Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 66

65. Childhood Friends

Claire and Dion were guided in the reception room closest to the church.

It is in the aisle that connects the royal palace to the church, and when you enter the room, one side of the wall is windowed and offers a view of the garden.

(Didn’t know you had such a nice room)

This place was only about half the size of Claire’s bedroom, but two long chair-type sofas and a table were placed, and the corners of the room were decorated with the same sweet-scented flowers that were blooming in the garden. If you’re going to talk to a few people, this room is enough.

“How is life abroad in the Paft Country?”

“Thanks to you, it’s very comfortable. There’s so much new to know and so much to know.”

“That’s good”

Asberto nods satisfactorily. Although I answered his question, Claire didn’t stick around.

“You’re not in the dorm today, are you?”

“Oh, I’ve got a lot of cases in here.”

Speaking of Asberto for Claire, I had the impression that somewhere there was a lack of kindness, or very neglectful of people’s minds. Of course, most of them are images cultivated at the first time in my life.

It was an overly out-of-the-box standing behavior, such as inviting a former fiancée to tea by chance and providing a scenic room. Asberto says he noticed Claire’s gaze mixed with a slight distrust of confusion.

“I’m sorry to hold you back. I just… wanted to ask you once what the kings and royalty of the Paft Nation are like. You know, I asked her out.”

“Is that… does it have to do with ‘doors'”

“Oh, I know what the Pfeety nation wants. But… although the king has approved it, some of it is rebellious……. I hear that in this story, His Royal Highness the First Prince, Vique, not the King, is centering and moving forward in the Pfeet Nation. Will His Highness Vik be truly trustworthy?”

Claire wondered. We have already heard that the establishment of ‘doors’ between the two countries is a matter of decision and will not be overshadowed.

What Asberto really wanted to know was not whether the installation of the door was safe for the Noston country, but, as the word goes, I felt like it was purely about a person named Veek.

“He is… His Highness Vik is a wonderful man. Not only is it intelligent and wise, but it is also rich in humanity. Above all, it has a great sense of balance. As a friend, of course… as an individual with the Noston Nation as his homeland, I thought you deserved to be trusted.”

“… right”

Claire’s words seemed to coincide with Asbert’s view. As soon as I hit the hammer, he shut up.

After more than a few dozen seconds open, Asberto asks Claire.

“… if the door could be installed, would you come here often?”

Behind Claire’s brain emerges the King and Father, who tried to retain Claire in that night club to the Noston Nation. We need to reassure Asberto that we can still live in the Paft Country after Claire’s magic colour is known.

“Yes, of course.”

Smiling and answering forcefully, Dion, sitting next to him, kicks Claire’s shoe with a knack, as he panicked. Did I say something wrong? I thought so. Claire looked reddish on his cheeks as she glanced at the asbelt in front of him.

“I know it’s strange to say this to you, my ex-fiancée. However, I… am delighted that Claire is living a full life of study abroad, while also wanting to keep my hands on her side.”

Claire finally understood that this meant something like that.

The treatment of guests in the Pfeet countries, the tally to Charlotte, the long letters beyond degrees, and Dion’s recommendations. Maybe even a confirmation of the humanity of a person named Veek at this moment.

How good it would have been if this had been directed at me the first time in my life, when I was enduring solitude at the Royal College of Aristocrats, I think Claire is somewhere else HR. At least, Asberto should have been rewarded.

“… I admire you”

Not to say thank you, but Claire surprises herself at the words she unconsciously uttered.

“Oh. I kind of know…. I just wanted to tell you”

Contrary to the anticipation, Asberto smiled in a relaxed atmosphere. Claire conceives in an attempt to correct the cold words she utters, but her face looses as Asberto’s unexpectedly overly broken face. I’ve never seen Claire look so serene.

“… Next time I met Nicolas, who was an international student, I felt a little bit like Charlotte.”

“International students go to Charlotte…… Right…”

Asberto gives a relieved look. That alone made Claire understand his struggles.

“But Nicolas was actually a very solid man. I thought it would be a good example for Charlotte.”

“… I wish Charlotte was willing to apprentice me.”

“Right. But I don’t really think Nicolas would be anxious to be on the surface alone. Can you care about her?”

“Absolutely. Let’s do good.”

The story is over, Asberto says to Claire and the others trying to leave the room.

