Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 65

64. Dream Talk

Three days later. When Claire got home from Royal School, she chose a plain designed dress by herself to change.

If this dress is cream-colored and decorative, it wouldn’t be noticeable if someone saw you wandering around the royal palace.

The other day, when I sent my aunt Anne a letter saying, ‘I want to visit the Noston Country in top secret using metamagic,’ she immediately returned with a reply with details specifying the date and time of the visit, along with a text that made Anne feel a great surprise.

The date and time is 5 pm in three days. It was time.

“Claire, you’re a little excited, aren’t you?

Dion says innocently.

“… just a little…”

Actually, that was a hit. It’s only been a few hours, but it’s been a long time since I’ve been home, and I can see Anne. In his first life, Claire never even wanted to return to the Noston Nation. But now it’s a little different.

My brother Oscar, who is acknowledging me, or Asberto, who will try to move on and be my back shield. I just think I have an ally, and the feeling was a lot lighter.

Claire cast a spell, making sure Dion put his hand on his shoulder.

◇ ◇ ◇


I feel like I’m being hugged by a nice scent. A bob-haired woman just a little smaller than Claire, wrapping herself around in front of her.

Luxurious, but full of sunny aura from all over the body, it’s flamboyant and warm. That was my aunt Anne, whom I haven’t seen in a long time.

“Aunt Ann, it’s been a while.”

Claire wanted Cartesy to, but Anne wouldn’t let me go with Claire in her arms. The church in the royal palace of the country of Noston, which had not been here in a long time, was well paid and voiced.

“Claire, I missed you. Benjamin, your brother is suddenly going to let you study abroad…! How have you been since the christening?

“Yeah, I’m fine.”


Ann, who was cheeky on Claire, notices Dion’s presence.

“Nice to meet you. My name is Anne, Claire’s aunt.”

“I’m Claire. I’m Dion Minogue, escorting the lady. Nice to meet you.”

Dion also answers with a bright smile.

“… the transfer magic to this point, is he?

Anne sends Claire a gaze at how incredible she is. Claire was confused for a moment. To be honest, I want to hide from the Noston Nation that it is awakening its original magic.

But deceiving my aunt only seemed pointless given what was to come.

“No. It’s me, Aunt Anne”

“Huh? But at the christening ceremony… Claire, what the hell…?

“I also stumbled upon the fact that your mother’s birth seemed to be in the former Lindel country, not the Noston country. There was a letter hidden in the vault in the study.”

“Lindell Country?

Ann’s eyes open wide.

“After all, you didn’t even know Aunt Anne. My mother… the youngest daughter of the Baron’s family and everyone thinks… in fact, it seems to have been the survival of the royal family of the demise of the Lindell Nation”

Claire told me everything she knew.

That my mother was faking her origins to protect herself and her family.

I hear he died in an accidental accident, but it was erased by the hands of those involved in the demise of the Lindell Nation.

The fact that, by chance, I found a safe letter and was able to be baptized when I entered the fountain on Lindell Island, where I stopped on my way to the Paft Country.

I don’t know exactly the color of magic, but it seems to have more power than silver.

Sorry to talk in front of Dion, I also thought it was harsh, but Dion also listened quietly with his posture correct.

“You had that history. Claire, I’m sorry. Without knowing anything, I can’t believe that I dissolved my engagement with His Highness Asberto and made him study abroad…”

“Aunt Anne, that’s okay.”

Claire has no untrained past status. Speak brightly in an effort to moisturize Anne’s eyes to avoid being misunderstood.

“Me, I have so much fun living in a paft country… I’m really glad I left the country. So is Dion here, but he was blessed with a wonderful friend. So, I don’t want to go back to the Noston Country… Could you just tell me what’s going on here?”

“What… yes… so…”

Ann seemed shocked by the phrase, I don’t want to go back to the Noston country. But when I saw Claire’s expression, I immediately seemed convinced.

“Sure, if Claire finds out she’s awakening her magic to the Martino family in her current state, it’ll be a hassle. You should never know…. I’m on Claire’s side. I hope you live happily ever after.”

“Aunt Ann…”

“Charlotte’s the one in trouble. I hope she’s more decent.”

Ann continues with a sigh.

“Charlotte hardly ever comes to me, an educator. The Royal College of Aristocrats also seems to be burning his hands all he wants… If the color of her magic hadn’t been white, the Martinos would have been in a very troublesome position.”

(… “White”)

Claire felt uncomfortable with Ann’s mouth. The color of magic that a woman born in the Martino family has is mostly silver or white. Although it is true that it is often white, it is not firm to limit the color so far.

“Does Aunt Ann know the color of Charlotte’s magic is white?”

“… though it’s like a prophecy. Claire, you wanted to hear this, and you came all the way here using metamagic.”

Ann’s gentle eyes reflect Claire. Claire nodded without saying anything.

“I wonder how to talk about it. Mother… your aunt seems to have been the type to dream.”


“Yes. It’s not like I can see what I want to see, and it’s not a level I can call prophecy because it seemed like it was fragmentary. But he used to say we shouldn’t bring a girl a year younger than Claire into the Martino family anyway. My mother didn’t really talk about ‘dreams’, but that’s all I remember.”

