Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 57

56. Treatment of Dion

The next day.

Claire woke up with her sobbing eyes. Claire sincerely thinks it’s a good day for the Royal School holidays.

“Ma’am, I’ll leave you a chilled towel”

Seeing Claire’s face, Sophie, who sees the situation, puts the towel down with the awake tea.

“This is getting pretty red.”

“Hey, Sophie. Can you chill it?

I’ll just sweeten up a little bit for Sophie peeking into Claire’s face.

“Oh, if you’re a lady. Fine.”

Sophie smiled and gently toweled Claire’s eyes.

(I can’t believe it’s so safe and comfortable to have someone heal you. I’m happy)

Claire tumbled in the back of her nose again.

There are signs of Robbie’s ringing.

“So soon, who is it?”

Sophie leaves. After a while, from the next, Lewis’ face peeked.

“Good morning, Claire.”


“I thought my eyes might be swollen, so I’ve been given pills by the Virgin so I can cure them in the morning”

“Thank you, Lewis. But there are drugs that help you cry too much.”

“Yeah. A little trick to make it work, though.”

Lewis said so, breaking the little wrapper he had in his hand and spreading a light blue powder in his hand. For a few seconds, when magic is applied, the powder is added to a small bite for washing.

“Now wash your face and you’ll be fine. You’ll feel better.”

“Thanks for taking the time. Pleasure.”

Claire smiled.

“And then, this one comes from Veek”

Lewis puts another box in his hand on the side table.

When Claire checked inside, there were bottled cookies inside. Luxuriously used dried fruit is as beautiful as a gem.

“Very pretty… but…”

“I don’t think that means anything in particular. Take it with confidence.”

Lewis, who felt Claire’s confusion, says just fine.


But morning gifts are inherently something of special significance. Even if they say it doesn’t make any sense, Claire’s behavior last night blurs her brain.

“Neither did we stop this gift as a proximity. This is just gratitude. So I want you to take it.”

Lewis smiles like an adult and goes on even further.

“Yesterday, thank you for unloading Veek”


“Vik will never cry in front of us. No matter how hard it is, he looks fine and looks forward. As a husband, I’m proud of you, but as a friend, I’m worried.”

Hearing the words, Claire recollects her actions last night.

Vik looked as if his tears stopped as soon as he was surprised by Claire’s behavior.

The problem is Claire. I couldn’t stop crying at all, and became a desperate and comforting feather for the mundane Vikes and the late Luis.

Claire was in the mood to bury her face in the sheet in front of her and scream, wondering what bold and annoying she had done, including hugging Veek.

“I don’t know what… I’m so sorry. It was a meeting for Oswald yesterday.”

“I just have a friend who’s gonna cry for Vik, and I’m really comfortable as a sidekick,”

Sophie peeked into her face again as Lewis turned to Claire, who was dripping.

Ma’am, there’s another customer.

The next customer was Dion.

“I’m leaving the royal palace today. Because it’s all over. The house arrest is over.”

Dion says to Claire, who hastily set herself up and just sat in the living room reception.


“What are you going to do after this?

On behalf of Claire, who has no words, Lewis listens.

“Naturally, I’m quitting Royal School. Families and relatives are also deported abroad, and no one can count on them. But I’m free for the first time. Like Claire, I want to live as I please.”

Dion’s eyes were shining.

“Still… I think there is a way to live your abilities. If we’re going to live in that world, we need academics…”

Claire talked so far, she was hacked.

Indeed, it was true that Claire valued Dion’s abilities highly. There are things I don’t know about not looking over there, but if I were to work for someone who could lead me right, I seemed on the bright side of this.

But even though Dion says he wants to live free, he tells him to use his abilities to tie him up. Now, it’s just like the Mead owners.

“… sorry. I’m withdrawing.”

Claire apologizes to Dion when she realizes the tyranny of the words she utters.

“Yeah. I’m glad Miss Claire appreciated me that much.”

Lewis says he was listening to the exchange between the two.

“… because you can say that the temper measures for Dion are too generous. I think Veek worked pretty hard.

“Oh. Of course I know. Even if I wanted to stay here from the bottom of my heart, I couldn’t make it. I will live in the shade with my feet on the ground, even for His Highness, Vik.”

Hearing the words, Claire grabbed the cloth off her skirt.

Actually, Claire had an idea about the treatment of Dion.

“Dear Dion. I haven’t decided to escort you to the Pfeet country yet. I was going to hire someone when I saw the fold. If it’s all right… why don’t you work for me?”

To an unexpected suggestion, Dion is circling his eyes.



“Miss Claire’s, on the escort”


“… well. If the Duke of Martino and Dion sign a direct contract, we can’t even put it in the Royal Palace. As Claire’s squire, who is treated equally by guests from King Noston’s house, I can’t help it.”

Claire nodded at Lewis’ words.

“Of course, Master Dion’s will is the most important thing. I’m not saying this because I feel responsible for fascinating you. Purely, I appreciate you. Though I’m sorry to be my squire, even though I’ve lived as a trace of the Count’s house so far.”

“Miss Claire……”

Claire didn’t seem lost in Dion.

“It’s a happy proposition with no more. I’d like to agree. I wonder if I can be allowed to go out at night with Doni.”

“… I’ll do it right”

While I’m joking, Dion can’t seem to hide his joy. This brings the story together.

“In that case, we need to negotiate a contract with the Duke of Martino’s house as soon as possible. The Mead family has been stripped of their title on the date yesterday. For Dion’s sake, you’d better get a back shield as soon as possible.”

“I will, Lewis. I’ll write to your brother soon.”

You can tell my father Benjamin, but to be honest, he won’t be very interested in Claire. More than that, I felt up close that Vik and Claire were being cordial and asked my brother Oscar, who had ambitions to connect with the King Puffett family, to respond more quickly.

“Can you write now? I’ll send it.”

“That would help. Thanks.”

Claire didn’t like sending letters. If it was close range, it would have been fine, but I can’t really grasp the image when it’s far away. I had written to Charlotte a few times since I came to Puffett Country, but I had paid my fee every time to ask a mage to send it to me.

In addition to wanting to hire a squire in the name of the Martino family, write down Dion’s background in a letter. Claire signed at the end of the day, adding that she also wanted a formal contract to submit to the conditional aspects and pafito countries that she had decided to discuss with Dion. Asking Lewis to send a letter to get to Oscar takes a breather.

“Perhaps it will take a few days for me to get back to you. When I officially sign the contract, I’m going to have Dion use one of the two spare rooms. Until then, may I ask you to stay in the castle lodge?”

“Of course I am.”

After a series of tasks, it was nearly noon.

“Both of you, what about lunch? If you like, why don’t we eat together here?


I was wondering if I could join you.

“Of course.”

When Claire opened the door leading to the lobby to tell Sophie, Sophie stood there with some paperwork.

“Lady, I have received a letter from the Martino family and His Highness Asberto of the Noston Country. It’s a thick letter.”

“… Morning”

I thought I heard Lewis whining from behind.

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