“I’m really glad to find out that His Highness Vike of the Paft Nation is a trustworthy man…. even for Claire. If… if you have something to tell His Highness Vik, you better tell him ASAP. As you well know, we have a public position. It’s too late to regret the passing of time.”

Claire, I can’t answer anything. However, my old friend’s advice was more painful than I thought. He was unexpectedly seen through his mind and pushed back by an asperto.

◇ ◇ ◇

Returning to her own room in the Paft Country, Claire was feeling just a little tired. No matter how much you train to use magic, it was a little hard to travel back and forth between the Paft and Noston countries, which would otherwise take a week to get around.

“Me, why don’t we go to His Highness Vik’s and report instead?

After I open the window, I rarely see Claire sinking her body deep into the couch, Dion says.

“I’m sorry…… can I ask for it”

“Okay. Get some rest.”

Dion left the palace lightly in his footsteps.

The truth is, I can move without a problem just because my body is a little weak. It’s just that Asberto’s words – of course, the advice is not to confess, but not to miss the timing. That was more heartfelt than I thought.

Fed up with his lack of will, Claire pressed her face against the cushion she held in her arms.


The Vikes were gathered in Keith’s room, as usual.

“Sorry to bother you. I’m back from Noston.”

When Dion enters the room in a way he’s used to, Vique offers him booze.

“Thank you for your hard work…. What about Claire?

“Metastatic magic seems a little tired, resting”

Let’s see how it goes.

Lewis stood up with an eye on Vik, but Dion nicked and shook his head.

“I’m fine. Plus, I think I’m bored.”

“… Is something wrong”

Veek’s complexion changes.

“No, it’s no big deal.”

Dion explained Ann’s story. Except for my grandmother’s “dream” story, it was just as they expected it to unfold.

“After that, it depends on how Miss Charlotte behaves after Door is finished.”

After listening to Dion’s report as a whole, Veek summed it up.

“So, I just met the First Prince of the Noston Nation”

“… to His Highness Asberto!?

“Yeah. But I’m fine. My metastatic magic tricked me into coming here.”

Dion continues refreshingly.

“So, Claire was getting a confession of love from the first prince who was overwhelmed.”


Keith and Donnie stare at Dion with their eyes rounded.

“… well…”

Vique stirs the liquor in the glass. Obviously it doesn’t seem interesting.

“Claire tells me His Royal Highness Asberto of the Noston Nation isn’t good enough, but it’s better that way for you to say it face to face.”

Lewis is polishing the pattern of his sword.

Vique stood up softly, glancing at Lui in dissatisfaction.

“Where are you going, Veek?”

“… coming out a little”

Vik answers Doni’s question without looking back.

After I dropped off Veek’s hindsight, the neighbors laughed at each other like, oh man.


When Veek came to Claire’s room window, he saw the lights lit in the living space. The bedroom is dark. Perhaps, still awake, I glanced inside the room through a window left open and saw my feet from the couch.

Concon, and knock on the window before entering the room. Claire slept well as Vike peered into the couch wondering that there was no response.

(Travel to and from Noston country and stories from my aunt… you’re tired)

Vike stares at Claire as she rests, gently stroking her hair. It was impulsive, but this is the first time I’ve touched her hair like this, and I immediately withdrew my hand when I realized it.

Gently remove the cushion she left in her arms and transport it to the back bedroom, taking care not to wake her. When I put him to bed, he sat down on the bench on his side.

I knew I had to leave the rest to the samurai and go home already, but I really wanted to leave.

(Was it good or bad)

I came with the momentum of jealousy, but Vik remembers that I was drunk. It also means that I would have regretted it if I had told them my thoughts while the alcohol was in it.

Feeling her drowsiness coming down, Vik kept his eyes closed.


“… Your Highness…!

The next morning, Claire woke up with Sophie’s wolfy voice.

“Your Highness, why are you here…!

“… oh. Right…. just now. I just got here. Can I have some morning tea, too?”

“… Yes, sir.”

Still unclear, in his blurred vision, Claire looks somewhat at at Sophie’s and Veek’s interactions as they creep into the sheets.

(Why… I wonder if he’s here)

The consciousness was becoming clearer and clearer, but Claire didn’t know why Vik was here, no matter what she thought. Given that I was still wearing yesterday’s dress, did Vik carry me to sleep somewhere?

“Oh, you’re up.”

“… Yep…”

Says Veek, who notices Claire is closing her eyes.

“Will you hang out with the city after this? It’s gonna be a holiday.”

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