Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 27

27. Invitations

The next day.

When Claire got to the Royal School Gate earlier than usual, Lydia rushed over.

“Dear Claire! Are you okay with that?”

“Yes. We apologize for your concern. Nice flowers and treats, thank you”

Claire bows her head deeply.

Claire’s involvement in the purification of the tornado was to remain less open, but Lydia, the minister’s daughter, seemed to know the circumstances, and Lydia had delivered a treat of sympathy yesterday when Claire returned to the Lehne family.

Lydia was doing a special job on the flowers, and Claire’s health was completely restored just by decorating the room overnight.

“No, I don’t. Dear Claire, please tell us about the Noston Country when you have time.”

Lydia turns to Claire with a smile that makes her feel smart.

Lydia’s tenderness to distance herself reasonably well by perceiving areas where she didn’t want her opponent to be stepped in was similar to that of Vik.

Vique, Lewis, Keith, Donnie, Baroness Lene…… I guess Claire meets all the wonderful people in this country because the Pfeety Nation is a big country.

When we first met, Claire, who subtly lied about ‘coming from the North’, was very concerned about what Lydia thought of it after this incident.

Lydia, too, felt like thanking me as soon as possible today, thinking that she had guessed it and sent me something to pay her respects without waiting for Claire to go to school.

“Dear Lydia……! Absolutely.”

Claire took Lydia’s hand and wrapped it around her with both hands to answer.

As the two of us walked, Nicolas appeared in front of us.

“Hey… and Master Claire! Um… you’re not a nobleman, are you?… reason, so, it’s a name I don’t know… I thought, wow!

I’m out of breath.

I’m sure you’ve been running quite a distance since you found Claire.

“Good day, Nicolas. I couldn’t believe you remembered my name, even though it was’ The Woman ‘at first… It’s an honor.”

Claire smiles nicely.

“… what’s that now!!

The ladies surrounded by Nicolas, who turned red in the face and twitched and changed direction, are freaked out and surprised.

And Nicola ran away without saying anything.

“Dear Nicolas… thank you…. Dear Lydia, Claire, excuse me”

The ladies rushed into a light meeting with Claire and Lydia before chasing Nicolas.

“… I wonder what you wanted to do… Nevertheless, Nicolas has been in a diagonal mood lately…”

I snap my neck as Lydia says in a quiet tone.

“But you’re cute and you can’t hate me somewhere…”

Lydia nods at Claire whining as she drops off Nicolas’ hindsight.

“You’re right. When I saw Nicolas, I remembered my dog. He’s a very cute, brown, fluffy kid who barks a lot at camp.”

“Well, it is.”

“Isn’t that just disrespectful, Miss Lydia”

When the two turned around, there was a laughing look at Veek.

“Oh, Your Highness.”

Lydia greets Vik with a curtesy.

“Nicolas also knows the circumstances. That, but you should be thanking Claire as a member of the royal family. I guess my pride is too high to thank you well. I need you to understand.”

It wasn’t just Veek, but my friends who refrain behind Veek also had a raw warm smile.

Perhaps they are also pointing similar emotions at Nicolas as Claire and Lydia are feeling.

Claire nodded.

“In the first place, I’ve heard from my father that the reason for Nicolas’s recent grump is His Highness. Take good care of him.”

Lydia answered with a clear face, and Vik’s shoulders seemed too tight to behave sparingly and solidified.

Lydia, who wants to avoid trouble, seldom talks to Veek, but Veek and Lydia are childhood friendly and jokeable friends.


“Claire, don’t push it too hard.”

Vik didn’t answer Lydia’s question, and when he cared for Claire, he went.

(… I wonder what’s wrong)

Claire turned a blind eye to the unnaturalness.

“Dear Claire, did you know that next month there will be a night club at the Royal Palace?”

Lydia suddenly whispers after making sure Veek is far enough away.

(It’s like His Majesty the King said such a thing…)

“Uh, just a little bit, but I remember hearing that.”

“My father tells me it’s a night club for Her Royal Highness’s Queen, Vic.”

“… Your Highness”

Claire found herself up.

“His Highness’s cousin, Nicolas, says he can’t have her on the lady’s invitation roster, and it’s a rumor that it’s rough. I’m officially eligible to participate, but your highness refuses.”

Claire stares away at Veek’s back.

I tried to assume that the world felt shaky because of me walking.

“… I doubt it in the first place, does Your Highness have any fiancées?

Claire hears what she’s been wondering.

“Yeah, you’re not here. Just like the Noston Country in this country, noble sons have more or less fiancées…… because His Royal Highness Vike’s reputation has been very high, both domestically and internationally since childhood. As you can see from the list of ladies who have mercilessly begun to beget Nicolas, Your Majesty is also convinced that you will not choose unfit women or family members.”

“I see, Your Highness, I’m convinced.”

Claire makes a smile by raising her mouth so that she doesn’t understand the upset.

“Of course, it shouldn’t be your marriage any time soon. Marriage is as early as a few years later. Right now, we’re just working on the future scaffolding in preparation for next year’s reign ceremony for Prince Wang.”

Lydia continues.

“At the night club, I probably have a feeling I’ll be invited, too. I was wondering if it would be a gathering of noble ladies attending royal schools everywhere… It’s fun for what you’re looking at from the outside… I’m also depressed, and I’m sorry to hear that Your Highness is not allowed to have someone she truly loves on her side, considering her future position as king.”

Lydia, reluctantly peeking into Claire’s eyes, said everything.


A few days later.

The House of Lehne received a letter from the Royal Castle.

A light green card with the same crest engraved on the envelope table and on the inside of the card as the pocket watch Claire borrows from Veek.

Whatever that was, it was an invitation to a nightclub to Isabella.

“Claire, sister… this is…”

Isabella says, shuddering.

“Yes, the invitation to Her Royal Highness’s nightclub of choice.”

Baron Lehne answers with superb smiles. On that smile, I could see the fortitude of not letting him say yes or no.

“I don’t want to go! I can’t have a night club hosted by His Majesty the King.”

“It’s okay, Miss Isabella. I’ll teach you exactly how to do it.”

Mrs. Marie interrupted before Claire could forgive Isabella for crying.

“Isabella. I’m not asking you to get the seat of the future queen. You were called in a bustle! As the daughter of the Baron Narumi family, you have a solid role to play!

“… Mother…”

In the Lene family, Isabella’s self doesn’t go through at all.

Thus, Isabella was reluctant to attend Vik’s nightclub in search of the Queen, and Claire, as a tutor, was to teach Isabella all the tricks and behaviors of standing.

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