Dream Evolution

Chapter 1000

Chapter 1000 Dangerous Grass

Wang Ling’s voice fell, and then the aperture took everyone inside and teleported to a high ground. In front of everyone is a beautiful and huge blue crystal, which is the total crystal hub. From here, you can see that the height of the defense tower is 30 meters, just like a tall building, it looks very shocking!

“The mission will officially start in 2 minutes, please prepare to go and choose your route.”

Hearing this voice, Wang Ling hurriedly said: “Bai Feng, Tomoyo, with Ice Girl and Storm Boy, go to the top and bottom novel chapters first. Su, Xiao Ai, Chao Meng, Angela, you guys first Come with me to the mid lane, with Zhuli and Hua Huo.”

“What are you going to do?” Tomoyo asked in confusion.

“Take a blood! The undefeated Venerable Gundam in the East is too powerful. I guess Zhuli and Hua Huo can’t support them even with a giant stone defense tower. Kill this guy first. Without the Venerable Gundam, the East is undefeated. It’s not enough to be afraid of!”

The map of Summoner’s Canyon is many times bigger than the game. It actually has hundreds of square kilometers, and even the range of the defense tower is 1 kilometer. Wang Ling took Spider Li, Hua Huo, Su, Angela, Xiao Ai, and Chao Meng, and the seven rushed towards the middle road, and soon reached the outer tower.

Seeing the river in the middle and the outer tower on the SS side in the distance, Wang Ling winked at the people around him, and the six people quietly got into the grass on both sides of the river. The grass is more than 3 meters high, and the strange thing is that once it enters, it immediately becomes blurred.

The seven people quietly waited in the grass in the river, and Xiao Ai’s spiritual power detection can be detected as far as 2 kilometers away. She has built a spiritual network that connects the seven people around. After a while, he said in his consciousness: “The Venerable Gundam, 25 Kunai ninjas. 25 dart ninjas, and a ninja ballista. Entered within 2 kilometers.”

Now that she has seen the enemy, Xiao Ai will no longer be stingy with the consumption of mental power, and directly use mental power projection to cooperate with the mental network to project the picture she sees into the minds of Wang Ling and others. In terms of spiritual cultivation, this girl is much stronger than Su.

Su now, more using energy to fight!

Seeing the huge mecha more than 10 meters high running from a distance, everyone couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. Wang Ling secretly began to transform spiritual power. Angela was equipped with the claw of the red lotus, and her long hair instantly turned into snake hair, which obviously stimulated the ability of snake hair to possess itself.

Su’s body’s mental power flames rushed out, showing circles of crystal ribs that flashed blue light. On both sides of the ribs, there were actually two crystal bone arms.

LV10 Susa can repeatedly summon different body parts. Even summon weapons individually!

Chao Meng clenched the staff of the World Tree, Zhu Li took out the super F gun, and a white mirror appeared in Hua Huo’s hand, the quasi-artifact Kagura Mirror! all. They are all quietly waiting, the moment Venerable Gundam enters the middle of the river, the attack range…

There are seven people in Wang Ling’s group. Hidden in the river grass and waiting for the Venerable Gundam, Tomoyo, Storm, Ice Girl, and Hakuho were on the road and on the bottom road. Also at the defense tower. Seeing the grass in the distance ahead, Tomoyo thought about it. Go to the grass.

This piece of grass is very dense, hiding in it and waiting for the other party to come, you can launch a sneak attack. Thinking of this, Tomoyo had the idea of going into the grass to ambush, but after thinking about it, a hatchet appeared in her hand.

With a sharp flick, the hatchet burst into the grass with a touch of cold light, smashing all the tall grass it passed by, and it wouldn’t take a second for the broken grass to grow back quickly.

Tomoyo consumed 1 mental power again, showed a hatchet, moved a little in the direction, and threw the hatchet, which burst into the grass. This time, she heard a muffled groan. .

“Storm, attack!”

Gaonic nodded, and she raised her hands in a nun’s uniform, her clothes fluttering all over, and even her long legs without pants were exposed in the wind. I saw a rapidly spinning tornado appearing in front of her, getting involved in the grass beside the road.

The person in the grass could finally no longer hide. A fat, bearded ugly man with a hatchet stuck in his belly, staggered from the grass to the outside while the storm was blowing. Incessantly cursing.

black beard!

Seeing this guy coming out, Tomoyo put his face into the grass to take a look, and immediately turned pale with shock, and sent a public message to the team with the contract: “Be careful, I didn’t see Madara Uchiha on the next road, this guy doesn’t know where to go!”

However, the news of Tomoyo was obviously a little late. After Bai Feng, who brought the ice girl, arrived at the defense tower on the road, the girl was vigilant. She opened her eyes first, and found that she had the ability to see through the grass.

After hesitating for a while, she walked to the grass and looked into the grass, only to see three SSs hiding in the grass, grinning at her.

Seeing this scene, Bai Feng was so frightened that he almost screamed and ran back. But how could Poseidon, Lucifer, and Madara Uchiha, who had been lying in ambush in the grass for a long time, let her run away? The three guys jumped out of the grass and shouted:

“Take your life!”

