Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 10

10. Saw Aurora

After finishing the meal, the five walked behind Lindell Castle with a stomachless walk as well.

The pleasant night breeze that strokes your cheeks smells like sweet and refreshing flowers.

The moonlight was dazzling at the full moon tonight and the lights were unnecessary.

“Claire, we’re ahead.”

Through the path surrounded by tall trees according to Veek’s voice, Pah opened his sight.

“Wow… This is the coast!?

Claire raises her voice unexpectedly.

Lindell Island was an island made from cliff cliffs, but only that place that Vike led us to was a small coast.

The sea level on the beach is so beautiful that you want to think of it as your own, it shows a glowing moon.

The glittering surface of the water in the light of the moon was so beautiful that it could not be thought of as something of the world.

“This is where the church of the old Lindell Country used to be.”

Lewis tells me.

“The god of the land of Lindell, surrounded by the sea, is the goddess of the sea. This beach is also known as its Holy Springs. There’s a sad history, and the church’s gone, but it’s a place to keep it and heal people’s hearts with beautiful scenery.”


Claire realizes Veek’s intentions in bringing him here.

(for me……)

When I look at Veek, I stare at the surface of the sea so that I am not enlightened.

“Thank you, Veek”

Claire continues.

“It struck my heart more than any consolation. You are someone who leans against people’s hearts. I’m sure he’ll be a great mentor.”

Two, Prince Asberto’s face floats.

He is serious, but there is a slight neglect of people’s minds.

Sure, we’ve been together since we were little kids, complimenting Claire on her appearance, giving her gifts, and cherishing her as a fiancé.

But Claire never leaned in on me when she was hurt.

On the contrary, in retrospect, you may not have even noticed Claire’s rise.

That’s why Claire had the impression on Asberto that she was a little young as a royalty with an English talent education since she was a little girl.

That said, compassion for the people is essential as governing the Noston nation in the future.

So, in fact, Claire was a little relieved when she felt that Asbert’s interest had begun to turn to Charlotte.

Trust from the people can only be gained if there is an interest and a merciful heart besides about Asberto himself.

Claire’s marriage is a political marriage itself.

I mean, Claire and Asberto’s mind didn’t have to go through each other.

If only the Noston nation could govern properly.

Claire thinks in touch with the compassion of the Vikes.

(The royalty of the Paft Country is great. Even though the neighbors are young, they are caring and thoughtful, and then they have a wide horizon. Hit that… Prince Asberto is obsessed with Charlotte now, but once he’s interested in something else, Charlotte might feel sad)

It was only natural for Claire, who had endured her heavy responsibilities as a candidate for queen for many years, to think about her country, which was supposed to have cut off the edge.

“Who are you thinking about”

When I noticed, Veek’s shoulder was right next to Claire’s face.

“No,… actually about the Noston Country. Because we never saw this kind of view in the country.”

Claire answered, weaving the truth as well.

The silence continues as you watch the full moon swing between the waves.

Huh, Claire remembered that dream she had in the carriage a few days ago.

“Baptism ceremony, not in the Noston Nation, but in the former Lindell Nation.”

That voice of nostalgia is somehow echoing in Claire’s head.

(The christening ceremony is scheduled to take place in the church where the mother was born)

(Mother should have been the youngest daughter of the Baron family in Noston Country)

(I wonder why the Lindell Nation is coming out)

When Claire is conceiving,

“Wow! Cold!! What are you doing, Donnie?

Keith’s voice echoes on the coast, which should have been quiet.

When I saw it, Donnie and Keith were going into the ocean.

… Precisely where Keith was dragged into the ocean by Donnie might be more right.

“Whoa, that sounds fun. Mix me up.”

Veek is followed and runs out.

Reaching the wave strike in no time, Veek is watering Keith in conspiracy with Donnie.

“… you look like a child.”

I say to Claire like Lewis did.

“Earlier, Lewis called this coast Holy Springs, didn’t he? I wonder if it’s okay to go in there like that.”

“That’s not a problem.”

Lewis continues.

“Because this is a special healing fountain created by nature. Claire can come in.”


Actually, Claire had never set foot in the ocean.

There were various circumstances that were unique to the Duke’s Lady, such as the lack of hygiene, and the sea was just a view.

(As long as you touch the water with your feet…. but it’s night, and it’s cold, and you can’t)

As I saw through Claire’s heart like that, Lewis took Claire’s hand.

“Let’s go, too”


Sarah’s sand touches her feet with her cramped boots off.

When I step on it, it sounds like a cum and it feels fresh.

Claire stands on a wave beat a little away from the three shaggy men in a water multiplication and waits for the wave.

A medium wave comes and touches Claire’s leg.


The waves that have grown longer than I thought, bury as far as Claire’s ankle and return to the sea again.

What a unique and pleasant feeling it feels to fade away the sand around your feet when pulling waves.

At that time.

The night sky, which was lit by the full moon, shined brighter and everyone lost their words.

The sparkling rainbow light is covering the sky.

At first glance, it looked white, but every grain of light was wrapped in a different color, with fantastic sights in the coastal night sky.

That sparkling shard is about to come down this coast.

“What is this?”

Vik shouts his surprise.

“Is that Aurora…? Though the warm island of Lindell should not be an area where Aurora can be seen.”

Keith doesn’t seem to believe the sight in front of him either.

“Could this be…”

I do my hand on my jaw like Lewis thinks.

Claire was confused.

(I saw this sight somewhere…)

(Yes, I saw it at Charlotte’s christening ceremony. But then the fountain sparkled white)

(This is… the whole sky is glowing… like the Aurora I used to see in the North Territories)

The moment I thought that, in Claire’s head, that voice sounded.

“Baptism ceremony, not in the Noston Nation, but in the former Lindell Nation.”

(… what do you mean?

Suddenly my body gets heavy.

I wish I hadn’t stood, but I didn’t listen to my body, and I could see it crumbling off my knees.


Claire was in a distant state of consciousness, and I thought I heard Vik.

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