Farming Happiness: Husband, Come and Plough the Fields

Chapter 103: Deer Whip Soup

Here, Zhang Zheng returned home with two pamphlets rolled up. He thought he was silent and no one was paying attention, but Cuiping, who was squatting in the study in the front yard, saw that the light was on, and immediately knew that the master was back.

Mrs. was found out that she was pregnant for a month, so she rested early, and she hurried out to inquire about the news.

As long as you can sleep with the master, you can become a master, a housemaid, a concubine, and even bear children for the master. Cuiping is dreaming of a spring and autumn dream.

"Sister Cuiping, the stewed deer **** is ready."

The little maid in the kitchen came to deliver things, and Cuiping sent them away with a few copper coins.

The master looks young, but he is also middle-aged, and there are not many women in the backyard, so he may not be able to do what he wants.

Holding the deer whip soup, Cuiping fantasized about herself and her master Wushan. If the master couldn't do it, she would make donkey whip soup again. The donkey whip was bigger, and the effect was good.

Here, Zhang Zheng had just finished changing into his night clothes, and his mind was full of Li Haitang's graceful figure in his underwear. He felt hot somewhere and looked up.


The figure at the door swayed, Zhang Zheng squinted his eyes, and asked the question knowingly.

"Master, it's a servant girl, Cuiping."

Cuiping blushed, and after getting permission, she entered with small steps. Every movement of her, including her walking posture, had been practiced thousands of times in advance.

Under the reflection of the candle, her shy face has a special charm, I believe men will be confused by her.

"Sir, this is a nourishing soup, Madam ordered."

Cuiping held a chicken feather as an arrow and fired at Zhang Zheng frequently, pretending to be shy.

If Madam knew of her betrayal, Cuiping would die a miserable death. It's just that people go to high places, and water flows to low places.

Married to the Zhang Mansion with his wife for two years, she knows too much, the wife is cruel, and will get rid of her sooner or later, before that, Cuiping must find a big backer for herself.

"No need, you go out."

Zhang Zheng felt upset, and waved his hands like chasing flies away. The servant girl didn't know how to look at him, didn't she see that he was irritable?

Just when Cuiping entered the door, he flipped through two pamphlets, one king and four queens, and four women serving together, which made him very hot.

Zhang Zheng is not a chicken, but he is also very restrained, telling himself not to be addicted to female sex, and he still maintains a few traditional positions when it comes to sex. I haven't even tasted a few books of **** pictures. When I saw such a booklet, I couldn't bear it immediately.

Li Haitang just got married, why did he buy this booklet? How about showing it to his daughter?

Zhang Zheng thought long-term, and decided to find an excuse to keep his daughter and Li Haitang at a distance.

"Master, this is what Madam specially asked the slaves to serve Master..."

After finally finding an opportunity, Cuiping certainly didn't want to let it go. She walked around the table and rushed towards Zhang Zheng.

Hmph, as long as raw rice is cooked and cooked, the worst thing is to be a housemaid! It must be done tonight!

"You... presumptuous!"

Zhang Zheng would not refuse a beautiful woman throwing herself into his arms, but he had a booklet on his desk, which was more private, and he didn't want Cuiping to see it, so he pushed her.

The deer whip soup fell with a crisp sound, and Cuiping, with tears in her eyes, accused Zhang Zheng with her eyes.

"Go down, you don't need to serve here."

Zhang Zheng sat on the chair, his body fell back, his whole body seemed to be drained.


Cuiping gritted her teeth, unwilling to give up, and strode forward. She lowered her head and saw a booklet next to the oil lamp.

In that scene, four women serve one man... It turns out that the master has such a hobby!

"Master, do you need Cuiping to call some sisters?"

Cuiping trembled, feeling that she had misunderstood, the master didn't need to mend himself, maybe he was too strong, otherwise why would the madam only serve once in half a month!


When the little secret was discovered, Zhang Zheng became furious with embarrassment. He pointed at Cuiping, his hands trembling with anger, but he had no choice but to kill someone to silence him!

Don't kill this **** servant girl, if it gets out, will he lose face?

"My lord, this servant understands."

On the contrary, Cuiping pretended to be indifferent, "I don't mind at all!"

"I mind!"

Zhang Zheng was so angry that he was so angry that he raised his foot and kicked Cuiping's chest in a hurry, and a scream echoed above the magistrate's back office.

The night passed quickly, and Li Haitang slept soundly, feeling refreshed.

After getting up, she thought of a problem. She didn't have time to destroy the two booklets yesterday.

After she washed up, she saw that the table was empty.

The herbal medicine atlas and story book are still there, and they are placed by her pillow, but where are the booklets? Where did it go?

Li Haitang searched for half an hour, sweating profusely, but still couldn't find it.

"Haitang, I made pumpkin buns this morning."

Second Aunt Chen came to ask Li Haitang to eat as usual, seeing her complexion, she asked concerned, "But are you sick?"

"Second Aunt Chen, you didn't come this morning, did you?"

Li Haitang felt that the problem was silly. Before she went to sleep, the windows and doors were closed tightly and she hadn't moved. If Second Aunt Chen came to call for someone, she would have to knock on the door first.

"No, what's the matter?"

For a while, Second Aunt Chen didn't understand, she just felt that the host's house had been a little abnormal since yesterday.

"No, I got up late."

During the meal, Li Haitang carefully recalled and double-checked that the booklet was placed on the table and she hadn't touched it.

In the room, there were traces of being searched for, and the bank note was not lost, so why did the thief come in? Simply for the brochure?

No matter what the reason was, they entered in the middle of the night without making a sound. Li Haitang was so frightened that he decided to take a dog to guard the home.

After receiving the gift from Xiao Lingchuan, Li Haitang felt that he had to speed up the process of opening the shop. After dinner, he followed Uncle Chen to the tooth shop to choose a place.

One of them is a three-storey store. It used to be a grocery store, and it was a self-selected model. Then the store kept losing things, and the owner was disheartened.

"Just these three rooms, all of them."

The local tyrant is not short of money, but Li Haitang is not being taken advantage of. The other party's price, she felt that there was moisture in it, and counter-offered five hundred taels, and finally settled the deal with five thousand taels of silver.

At the end of the year, money was a little tight, but Li Haitang gave the bank note and settled it on the spot. The owner thought about it and waited another day before replying to Li Haitang.

When the shop is selected, it is necessary to recruit assistants, doctors, and little drug boys. Among the doctors, she has already set her sights on Zhao Baoshan. He is straightforward and has good medical ethics. Li Haitang can rest assured that he chooses this kind of person to manage the shop.

The tools are there, the rest is some suture thread.

Ordinary wounds are sutured with good elastic sutures, and the sutures will be removed when the day comes, but for some wounds inside the body, absorbable sutures must be used.

Li Haitang chose sheep gut, which she found difficult to deal with. She only needed one intestine for a sheep, and she had to refine it by herself. In addition to catgut, there is also protein thread that can be used for suturing, but that requires too professional techniques and equipment, and she cannot do it by herself.

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