Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 12

12. Independence

Looks like he’s wrapped up in comfortable shark bedding.

That’s a lot different than the bed in Minami’s room, I think, Claire.

When I open my eyes, I see a blurry landscape.

Gradually, when the view became clear, it was found that apparently this was a hotel on Lindell Island.

“How are you feeling?

Lewis appears in Claire’s sight lying on the bed.

“Yeah, I’m fine. But I…”

Lewis tells Claire she can’t grasp the situation.

“Earlier, Claire suddenly lost her mind on the coast. So, I brought Vik and the others to the hotel. I was asleep for about an hour.”

“Oh no… sorry for the inconvenience”

Claire is surprised and apologizes.

“Never mind.”

Lewis continues naturally.

“Like baptism, it’s common for a body to lose its mind after receiving great power from God and the Spirit without withstanding that power.


I can’t hide my confusion that Claire doesn’t remember me at all.

“Remember when before Claire fell, the lights came down like Aurora on the coast?

“Yeah, somehow, though.”

“Perhaps that was due to baptism. I don’t know the color of magic, but I feel like something even stronger than white or silver”

Lewis continues.

“You told me that coast was where the church in Lindell Country was originally, right? Even if the church is gone, that beach will remain the Holy Springs all the time. Theoretically, you can be baptized…. if my mother had a nobleman born in Lindell.”

… and Claire’s chest jumped.

“All I remember is that my fiancée Claire’s mother was born in the old Lindell Country.”

The words Liko said in her dreams reflate.

I understood that I lived in the game world, and that I was baptized as Lizi said I heard in my first dream, Claire, but it was still going to take me a while to accept.

“I’m 15 years old and I’ve been given a pale pink magic… I can’t believe I baptized you”

“You were baptized in the King’s Capital of the Noston Nation, right? Normally, a mother is only given very weak magic, even if she is baptized in a place where she has no ties. Yet I guess being given a pale pink meant that the spiritual protection was so strong.”

Lewis hands me honey for warm tea.


When Claire received the cup, she shook her head in the wind that it was incredible.

“Well, have a cup of tea and take your time. I was worried about Vik’s dying face, so I’ll call you back in a little bit.”

“Thank you so much, Lewis”

As Claire thanked her, Lewis smiled.


A line that left Lindell Island early the next morning arrived at noon three days later at the King’s Capital Ultz in the Paft Country.

On the road, since entering the Paft country, Vik had been hiding his face with stalls all along.

Donnie, with a particularly wide face, was sometimes heard from the women in the lodgings and restaurants she stopped by, but she was able to get here without encountering any major problems.

Speaking of Claire, I stood down in the city of Ultz and dreamed of it.

“Wow…… It’s not comparable to Tillard.”

Exclamation leaks.

There are many commercial establishments and beautiful parks in between, lined with stone skyscrapers that are seldom seen outside the castle in the Noston Country. Trees were planted on such a wide road that the carriages could afford so many different cars that they even built streams for viewing purposes.

And most surprisingly, all of that was calculated to design and placement, a beauty that was in harmony with the ease of people’s lives.

“What do you say, the castle town of Ultz?”

Vik proudly asks Claire.

“Yeah, I really liked it. Really nice!”

Claire answered with her eyes shining.

“You should come back later. The castle is about 20 minutes away from the city.”

Veek continues.

“Let’s go.”

“Can you wait?”

Claire told me.

Lewis stops trying to run the horse.

Claire stepped down from the horse with the help of Lewis. And say.

“So far, thank you for coming with us.”

Deeply bowing his head to Claire, Vike floats the colour of perplexity.

“What do you mean? On the road, I would have told you many times. Until you get used to it, protect it in a castle… if you don’t like just protecting it, how about a magician in the royal palace?

“Thank you so much for your help with your life, Your Highness, but it can lead to scandals and unexpected friction of the Puffett royal family.”

Claire continues with Rin.

“I… may be on my own, but I consider you all very dear friends. It was the first time we had ever been able to treat each other as one person, not caring about each other’s position. … and call your highness and your dear friend, Vik.”

“… puppy”

Keith, who was listening with a strange face, erupted.


Stares at Keith with a look that reminds him of his complex mood.

“Claire, this is how ladies are, isn’t it?”

Donnie shoots Claire in cover with her usual youngest tone.

“Why don’t you give it up now, Vik? It’s impeccable to surround a bird free from a cramped cage again.”

Lui is frightened.

“… are you sure you’re okay”

Ask Vik to push in case.

“Yeah, maybe. Because I’ll stay in a decent hotel for a few days and look for a job. I’m so excited about my new life! … but please help me when I’m really in trouble”

Claire answered with tea glare as she cared for Vik’s pride.

“Okay…. Then I’ll give you this instead of a pass for now. With this, you can take care of me.”

Veek took off the pocket watch he was wearing and gave it to Claire.

“Uh… Is there anything lighter?”

Surprised Claire tells Vik.

“My piercing is fine.”

To the answer of the invincible Vike, Claire

“Yes, no! I’ll do it this way.”

That’s what I had to answer.

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