While listening to Anne, Claire had made a hypothesis that was in her heart.

I was wondering if the dream my grandmother was having fragmented was this world after entering the so-called ‘Asbertoluto’.

Back in history, the Virgin, who could be entrusted by the Spirit, did exist in the past, but was now neither in the Noston nor the Paft countries. It’s so rare.

Based on that, it wasn’t surprising that my grandmother was looking over this world from somewhere, just like Claire.

However, if so, I guess the dream my grandmother was having is very fragmentary. In that evidence, Claire had not heard from her grandmother the birth of her mother or the existence of a letter that her brother Leo would throw away.

“If it’s my mother’s dream… the white magic should wake up at Charlotte’s christening ceremony in three months. My mother said she’d do something about it after the baptism ceremony. … but before that, he died of illness.”

Ann spoke with a smile on her face, lying down.

“Aunt Ann said she wanted to meet and talk to you about what to do if Charlotte gets her christening ceremony in this state.”

“Yes. My mother didn’t say until what would happen… I’m worried about you after you wake up the magic. That kid, he’s not retarded, but he doesn’t seem to be the type of person born to think too deeply. You believe you’re the center and you don’t doubt it… It’s scariest to have strong magic and not know how to control it or how to use it.”

Claire was remembering how Charlotte behaved at that night club. Speaking to Vique as if Asberto and Claire had no fine dust in their eyes either, she seemed to completely ignore the surrounding will and was the anomaly itself.

“… what way did your aunt intend to deal with it”

“That’s what I really don’t get. In the first place, my mother had the magic of silver… and I might have to figure out a new way. I hope Charlotte doesn’t use her power to annoy people, even if she doesn’t behave correctly… it might be difficult as it is now.”

I can see that Anne, who is in a perfectly good state, is not educating Charlotte well at all, and that she cannot hope to improve.

Claire was unconsciously watching about Dion, who was listening to her dearly. Dion, noticing Claire’s gaze, giggles and thumbs up.


Even though I know I’m in the middle of a serious conversation, that, too innocent smile spills a grin.

Claire was feeling her heart set.

“Aunt Ann. Will magic exert great power right after being baptized?”

“There’s a personal difference. If Charlotte’s magic were truly white, wouldn’t it be more than six months after she reached the age of 15?”

(Six months after the christening ceremony…… By then, ‘doors’ must be in place)

Claire nodded eyes to eyes with Dion.

“I don’t know… Claire’s changed a lot.”

I continue with an unexpected look on Ann’s face as she watched the two of them.

“Though I’ve always thought you were a smart, solid kid… I think you had the power in your eyes”

“Thank you, Aunt Anne. This may take a while, but about Charlotte, I have a plan. Can you let me know if anything has changed”

“Of course, Claire.”

Anne hugs Claire again. When you notice, the sky that looks like the church ceiling is completely darkened. The reunion in the meantime was coming to an end.

“I… just want to take a look outside the Noston Country.”

“Oh, that’s good. At this hour, no one will come near the church. I’ll just take a little walk outside.”

Ann lowers her eyes and smiles. Ann seems to have totally liked Dion, too.

“Well… just for a little while”

To two soft smiles, Claire nodded.

The church is on the edge of the royal palace.

The royal palace is connected by an inner corridor, but the surroundings are surrounded by springs and gardens. It’s like a different world. Claire also remembered playing near here when she was a little girl.

(I miss you…)

Nestled in a hallway leading to the royal palace, looking out at the garden, a black shadow appeared at the edge of his sight.


Claire’s gone, I think, but it was too late to hide.

“Why… you’re here…”

Stiffening a few meters away, he was the back shield of Claire and Dion.

“… Long time no see, Your Highness Asberto”

“Long time no see…… why here”

“I was kind enough to visit my aunt. I was consulted about Charlotte. I arrived today and I’m almost home now that I have everything I need. Don’t tell my father.”

Claire sets out the answers she was preparing for when she had to.

“Isn’t it a long overcrowded schedule? … prepare the room immediately”

Claire rushes to stop Asbert from trying to turn her heel back.

“Please wait…. he, in my escort, says Dion. Thank you for your help the other day.”

“His Highness Asberto. My name is Dion Minogue, and I’m from Paft Country.”

Dion pulls one leg and lowers his posture, politely greeting him.

“Oh, was that you”

Claire felt just a little surprised. I was strongly appreciative that Asberto wrote me a letter of recommendation regarding Dion’s employment contract, but I didn’t think he remembered what it was like to be less interested in others.

“He originally came from a prestigious ancestral ancestor of the royal family of the Paft Nation. We do not use horses for this visit”

Claire turned her full grin. Dion, who sensed intent, also talks to each other.

“I am grateful that you have given me a position to use my powers”

“Were you… The thickness of the human resource base in the Paft Country is really amazing.”

Asberto believes it without question. I have no hostility to the way you purely admire it, and I don’t think it will be used as good for Charlotte in a few months.

“… then we’ll have a little more time. The three of us, why don’t we just talk a little bit?”

Claire and Dion looked at each other in response to Asberto’s unexpected suggestion with a gentle look on their face.

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