gradually, people in other places have been wrong.


Some gossip spread under the arrangement of caring people.

Everyone thinks that the princes and nobles used dancing powder, which caused it to stop raining in other places around.

Such disgusting behavior.

After the accumulation of time, it gradually caused dissatisfaction among everyone.

The anger towards the nobles of the kingdom intensified day by day.

This also led to the accumulation of some armed forces.

This also includes Princess Vivi’s friends

Time continues to fast forward.

Finally, this contradiction has reached the point of irreconcilability.

These rebels decided to attack the royal city.

The time Crocodile had been waiting for had come.

So he sent someone to pretend to be King Cobra, and issued a series of abnormal orders, which completely angered everyone.


A chaotic battle ensued.

The fighting between the two sides resulted in numerous casualties.

Although this conspiracy failed because of the intervention of Straw Hat Crew.

But the damage done to Alabasta was permanent.

The battle between the king’s army and the people resulted in a huge number of casualties.

Due to the drought in the past 10 years, the crops around Alabasta have been devastated, the people have been displaced, and the foundation of the country has been shaken.

I am afraid that without decades of self-cultivation, there is no way to raise it well.

(Present) Robin: I never imagined that in another world, the country of Princess Vivi would become so miserable. ”

“(Present) Nami: That’s right, Vivi, in a world without godfathers, your country almost perished. From a relatively developed country, it degenerated into a backward country in an instant, and the economy has regressed for decades.”

“(Present) Princess Vivi: I can’t imagine, the difference between the two countries is simply heaven and earth, now my country has become one of the richest countries in the world, but in another world, Became the poorest country, it’s… just unimaginable.”

Hear this message from Vivi in ​​the real world.

Wei Wei in the original world felt a little unbelievable.

“(Original) Princess Vivi: What did you say? You said that in your world, Alabasta became one of the richest countries in the world. How is this possible? Even in our world, when our country is the strongest At this point, besides, we are originally a desert country, there is no way to develop at all, even water is a big problem, how can we develop into one of the richest countries in the world?”

In the eyes of Vivi princesses all over the world, this is simply unbelievable.

Princess Vivi followed her father to govern the country at the age of 4.

When I was 5 years old, I already knew all the places in Alabasta thoroughly… 0

No one knows what her country is like better than Princess Weiwei.

Princess Vivi also understands where the shortcomings of this country are.

It is a desert itself.

There are not many environments that can create an economy.

Even the food and clothing of the common people is a problem, after all, it is too difficult to grow food in the desert.

So Alabasta has been hovering above the food and clothing line.

And because Locke Dahl is such a


As a result, they can’t even solve their food and clothing.

The economy has been pushed back for decades.

has become one of the poorest countries.


Princess Weiwei from another world said that Alabasta in their world is one of the richest countries now.

This made Princess Weiwei in the original world questioned.

“(Present) Princess Vivi: That’s right, we are indeed one of the richest countries in the world. In fact, we don’t need to add one of them, but we need to save some space for the main city of Goya Kingdom.

Son, hahaha, after all, it is the headquarters of the Peace Alliance, but to be honest, our Alabasta is already the richest country in the world, and all the people here are living

An extremely luxurious life, people here have so much money that they can’t run out, and even spend a large part of the money to support the construction of the Peace Alliance, and will also support some poorer alliances.

Union member states. ”

The more she talked, the more nonsense Princess Vivi felt.

(Original) Princess Vivi: Are you kidding me? Don’t lie to me, it’s impossible, even if everyone in Alabasta farms together, it’s impossible to become the richest country in the world

Home. Even if all the deserts in Alabasta are suitable for farming…if they are all developed into arable land, it is impossible to become the richest country in the world. ”

Princess Weiwei from the original world shook her head again and again.

At this moment, she was very confused.

“(Present) Princess Vivi: That’s because you don’t know the great wealth hidden in our country. In fact, it’s not your fault. Before I met Ron, I didn’t know our country

What kind of wealth is hidden, until Ron taught us how to obtain fresh water, and taught us to mine the wealth of the country. ”

“(Original) Princess Vivi: What? The way to get fresh water? How is this possible… We can only get fresh water by raining, can it be said that he can make it rain all the time?

No? And what great wealth can we have here? It’s all desert, not even gold. Where does the great wealth come from?”

“(Present) Princess Vivi: After seeing the Alabasta in your world, I am even more grateful to Ron. Without him, maybe I or the Alabasta behind me

It is exactly the same as your world, poor, backward, and violent. I don’t even know where the wealth of my country is, and I can’t even solve the problem of drinking water. think about it

Feeling scared. ”

Princess Vivi’s words in the present world were taken aback by the original world.

She didn’t believe that the Alabasta of the two worlds could be so different.

They are all desert countries, how can one become the poorest country and the other the richest?

Not to mention Princess Vivi.

Even Sengoku from the original world was stunned.

“(Original) Sengoku: What? This gap is too unbelievable, is this a real situation? What did that Ron do to Alabasta?”

at this time.

The video of the original world is paused.

The video of the present world continues to play. 0.5

Robin just yelled that.

“Don’t be fooled, the culprit who made you useless is him!”

“Do you have any evidence for saying that? We can’t frame our hero.” The people below immediately began to protest.

However, Robin took his time and started to get rid of Crocodile’s plan.


The most critical pieces of evidence are still clearly listed, especially the car that Locke Dahl destroyed to transport the water source was even photographed with a video phone bug.

Moreover, several important conversations with Krocktar were also recorded.

This is simply evidence.

Watch the video and listen to the recording.

Only then did I really understand how insidious this Crocodile guy is.

The reason why the whereabouts of Klocke’s Dahl are so obvious is thanks to Nami’s fruit ability, almost all of Klocke’s whereabouts are under Nami’s nose.

Locke Dahl was also dumbfounded.

At this time, I can’t control how I exposed myself.

Immediately come up to stop.

“Don’t be afraid, everyone. My master is the political commissar of Marine. He asked me to save you. This place has been controlled by Marine. All the pirates can’t escape!” Robin finally


For Robin, she must allow Ron to accept the greatest honor, must give the credit to Ron, so the last sentence is very important.

Sure enough, after hearing the people here, they were suddenly full of gratitude to Marine.

And Princess Vivi, at this time, just realized that this Robin is not from Crocodile, but Marine’s undercover agent.

“I see, I asked you to spy on Ron, but you went to join him, and you got me in the opposite direction, you are so cruel, Robin.” Crocodile also

Finally understand what’s going on.

When you come up, you have to do it.


at this time.

Ron suddenly walked out of the crowd with five children. .

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