Dream Evolution

Chapter 993

Chapter 993 Hoo Awakens

Not counting the fantasy-level transformation, Wang Ling’s full attribute is now 1000 points under the bonus of 300 points of the Dragon God’s blood. You must know that in the dream space, even those heavenly king-level dreamers have only 1000+ special attributes.

The current Wang Ling can be said to be a true specialty of the entire department. He has a total attribute of 4,000 points regardless of title skills!

As for the dream-level transformation, in male and female states, there are also bonuses to strength, physical strength, agility, and intelligence. The special item has changed as high as 1700 points. If this attribute is known to the dreamers in the space, I am afraid they will be jealous. Pass out novel chapters.

It is the four emperors of strength, agility, physique, and wisdom. I am afraid that there is no value of 1700 points for the specialties of naked clothes!

Now, regardless of male or female status, Wang Ling’s naked outfit has 5,400 points in all attributes, and the X-level title skills and all-attribute specialties interact with each other. I’m afraid he is already the first person with the highest attributes in the entire space.

It is also thanks to the dedication of the source of life of 40 mythical beasts that this step can be achieved.

In short, this time Wang Ling was hit by Song of Doom and Ghost Curse, and the benefits he received were unbelievable. Moreover, for the past week, Wang Ling has been by the side of Qi Cai Feng Wang’s Nirvana Egg, and has also gained another huge benefit.

The purification of the serpent’s spiritual body has finally succeeded. This is the incarnation of the earth’s dark will in the world of the King of Fighters, which is equivalent to the blackening of Gaia. Although it has been purified, the spiritual body formed by the soul, spiritual power and space power is still strong. Incredible!

Wang Ling’s own soul merged with the dragon soul of heaven and earth, and also absorbed all the spiritual power of the golden soul and silver soul in the original soul space, and the soul transformed into a spiritual body. It can even go out of the body and control the golden soul and the silver soul to fight. But compared to the strength of the spirit body, it is still pitifully weak.

The evil spirit Qiannamei, Diaochan Wuhun, Daji demon soul. All can not be compared with the big snake spirit body. Wang Ling immediately signed a unilateral contract with the unconscious serpent spirit body, and took it as a holding spirit. This holding spirit was so strong that he could not succeed as a medium.

At the beginning of the King of Fighters world, Wang Ling used a psychic medium, only to play a role in communication, and the big snake took advantage of the unclean mark on his body to become a **** oracle. The now unconscious serpent spirit body. Ordinary psychic mediums can communicate, but cannot summon the upper body.

Gods, after all, can’t be controlled casually!

Thanks to Wang Ling’s role as a psychic medium, there is also a record in the psychic handbook of the donor son, the spell for summoning a powerful deity, called “Serenity”. With his current spiritual power, he can naturally learn this spell.

then. “Serenity. The serpent is coming” has become now, besides “Dragon Transformation”, Wang Ling’s most powerful trump card ability.

Combine with 40 mythical beasts. Obtain the source of life, have infinite lifespan, immortality, and greatly increase energy. The attributes have increased significantly, all of which are above 1000 points. There is also an extra powerful hole card ability: seance.

In addition, the powerful wielder of energy such as the power of death, the magic of chaos, and the resentment of ice: Qiannami was also liberated.

Now Wang Ling’s strength. Compared to before entering the world of Pokemon Mengniang, it has more than doubled!

For the dreamer, this is of course a huge surprise, but Wang Ling has a complicated mood. In the whispers of a group of cute beasts in the past few days, he learned that these cute girls are all ready after he and Qi Cai Feng Wang get married. marry him again…

It means that he will be one-off, 41 more… No, it should be the wives of 43 mythical beasts, because the released White Dragon and Heilongniang have also joined the mythical beast army.

The wives of 43 mythical beasts… Wang Ling can already foresee that when Tomoyo knew all this, the anger that soared into the sky turned into killing intent, madly runaway, from human beings to the **** Shura that kills everything!

“You must not let Tomoyo know about this…”

Sitting on the roots of the World Tree, Wang Ling stared at the phoenix egg that would shake a few times from time to time, thinking secretly in his heart. At this time, he suddenly found that the phoenix egg shook violently, and it also issued a click. cracking sound.

Wang Ling looked nervously, and saw the golden pattern on the flame-like egg shining brightly. Large strands of flames emerged from the cracks in the eggshell, forming a cloud of fire. The egg of the phoenix was on fire. In the package of clouds, floating in the air!

Seeing this scene, Wang Ling stood up, and there was an indescribable emotion in his heart that was both excited and nervous. At this time, the energy fluctuations emitted by the eggs of the phoenix caused the beasts in the World Tree to gather in this room.


In the surging fire clouds, the phoenix egg floating in the air suddenly exploded, a stream of golden-white fire suddenly rushed out, and a soft figure wrapped in flames flew into Wang Ling’s arms.

Wang Ling was startled by the oncoming golden and white flames, but there was no pain at all when the flames burned on his body. He hurriedly lowered his head, and in his arms was a beautiful little loli, about 14 years old, with a petite body comparable to a dream, but perfectly developed.

