Farming Happiness: Husband, Come and Plough the Fields

Chapter 106: Professional ruin!

What kind of person is Li Haitang? Raise your hands to support Zhang Ruyi in harming Zeng Yan.

"It's still the same sentence, it's important to match what you like."

After getting acquainted with each other, Zhang Ruyi is very easy to get along with, and she doesn't have the temper of a daughter of a thousand gold.

Judging from Li Haitang's many years of experience, Miss Zhang is not pretending, but really straightforward.

"I also want to find out what he likes to eat and play, but I have nowhere to start."

Speaking of Zhang Ruyi and Zeng Yan, they have known each other for many years. When she was a child, her father Zhang Zheng was still an official in the capital. Once at a market, she robbed Zeng Yan of his windmill, and he burst into tears.

At that time, she was three years old and he was seven years old, and the relationship between the two was thus formed.

After that time, the Zeng family hired a famous martial arts master for Zeng Yan, and in a flash, more than ten years passed.

Zhang Ruyi was only sixteen years old, and Zeng Yan had also fallen into the crown year. She found that Zeng Yan was no longer the crying baby of the past. He was tall and tall, with a stern appearance and a unique temperament.

She attaches great importance to her appearance and is immediately attracted to Zeng Yan. Sometimes she dreams of him at night.

"What do you like about him?"

Li Haitang was confused, the two of them had only met each other a few times, they didn't get along together, they didn't know each other's temperament, and they didn't know each other's living habits.

"His appearance."

Zhang Ruyi said bluntly, no one is more handsome than Zeng Yan, the Zeng family is powerful in Lucheng, and the two families are well-matched, what better marriage than marrying him?

"What if he turns ugly?"

Li Haitang couldn't understand this logic. In short, modern blind dates also pay attention to the so-called eye relationship, which is actually an excuse made by Yan Kong.

Like it or hate it, it all depends on the face!

"If he becomes ugly, I will find another good-looking one."

Zhang Ruyi is very strange, what is the problem? The only thing Zeng Yan can be attracted to is her appearance, she is such a superficial person.

"Then what kind of type does he like, you have to know it in your mind?"

Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. Since Zhang Ruyi had some thoughts about Zeng Yan, he had to act quickly.

Li Haitang counted his age, Zhang Ruyi was a year older than Ji Ji last year, and Zeng Yan was already at the age of crown, so he should have started a family long ago.

The Zeng and Zhang families are both high-ranking families in Lucheng, and they are well-matched. It stands to reason that marriage is very normal. How could it be delayed until now, without any expression?

"Haitang, otherwise, I'll tell daddy to ask him to hire an official matchmaker and go to the Zhang family to propose marriage."

Zhang Ruyi drooped her head, dejected. She was raised in a deep boudoir, and she was not free to go out on weekdays. First, she asked her father for instructions, and then she also knew about the vixen. It was too difficult to see Zeng Yan.

"Miss, don't be too **** yourself!"

In a word, Lan Yi was frightened, knelt on the ground, pulled Zhang Ruyi's skirt, and cried, "If the Zeng family rejects the marriage, miss, you will become the laughing stock of Lucheng!"

Not only that, when the news spread to the capital, the entire Zhang family would be ashamed, and there were several unmarried young ladies in the Zhang family, who must have hated their own young lady, wouldn't that be in line with the vixen's wishes?

"Lanyi, how many times have I told you, don't kneel down at every turn, and act like you haven't seen the world, embarrassing your lady."

Zhang Ruyi pulled the blue clothes up, very speechless. Life is already so depressing, can't she have a good time?

Look at her chief maid, she is crying bitterly at every turn, her daughter has gold under her knees, how can she just kneel down!

Lan Yi wiped his tears with a handkerchief, resenting him endlessly, what should he do if he put too much **** powder this time and couldn't stop his tears? She muttered in a low voice, "That's because you are a young lady, and the servant is a maid..."

If it wasn't for the fact that her parents were gone, and she was brought back to the mansion by the first wife, she might be dead now, just being a maid, Lan Yi is very content.

"Also, when you say that Zeng's mansion rejects relatives, do you mean that fellow Zeng Yan doesn't like your young lady?"

Zhang Ruyi with her hips akimbo looked down at Lan Yi, as if if you don't explain clearly, I'll be with you forever.

"Slave...Slave doesn't mean that."

Lan Yi pondered, if the Zeng family was interested, they would have come to propose marriage early, why wait until now? But she didn't dare to say this directly.

Mrs. Zeng's health is not good, and only Zeng Yan is the only seedling, so the incense must continue.

"Okay, let's not argue about this issue."

Li Haitang stopped and went straight to the point, "Ruyi, since you care about Mr. Zeng, can you find out his preference?"


Zhang Ruyi shook her head, asking three questions. She sent Yinzi, the envoy in blue clothes, to inquire about the gossip of the Zeng family, but the servants of the Zeng family were very strict, and they didn't do anything at the cash register, and they couldn't ask anything.

The Zeng family is a family of military generals in the great Qi Dynasty, so people who practice martial arts should be upright, but the Zeng family is dark and weird, and Zhang Ruyi can't say it well, in short, it's just awkward.

"That's not easy."

First of all, this is Daqi, which is not as open as modern times. Men and women have no chance to get to know each other before they get married.

I don't know what I like, how can I match what I like and attract the attention of the other party?

"I'm just not reconciled."

Zhang Ruyi wiped off the water stains on her body with a sad face. One thing she knew was that the backyard of Zeng's mansion was clean, there were no concubines and aunts, and the Zeng family didn't like that, so the highest status of a woman with ulterior motives could only be that of a maid in the same room, and would not shake the status of the main wife at all.

She hates vixies who hollow out men's bodies, and she is also afraid that she is not smart enough to control her husband, fighting openly and secretly, Zhang Ruyi can only be the one who is being calculated, and she urgently needs a dog-headed military advisor.

"That's right, Mr. Zeng has already reached the crown, and there is only one servant by his side to serve him, maybe he is still a boy!"

After Lan Yi finished speaking, she blushed. She shouldn't have said this, but it was also one of the important reasons why my young lady fell in love with Mr. Zeng.

As a man, it is a rare quality to keep oneself clean and not be confused by beauty.

Li Haitang twitched the corners of his mouth, thinking to himself, "Maybe it's masculine."

Think about it from another angle, the true nature of human nature, the same **** repels each other, and the opposite **** attracts, if this law is broken, it will be even more troublesome!

Standing at the door, Zhang Zheng was so angry that he blew his beard and stared at him. He knew that it was right for him to come this time, and Li Haitang was teasing his innocent daughter again! Open your mouth and shut your mouth as a foreigner, how yearning is this?

That day, when he went to Li Haitang's bedroom, he didn't find a man, and there were two pamphlets with hot content. Could it be that she was empty and lonely?

Thinking of this, Zhang Zheng's body became hot and he leaned forward to hide the embarrassment of his lower body.

"Master, at this hour, aren't you going to the yamen?" There was someone at the door to help the wind. Eyelids twitched.

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