Dream Evolution

Chapter 994

Chapter 994 Su’S Title

More than two months later, Wang Ling dragged his weak body and quietly left the World Tree under the cover of the night.

No way, although there were many mythical beasts to save him, and the situation was forced at the time, but I heard that before her, there were 40 mythical beasts, cute girls, who had a relationship with Wang Ling, and Fenger was immediately full of anger… To be precise , is jealousy.

In order to save Wang Ling, Feng’er certainly couldn’t blame the cute girls for their actions.

However, the last marriage was smashed by Bai Long, and he failed to marry. Now that he has come out of Nirvana, I thought I could finally get what I wanted, but I learned that while she was not there, Wang Ling had already been raped by 40 cute girls. After eating and wiping, Feng’er’s heart is not full of jealousy?

So for a whole week, this little loli, who was just born from an egg, locked Wang Ling in this house with the roots of the world tree, raped him again and again, and vented his anger.

A week later, using Pluto Dragon’s ability to reverse the world and project surveillance, the cute beasts who watched the live broadcast for 7 days, finally couldn’t bear it, and had a fight with Fenger… Of course, it’s not the real body of the elf, It was a fight that zoomed in, but a group of girls crowded together, scratching their faces and pulling their hair.

At the end of the extreme chaos, the cute beasts finally reached an agreement that each of them would take turns to enjoy Wang Ling’s **. So for the next two months, Wang Ling was trapped in the World Tree by 43 mythical beasts. own body.

Originally there were only 40, but with the addition of Fenger, Bailong, and Heilong, it became 43.

43 cute girls, each of them has extremely powerful physical strength, even if Wang Lingquan’s attribute is 5000+, he can’t stand it. Say it again. He came into this world ready for leisure. Investigating Feng’er’s Nirvana and practicing at the Dragon Vein. Not to sell meat.

Therefore, after staying in the World Tree for a long time, including the previous coma and the time waiting for Fenger Nirvana, it was almost 90 days, Wang Ling finally couldn’t bear it any longer, and left “I’m going to practice, and the practice is over. come back.” left secretly.

Knowing that Pluto Dragon, who has control and reverses the world, will be captured no matter where he goes in the Pokemon world. Wang Ling left the range of the World Tree and was able to return to the dream space without being disturbed by the special magnetic field here.

This time Wang Ling entered the Pokemon Mengniang. In fact, he originally wanted to take the Colorful Phoenix King as the third familiar, but he was in the World Tree earlier. He learned from the side that the Seven Colored Phoenix King, like the dream, has a close connection with the World Tree!

Once Feng’er leaves this world, the world tree will wither. Therefore, the idea of collecting familiar demons was naturally shattered.

Finally escaped the ravages of more than 40 mythical beasts and cute girls, and at the moment of returning to the dream space, Wang Ling couldn’t help but shed tears of excitement. Dry your tears. After taking a shower, he calculated. A total of 100,000 currency points were spent in the world of Pokemon Moeniang, exactly 100 days.

100 days of harvest. Undoubtedly huge, but Wang Ling definitely doesn’t want to do it again…

In the dream space, only one day of rest was spent. Wang Ling sent Hatsune and Xue Li to play with Bingrou, and then had a good sleep on the bed.

He was awakened by the news from the badge, and he checked it out and found that Tomoyo and Su, who used the certificate of the king to open a special world and carried out the task of the coronation of the king, have successfully returned.

After all, it is the blood of the Dragon God. After a sleep, he has recovered all his energy. Wang Ling teleported to Tomoyo’s exclusive room. With a strong soul, he immediately felt keenly that the breath of Tomoyo and Su was much stronger than before… It seems that there is a feeling of being reborn!

Before Wang Ling could speak, Tomoyo said, “Why is your breath so strong? I think the wealth of the Hot-Blood Team is still 300,000. You entered the Pokemon world and spent 100 days practicing?”

Wang Ling’s face suddenly turned red, and he didn’t dare to look into Tomoyo’s eyes. For most of the 100 days, he was exercising with the beast Mengniang… He didn’t practice for a day at all, and hesitantly said: “This… In the pocket world, I have had a great adventure, so I am much stronger than before.”

“By the way, has your coronation mission been successfully passed? Judging from your momentum, it seems that there are also adventures.”

Su and Tomoyo looked at each other, and both let out a long sigh of relief: “We both had an adventure, but we almost died… It’s really dangerous.”

There was an item in the hands of the two of them. Wang Ling couldn’t help but be shocked. The two were actually cards, one of hearts and one of spades, and exclaimed: “You have also encountered the adjudicator killer? Damn, it’s really dangerous this time. , I am afraid that almost, our hot-blooded team will be destroyed.”

Wang Ling also took out a card with a square pattern!

