Formerly, The Fallen Daughter of the Duke

Chapter 90

[Book commemoration SS] Memories at Baron Lane’s house and upcoming/second part

After a short conversation at the salon, Claire and Vike came to Isabella’s room on the third floor.

“… are you sure you want me to come in?”

Vik was politely declining, but Claire and Isabella pushed him off.

Sure, this is the first time I’ve had this conversation in my life.

Nostalgic, Claire smiles.

“Of course. Please sit on your sofa!

Isabella said that, opening the window leading to the terrace.

Claire whispers in a voice that Isabella can’t hear when she goes out.

“… directly below this room is the room I rented.”


“Yes, but the space has different schedules…. a room full of memories ”

“… that’s…”

As Vik tried to continue, Isabella’s screams echoed.


“… is something wrong, Isabella?”

When Claire called out, Isabella ran back and forth.

“I’m sorry to say this out loud.However, I was drying the embroidered handkerchief to let Claire see it, but I dropped it down.I’ll take it, so please wait a moment. ”

“Yes, of course….”

“What’s down there, under this room?

Vike interrupts Claire’s reply.

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“Can I come with you?I just wanted to see the roses in the garden. ”

“Yes, of course.”

In response to Isabella, Victor nodded with a gentle gaze toward Claire.

“This is a guest room.I could go out to the garden, and it was just perfect. ”

Isabella opens the door to the room Claire lived in for the first time in her life.


Claire stepped into the room and was wrapped in nostalgia.

Large bed with canopy and writing desk, reception set in the corner of the room.Isabella’s curtain opens with a table and chair placed on the terrace.Roses were blooming beautifully over there.

(The view is the same….!That’s right. I mean, it was at this time that Baron Lane started taking care of me.)

Isabella goes out on the terrace one foot ahead and picks up the handkerchief she dropped.

“This room is my mother’s hobby.I worked hard to coordinate with my valued customers to see the best things about us. ”

(… valued customer)

Claire was filled with sweet memories.But I’m not going to answer anything.I managed to smile and nod.When I saw Claire, Vik answered for me.

“It’s a really nice room.”

“Thank you very much. Yes, I’ll have tea on the terrace here.Please wait a moment ”

Isabella stepped lightly out of the room.

“… you want to sit down?”

Yes, it is.

Until Isabella returns, they lower their hips to the docking set.


Vik, a cheek stick, peered into Claire’s face, whose joy could not be hidden.

“… so… This is the first time in your life you’ve had tea with me?

Looking for reactions while having fun, but playful eyes.

Claire was intrinsically surprised that Vik had turned the water on her.Claire thought Vike had a subtle feeling for “First Time Me.”

And it almost hit me when I heard the usual conversation with Louis and Donnie.In addition, I didn’t like being thought to deny them any of the time.So, I’ve never talked about the “first time” more than necessary.

(But you asked me.)

But I thought I’d show a little courage today.

“… yeah. You’ve been here a few times a week.”

Well, not so much.

Vik suddenly roars.

He said he wanted to see his face.

What’s the reason?

“That’s what I thought.”

“As a general rule, how about coming in through the window and entering the room?”

Vik smiles back at me.I even miss it, and my voice bounces.

“… but, you know, Vik was in my separate room the other day through the window, right?

“Well… that’s true.”

While joking, Victor smiled a little.And I went on.

“… is it the same?”

The sound lightens Claire’s mind.

Yes, that’s the same.

“Can you talk to me again?Tell me about your first life. ”

Claire blinks at words she didn’t expect.

“I regret that I did not go through the same experience… but I will not hide my loneliness.We don’t like Claire looking lonely. ”

(… you noticed.)

Thank you, Vic.


Vik smiled satisfactorily and gently stroked Claire’s hair.

“Speaking of which, you didn’t say anything to Keith earlier in the office.”

“Yeah… hair color?

“Oh, you knew there was magic that could change the look.I don’t study at Royal School. ”

“Fufu. I saw it once.Where Vik became a beautiful black hair color like Louis. ”


Vik shook Emerald Green’s eyes with interest.

“It suited me very well…. I was looking good. ”

I see. So, where are you going?


The destination was like a date.The first Vik and the second Vik are fundamentally the same.Getting disguised and going out is a lot of business.

Claire hesitated to respond for a moment and then whispered.

“High ground. King Ultz can see, you know.”

“… the story is connected.That’s exactly what I’m jealous of. ”

“But then, nothing happened.I was just talking about a lot of things.Something about a future dream. ”

For a moment, Vike hardened.The expression remains extremely complex.

“… correct.I felt a little sympathy for myself for the first time. ”



“Lord Victor, Claire!

As Claire rounded her eyes, Isabella came back.

Behind that, the maid with the tea set… and the Baroness and Baroness Raine in the back.

“Um… I’m sorry.May I go with my father and mother again… as if we didn’t have enough to talk about just now… ”

The couple put on Isabella, who tends to talk reluctantly.

“Would you like to talk more?My child is Isabella alone.I’m glad it’s busy.Ha ha. ”

“I was going to show Claire the garden.”

There were exactly five teacups on the cart pushed by the maid.

“Yeah, sure.”

Victor stood up smiling without seeing Claire’s reaction.Uncomfortable enough to be a prince of a country.Claire knows he dares to do that today.

(Thank you, Vik)

Claire and Baron Raine’s memories are turning into something new.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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