Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 7

7. Destination

Claire told the Vikes about herself that evening after a weep at the EAS restaurant.

Having lived as a trail daughter of a certain nobleman.

That I can’t go back because I’ve been confused with my family due to serious circumstances.

That my lack of ability is a problem.

After hearing the whole thing, Vik said as he chose the words.

“I know that story, too. Human beings are weak and selfish.”

“Is there really a guess?

Calm down a bit, Claire replies, having regained her normal mind.

“Yeah. I thought I’d head up to the monastery in the north. It’s a micro force, but it can also harness magic.”

The land of the north.

When I heard that, Keith shrugged to think about it.

Donnie also continues by erasing the nostalgia from her expression.

“We’re from the North, but I can’t really tell you how safe it sounded last fall.”

“Anybody, can I get an escort?

Lewis also sends his gaze to Claire worried.

“My fiancée, Claire, apparently went for a convent at the end of the northern AEAS barracks, but she said she had no news.”

Those words come to mind.

…… I wonder what this was)

When Claire was suddenly confused by the words that came to mind, Veek, who had been tapping his desk with his finger for a while with Conn, stopped moving.

And I told Claire like I decided to.

“Claire, why don’t you come with us?

Surprising colors run on Keith and the others.

“Vik, that’s just…”


Moments later, Veek’s emerald green eyes turned to sharp colors.

“No, I’m sorry”

Keith pulls back sassy.


“Actually, we’re just leaving after our journey. We’re not from the Noston Nation, we’re from the Paft Nation, far south of this EAS post. It’s going to be a long trip from here, but if it’s hard to live in Noston, why don’t you come to Pfeetland?”

(The Great Power Pfeeto……!

Claire has been wondering since I saw these four.

Beautiful work for smart standing behavior.

The breadth of horizons, the richness of education.

I don’t care what you think, these four are out of the house above the aristocracy.

But it was a bizarre story that if we were in the same generation of aristocracy in the Noston country, we wouldn’t know either of each other.

It’s all convincing if that means a distant, big country/paft human being.

I visited the great country of Puffett two months ago to attend Charlotte’s baptism ceremony. I only went to the Paft country once, and only to the border village, but its prosperity is famous.

to vast territories, abundant resources. Culture and civilization are also countries more than a decade ahead of the Noston Nation.

Most importantly, my brother, who visited the king’s capital of the Paft country a while ago at the king’s use, said it was so gorgeous that it was incomparable with Tillard, the king’s capital of the Noston country.

When you look at the four faces,

Keith and Lewis give a bewildered look to Veek, who invites him confidently. I’m excited, Donnie.

(With their back shield, I’m sure the journey will be safe… but)

(I decided to head to the monastery… well, I haven’t rooted for the monastery)

(Exactly going to a distant country that takes nearly a week…… but if you’re not going back to the Martino family, it’s the same thing)

(… Most importantly, I want to live in the King’s Capital of the Great Power/Puffy!

Claire mentioned a lot of negative ingredients in her mind to dispel the option of accompanying her, but she couldn’t.

“I want to go. Please join us.”

Claire answered, staring straight into Veek’s eyes.


Vik nods like he’s lit up for some reason.

“Puffett is not a bad place. Wang Du would be safe, and it would be easy to live. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of your work and where you live if you want.”

“Vik, that’s just…”

Keith pinches his mouth again.

“Give up.”

Lewis embarrassed Keith with a chilled tone.

“By the way, it’s midnight, but Claire’s taking a hotel room?

“… I forgot!

Claire completely forgot that the hotel reception closes at midnight.

“Then use my room. Because I sleep in a room of three.”

Lui smiles and says.

(Turns out)

“No, may I join you, in Lewie’s room”

After Lewis opened his eyes to his surprise, he smiled.

“Yes, of course.”

Lewis is a woman with a neutral appearance.

Otherwise, you can’t blame them for acting like gentlemen, touching Claire’s shoulder where Lewis is crying.

“This is the first time Claire’s seen Lewis as a female knight since we met.”

“Yes, yes. I haven’t noticed for about three years.”

Keith and Donnie are surprised.

“Claire, who are you…”

Finally, the meeting opened with a whine taken from Vik’s side.

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