Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 34

34. Failure

Around that time. Keith and Donnie were doing paperwork in Veek’s office in the Royal Palace.

“But there’s something close to a curse everyone is wary of about the Mead family’s magic sharing… Even the bearers of magic as powerful as Claire must be vigilant.”

Keith doesn’t seem to fall to his heart.

“No, it’s not.”

Donnie says as she does her job looking bored. Contrary to the sloppy tone, the hands are processing the documents with great speed.

“Keith, it’s Dion who needs to be vigilant. If there’s too much difference, it’s not Claire that’s going to suck, it’s the other guy.”


Afternoon. Claire almost finished lunch and headed to an individual program of witchcraft.

“It’s Miss Claire Martino, isn’t it? Remember when we met at the night club the other day?

I guess I was waiting for Claire to be alone. Dion’s been talking to me.

“Yeah…… I’m in a hurry for my afternoon lecture.”

Claire finds herself.

Fill the surface of your body with magic so that you can call back immediately even if your protections are broken.

(Fine, if you do what I practiced with Lewis the other day)

I wonder what you’re doing.

There, Lydia, who was supposed to have broken up in the lunch room earlier, showed up. Sneaky, he watched over Claire.

“Lady Claire is the fiancée of His Royal Highness Vique, the first prince of the Pfeet Nation. I wonder which one of you forgot to speak up to one of your noble sons without His Highness?

“This is… Miss Lydia from the Marquis of Carroll. Nothing, I’m nothing. I just talked to him because I knew him.”

Apparently surprised by Lydia’s appearance, Dion pulls sassy with his hands raised unexpectedly.

And he smiled at Claire before he was gone.

“… you’re here soon, Master Claire”

“Yeah. Thanks for coming. That was comforting.”

Claire grabs Lydia’s hand and says thank you.

“I’ll be with you in the lecture room for the individual program.”

In the end, Lydia was to be escorted to the lecture room used by Claire in the afternoon.

“Dear Lydia. Is it something you’ll soon find out when they share their magic powers?

Walking in school, Claire listens.

“It looks like foreign bodies are going to get into the magic flow in your body. Naturally, I don’t have any experience… imagine, but I feel like I’ll find out soon enough”

The two of them walked into the lecture room. When you open the door, the magician, the instructor, should be waiting.

“I’ll be back.”

“Thank you, Master Lydia”

Now it’s okay, Lydia smiles in the wind and leaves.

I dropped off Lydia’s hindsight and heard a whisper in Claire’s ear with her hand on the door.

“We just met, and I’m sorry. I was going to spend a little more time researching, because tomorrow, Master Lewis will be here.”

At that moment, I could see they held my hand.

Bachi, an intense electrostatic shock runs into Claire’s body.

Holding Claire’s hand was Dion, who emerged from nowhere.

My eyes are red, and I can see at a glance that I’m about to activate a powerful sorcery.

(Coverage broken!

Faster than Claire thinks so, again Dion can put his strength into his hands.

(This is not good…)

(Coverage… can’t make it…)

At the moment of imagining the worst, a great flash of light emanates from the gripped hands of Claire, surrounded by a bright white light on one side. At the same time, De (…) i (…) o (…) n (…) ‘s body ran a big shock.


Claire stood ready, but nothing would happen.

When I opened my fearful, tightly closed eyes, there was Dion falling down, supposedly flying by impact and hitting the wall.


I have no idea what happened to Claire.

“Magic now, what happened!

To much shock, a magician pops out of the lecture room Claire was about to enter now.

“Doctor… Um…”

“Are you all right, Miss Claire?… Is that it? Isn’t this the user of the curse”

Dion, rolling down the aisle, was completely passed out and had no sign of waking up at all.


“Are you okay, Claire!

When I got the news, Vike and Lydia came running into the lecture room.

“Yeah…… I’ll be fine.”

Claire answers with regret.

Dion, who remained passed out, lay in a simple bed in the lecture room.

“I just held his hand and saw the magic flow… Miss Claire seems to have reflected his curse.”

Hearing the sight of the Royal School mage, Chainz, Vik’s eyes harden with surprise and Lydia laughs at Couscous without hesitation.

“Is that what Lewis meant when he said he was protecting Dion…”

Vik has a distant eye.

“The sharing of the magic of the Count Meade family is a very dangerous technique. If the opponent’s magic outweighs his own, he just can’t get in and interfere, or this is how he gets bounced back and eroded. He wakes up after this, but the magic remains shared with Miss Claire for the rest of his life.

Chains will go into further detail.

“… no!

Claire was shocked.

(Even if I deserve it… if I think about his future, there’s no such thing!

“As a precaution, Claire doesn’t feel responsible.”

“That’s right. I’m just saying it’s bad that this Dion guy was the fool he looked like.”

Vik and Lydia follow each other orally.

“Keep it up, don’t be an internal affairs problem. Leave me alone as royal, as the one who unleashed the curse on the prince’s fiancée. Well… it’s more likely that they’ll make up their sins.”

Behind the cynical words, Vik seems happy.

“But now we finally have a female in the investigation into the privileges of the Count Meade family and the demise of the Lindell Nation, which has been going on forever”

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