The sea emperor Poseidon, holding the golden trident, pointed his weapon, and a column of water suddenly rushed out from the ground under Baifeng’s feet, rushing her into the air.

Fire Escape. Long Yan’s Art of Singing!

Super breakout!

Uchiha Madara quickly formed a seal, spit out several thick flame dragons, and the fire dragons shuttled between them, all slamming on Bai Feng. Lucifer, who was wearing a suit, raised his hand lightly, and a sea of flames burst into the ground.

The flame of the sea of fire completely enveloped Bai Feng, and then the sky above, unexpectedly continuous bursts of yellow fire pillars, the fire pillars obviously have a strong impact, and even the ground trembled slightly in the impact!

One is in the Naruto world, which is equivalent to the combination of several dragon fire techniques, the top-level power of the fire escape technique, and the other is the real goddess reincarnation world, one of the most advanced fire magic with violent attributes.

Ambush in the grass, controlled by Poseidon’s water flow, Lucifer and Uchiha Madara attacked, obviously these SS are as insidious as Wang Ling in the middle, ready to kill one of the Dreamer Fang.

The damage caused by the two types of attacks, such as the technique of singing dragon flames and the super-violent formation, is related to intelligence and energy. With Madara Uchiha and Lucifer’s strong intelligence, chakra and magic power, the power of these two skills is undoubtedly extremely terrifying!

In a sea of crimson flames, with the roar of the super-violent formation and the eruption of the fire column, the sea emperor Poseidon held a trident and shuttled to one of the flames, only to see the blue water light on the trident, accompanying his movements. With a stream of water, the burning flame was instantly extinguished.

It’s not that Poseidon wants to save Bai Feng, but that these flames will interfere with the next attack, and the time for the highest output of Fire Dragon and Fire Sea has passed.

With the wave of the trident full of water vapor, the flame disappeared, and the trident stabbed Bai Feng fiercely!

Poseidon jumped agilely to the other side with the sprinting action. Madara Uchiha made a mark with both hands and used Susanoo. Similar to Su, the Susan he used was a circle of ribs and bone arms, which was also a Part of the body is summoned.

What constitutes Susa is not a crystal after the crystallization of flame ore, but a purple-black chakra with an evil and destructive aura! The constructed bone arm was clenched into a fist, and with a heavy punch, Bai Feng, who was stabbed by the trident, was sent flying.

A pool of water suddenly exploded on the ground, and the blue water in the pool formed the shape of a yètǐ shark. With its ferocious teeth, it bounced as if catching prey, and swallowed the white phoenix that was thrown by Susa’s arm. in the stomach!

Lucifer pointed his hand indifferently, and displayed a big magic ice formation. The strong cold air gathered on the current shark. With the explosion of the ice edge, the whole shark was instantly frozen, and the white phoenix inside was also frozen. Frozen in ice sculptures.

Incomparably fast attacks, these are worthy of **oSS, even if they have never fought together before, they cooperate closely with each other. Jumping out of the grass, the continuous skills are connected, there is no flaw, and there is no time for the enemy to reflect!

The Ice Girl in the back was shocked when she saw the appearance of SS, before she had time to summon the geometric snowflakes, Bai Feng suffered a fatal attack to the Dreamer.

It can be said that if it were Xiao Ai, or Su, or even Tomoyo here, with their HP, they would definitely be killed immediately in the coordinated attack by the SS, and they would be able to respawn at the Fountain of Life after a few minutes. .

Fortunately, Bai Feng was the one who explored the grass earlier, the dreamer who can rank first in total durability in the entire dream space! Under the team contract bonus, it has 880 stamina points, the temple commander occupation, and under the title skill, there is an additional 10,000 health points!

Her armor is another S-class dream armor: the female martial arts sacred garment.

If even Bai Feng like this can be killed with one attack, then Wang Ling will also be killed in seconds here.

Using the holy hood on the female martial arts robe to block it a little, Bai Feng carried the bright fighting energy into his body, and then burst out!

I saw the shark ice sculpture frozen by the ice formation~www.mtlnovel.com~ accompanied by a white pillar of fighting qi, and it exploded with a bang. Inside, the white phoenix holding the sword of the Valkyrie and the shield of the second Valkyrie in the other hand broke the ice. Blocked, and finally rushed outside.

Ice Girl 13 geometric snowflakes, volleying out ice beams. This A-level skill has been upgraded to LV10. The power of the ice beams is not low. Lucifer, who was hit by the beams, was frozen in the ice like the previous Baifeng. block!

Madara Uchiha was manipulated by the skills on the holy clothes: four elements, fireball, rock gun, thunderbolt, and wind blade. He lost his immortal body, but he had the eye of reincarnation in the dirty state. Using the power of the six paths, he activated the “sealing technique and suction” to directly absorb these elements.

Bai Feng raised the sword of the Valkyrie and collided with the Trident of the Sea Emperor. With the help of the shock, she ran back to the defense tower like the Ice Maiden fled for her life.

(After a thousand chapters, I finally entered the last world. I couldn’t help but sigh in my heart. I am very happy to be with my readers until now, and I am also very happy that this book will come to an end, although there are many flaws and regrets.)

(I hope that in the future, and even the next book, you can continue to support me, thank you!) (To be continued…)

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