Ordinarily, there is only one adjudicator killer who enters the plot world at a time. Even then, it is not easy to kill the adjudicator killer. Because this kind of space killer will be the clone of the strongest person in the dreamer team when entering space, and will also plunder the ability of that world to **oSS.

But Wang Ling, Su, and Tomoyo entered three different worlds, and they encountered three adjudicator killers. If they switch to another team, it will be a sure-fire situation. At least Wang Ling in the Pokemon world would be dead if not for the rescue of the beasts.

Wang Ling couldn’t help but wonder, how did Su and Tomoyo kill their opponents?

Su said: “The world I entered was fortunately the Ranch Story, the coronation mission of the King of Heaven, just to ship a certain amount of crops within a limited time, and to mine the necessary ores in the Houshan cave in Ore Town.”

“Entering the world of Ranch Story? It should be the widow of a friend from Mineral Town.” Wang Ling breathed a sigh of relief, “That’s not a battle game, the villain in it… I’m afraid it was the wild dog that entered the pasture at night and attacked the cattle and sheep.”

Thinking of an adjudicator killer entering the world of Ranch Story and actually plundering the ability of a wild dog, Wang Ling couldn’t help laughing and laughing. Su was lucky as long as he defeated himself.

“The **oSS of that world is not a wild dog, but a kappa…”

Su explained: “Although it’s not a powerful SS, it has the ability to manipulate the water flow. The reason I was able to win was because my embodied energy finally broke through to the trait system. The Susanoo I summoned now, and Not a half-energy, half-physical giant, but a crystal giant with energy crystallized and much stronger than before!”

After closing his eyes and brewing for a while, Su opened his eyes, and his eyes had turned into a blurred crimson.

The red spiritual flames gushed out from the body and quickly formed a circle of ribs. After these ribs appeared, they immediately solidified into red crystals, and they were not pure flame crystals. In the red, there was also a blue light. .

“My quality is related to the ore in Ranch Story. It can turn energy into crystals with the characteristics of the Oriha steel ore in that world.”

After dissipating Susa’s ribs, Su used spiritual power lightning again. After 4 electric **** appeared, they revolved around the body, and then these electric **** turned into blue-medium-blue ore crystals, which looked quite beautiful.

“These crystals will not lose their original energy characteristics. The crystal ball of spiritual power lightning is more useful than the original physical impact, and when it explodes, because there are fragments of ore crystals mixed in the lightning, the power is stronger!”

Dispersing the crystal lightning ball, Su said with some fear: “Thanks to the judge killer, he has no ability to break through, and he doesn’t have my familiar, otherwise it will be dead… By the way, in this battle, my Huck Dragon Finally evolved into a fast dragon.”

Some excitedly took out a elf ball, the light flashed, the skin was light brown, and there were two tentacles on the head. There was no sense of violence from Western dragons at all. In the two black eyes, the elf exuding a gentle breath, in the light appear in.

The quasi-divine beast of the Pokemon world, the fast dragon!

Wang Ling’s heart moved, thinking of the talent of the cute girl maker, he couldn’t help but activate his ability, only to see that under the gaze, the fat and big Kuailong’s body quickly shrank, turning into a **** gem. Eyes, on hazel hair, there are two girls with stubborn hairs standing up like antennae.

Seeing the panic-stricken girl, Su and Tomoyo were both petrified.

“Uh… this, in the world of Pokemon Mengniang, my troublemaker’s abilities are somewhat mutated, so the scope of motherhood is not limited to humans, and the time limit is forever.” Explain to both.

“But, but Kuailong has become like this, how can you fight?” Su was so anxious that he almost cried, Kuailong is just a quasi-divine beast, and it does not transform like Chaomeng.

“Meng Niang can also fight, isn’t my Pokemon world filled with cute girls?” Wang Ling quickly comforted~www.mtlnovel.com~ Knowing that the cute girl made by Wang Ling couldn’t change back, Su had no choice but to Sadly, he put away the fast dragon and continued to explain his experience in Ranch Story: “Killing the judge killer, I also suffered serious trauma. Fortunately, there is a hospital in that world.”

Wang Ling asked, “What is your Heavenly King’s name, and what is your S-rank title skill?”

“The name of the King of Heaven is King of Heaven, and the skill of the S-rank title is thrift. This skill can be bound to another skill. When using another skill, you don’t need to consume any dream points, and there will be no negative effects.”

A smile finally appeared on Su’s face: “My Susanoo, not only does not need dream points, but also does not have the restriction of loss of vitality and attribute reduction. Title skills are indeed the most suitable for tailor-made. Skills, with this, S-rank skills can be used casually.”


Wang Ling nodded. Suzuo is the strongest in Su, but S-level skills are very limited. This title skill is **** for ordinary dreamers, and it is suitable for Su. He looked at Tomoyo again: “You also killed an adjudicator killer, what world did you enter?” (To be continued…)

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