This little loli has flaming red hair that hangs down from the back of her head, her face is pure like a piece of crystal white jade, her skin is smooth and fair, especially her two dark eyes, as deep as night, seems to contain a soul Falling Attraction!

The little loli that appeared in the egg, in appearance and hair color, is obviously the same as the original Colorful Phoenix Mengniang: Feng’er, but much smaller in age and size. Wang Ling looked at the girl in his arms and was immediately extremely embarrassed, because the girl who emerged from the egg was completely naked.

Being watched by the 42 cute girls around, Wang Ling was about to hand the girl into the arms of the dream and put on clothes for her. The girl with hair colored like fire and wrapped in flames, the golden-white flames gradually turned golden red. On the chest and lower abdomen, some complex and mysterious golden patterns were intertwined, and then the flames adhered to the skin, turning into a red robe!

This is the means by which energy embodies clothes. These divine beasts, it seems that everyone has such a hand. Of course, the three toilets are not, it is the three gods, the three gods, the Gulaton, the Yangang beasts, etc. are armors.

The flame has ready-made clothes, the fire on the red-haired Lolita has completely disappeared, and her skin is still hot. Wang Ling, who is holding her, can clearly feel the heat.

In the next second, the flaming red lips came over and covered Wang Ling’s mouth, and there was a fire like breath. Wang Ling was subconsciously trying to push the girl away, but his movements stopped because the girl said something:

“One year of Nirvana, I was praying every moment in the egg, and seeing you beside me when I appeared, my wish really came true!”

Feeling the friendship from the loli in his arms, a silent emotion suddenly surged in Wang Ling’s heart. The action he wanted to push out turned into a hug, hugging the petite Feng’er after Nirvana.

The cute girls who saw this scene suddenly showed envious looks in their eyes. The two hugged each other, and the others were not good at being light bulbs, so they retreated one by one. Among them, the goddess of creation, Ai Xiusi, and the cute girls such as Kaikongzuo and Plutolong, pouted their lips, and their expressions seemed to be very unwilling.

After a long time, Wang Ling and Feng’er were separated. This time, the nirvana egg was broken and reborn. The originally seriously injured Qi Cai Feng Wang naturally regained his full power, but the appearance changed from a royal sister girl with a queen’s temperament to a little loli!

From Feng’er’s mouth, Wang Ling learned that she, who was reborn in Nirvana, has all the memories and strengths she had originally. As for her current appearance, there is currently no way to do it. look.

Due to her small size, the girl who was unwilling to leave in Wang Ling’s arms sucked in her small nose and said with a puzzled expression, “Aren’t you a phoenix? How did I feel the smell of a dragon from your body? Hey, there are still a lot of chaotic origin breaths.”

Wang Ling was originally just the blood of the dragon, but he mutated into the blood of the dragon god. He contained the genes of the ancient dragon in his body, and of course he smelled like a dragon. As for those chaotic source breaths, it was the smell left behind when the divine beasts injected him with the source of life.

“I…actually I’m not a phoenix…”

“He is indeed not a phoenix, but a human with dragon blood.”

Previously created a space for the two of them to be alone, but now the two hugged are separated, so Mengniang and other magical beasts also came in.

Pluto Dragon took Dream’s words and said on the side: “When Wang Ling fought with the guy who stole the Artius Genesis Tablet, I saw in the world that he turned into a very powerful dragon, The bloodline of that dragon is probably a little higher than mine, only under Artius.”

The girl Ai Xiu Si also followed and said: “Yes, Wang Ling can be regarded as a human being of the blood of the Dragon God.”

“Fighting?” Feng’er was not angry because Wang Ling was not a phoenix, but asked anxiously, “To be able to steal the Creation Stone, that guy must be very powerful, are you injured? My life source has recovered. ~www.mtlnovel.com~ The natal feathers have also recovered, and I will treat you!”

“Previously, Wang Ling was hit by the Song of Destruction and was cursed by the ghost. He almost died. Even the Crescent Moon Dance of the Beautiful Dream God couldn’t remove the abnormality.”

Dream is telling, seeing that Feng’er’s face is getting more and more ugly, he is about to turn into a phoenix and pull out his life’s feathers, and quickly said: “Sister, don’t panic, Wang Ling is all right now, our 42 mythical beasts, except for the white dragon and the black dragon, are all He gave Wang Ling a part of the source of his life and rescued him.”

Feng’er’s expression stiffened: “The source of life was given to Wang Ling? But, that’s not necessary…”

“That’s right.” Ai Xiu Si said proudly, “We all had a relationship with Wang Ling when we rescued him. Now, he is his wife.”

Dream was afraid that King Feng would be sad, and quickly said: “Sister, don’t be sad, in order to save him, there is no way, otherwise Wang Ling will definitely die… Although this is a bit unfair to my sister, but to get the source of our life, after Wang Ling It will have an infinite lifespan.”

“In this way, our sister, Wang Ling, can live together in the future and form a big family that will never be separated!” (To be continued…)

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