Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 61

60. Life abroad

Claire in her earlier life was always spending time with Lydia at the Royal School.

It was at first that I was to be featured as’ Your Highness’s Friend ‘, but when I got used to it, my school life was calm.

This time, however, there are neighbors such as Vike and Alan added to it. It was inevitable that the surroundings would become noisy.

“About lunch… I’d like you to be quiet.”

Lunchtime cafeteria. Lydia spits poison that doesn’t suit her poor face as she looks sideways at the Vikes surrounded by noble ladies in the next seat.

“I’m sorry, Master Lydia. Not even me…”

“Ah. No. I love Claire.”

A hazy Lydia on Claire’s sunken face waves her palm in small pieces in front of her chest. But Claire, who knew in her pre-retrograde life that Lydia wanted to live quietly, was full of regrets.

“What I care about is the other ladies. As a noble lady, more…”

Lydia was about to say so far, and I heard a voice.

“Gentlemen, what are you doing? Vik, your brother’s in trouble!

The Lord of the Voice was Nicolas, the king’s niece and cousin to Vik.

Fluffy, caramel-colored hair is tied in two, with tight eyes that I can imagine are originally round. With one school year down, Nicola was bound to be at Vik’s destination, kicking the warrants trying to samurai around.

“Ladies and gentlemen, Brother Vik is the first prince of this country. You’re not the right people to talk to lightly, are you? I wonder if you’ve forgotten your position as a noble lady!

“… Nicolas, choose more words”

The ladies noticed Vik’s bitter smile and scattered sassy with the look of bad. In the empty space, Nicola and the gentle, seemingly gentle, friend of Nicola’s ladies fit in perfectly as they are.

“Your brother is too kind…. That’s right, could I have lunch with you!

“I’m sorry. It’s just over. By the way, did you hear the example?”

“… Yep…”

“You don’t have to hurry. Think slowly.”

Vik rises up, gently stroking Nicola’s head with a pomp that suddenly lost momentum. Claire and Lydia also stood up to signal it and gave Nicolas a light interpretation before leaving the cafeteria behind.

(… It’s rare for Nicolas to lose her energy when Vik speaks to her. Is something wrong?)

Claire’s image of Nicolas had changed considerably before and after her retrograde journey, an image of a cute person who Wagamama didn’t hate in any way while she stood out in her first life.

But this time it’s very different.

Nicolas was royal and well-graded, basically well courteous, except for the fact that his admiration for Vique is too strong to make him behave like a stand-up freak.

In fact, Claire, who is treated as a guest by the Duke’s Lady of a neighboring country, did not lack courtesy while offering full pride.

“As His Royal Highness said, I guess Nicolas is someone who should be more appreciated as long as he is careful with his choice of words. It’s interesting to watch, but I’m sorry.”

Lydia sighs as she heads into the lecture room this afternoon.

“Right. You helped your Highness earlier.”

By nature, Alan and the others, who are close to school, should take on the role. But they are somewhat relaxed and not the type to turn a blind eye to judging the ladies well.

On the next point, Lydia and Claire also dealt with the ladies, but neither of them were so motivated as surroundings. It is the mountain of Sekiyama that sends ale in his heart to Veek.

“We heard that the Royal College of Aristocracy in the Noston Country, where Lady Claire was, has an organization called the Student Council. You must be better governed than here.”

“Yeah, the students decided to be autonomous. It was like a whole little aristocratic society in college. His Royal Highness Vique was worried that this royal school might be cramped on me, but compared to there, it’s free and comfortable…”

Claire talks so far, then claws her mouth that this was her first story in her life.

“You’re very different from this school where you focus on study and research.”

Lydia has her eyes round.

When Claire attended the Royal College of Aristocracy in the Noston Country, she had no day to lose her mind as Asberto’s fiancée and courtier of the prestigious Duke of Martino family.

Sometimes in this relatively free school, when I wonder if Nicola, only 14, has the same sense of purpose, Claire even wants to pull her shoulder out.

Most of all, every time I see Nicolas kicking the ladies with joy, she still seems to be okay.

“Oh dear, is Claire putting in four personal lessons this afternoon?”

Lydia says as she peeks into Claire’s hand as she checks the schedule.

“Yeah. There’s so much we couldn’t learn here at the Royal College of Aristocracy in the Noston Country, it’s so much fun. I want to absorb whatever I can study.”

“Wonderful. On holidays, we also heard you go to the Virgin of the Royal Palace to learn the magic of healing.”

“Yeah. I’ll just take a moment and I’ll be there with Lewis. If Lydia is interested, we’d love to join you.”

“… I am more interested in Master Lewis than in studying…”

About a month after I revealed to the Vikes what would happen in the future. Claire had started studying desperately with more before.

Of course I had the desire to build up a little strength and provide support for Lewis and Vike, but Claire had more to worry about than that.

That was my destination after dealing with a magic tornado that would happen about a year away.

Last time, after purifying a magic tornado, Claire had returned to the world of her dreams where she would make this world perceive itself as a game because of the use of her magic.

There was always a friend on the other side named Liko, and there was also some save data that I didn’t currently play called Asbertroot.

But not before this. There is one person in the room. The unplayed save data is also gone. What does that mean? Claire was feeling an unpopular creep just imagining it.

When asked how to increase the amount of magic to Lewis subtly to avoid blackouts, Lewis told me, ‘Get used to magic and be recognized as a more advanced magician so that even a small amount of magic can move the Spirit.’

Together, ‘I don’t need qualifications to be a top magician. I also got advice that the Spirit just needs to recognize me’.

That’s why Claire became desperate to study in order to get the spirits to recognize her. It’s only been about a month since I started trying, but now I can barely tell the carelessness I had felt when I used metastatic magic, which is the top magic before.

I can’t do anything as big as the Vikes, but I’ll build up a little bit of what I can do to face the future. Claire was definitely getting ready.

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