Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 94 - Along fooled

Chapter 94 – Along fooled

Without needing to guess, Yan Tian already knew that Guo Man was here, after that the office’s door was opened, and the first thing that entered his eyes warofessional dressed Guo Man, who seemed to be thinking about something, and frowned slightly.

“Ah, Manager Yan, you’re already here. Sorry about that, I forgot to knock on the door.” Seeing that Yan Tian was sitting on the chair looking at his, Guo Man immediately lowered his head, she had thought that Yan Tian had not come yet, so he did not knock on the door and came in.

“It’s fine, it doesn’t matter whether I knock on the door or not.” Yan Tian spread his hands casually.

Guo Man laughed embarrassedly as well, while standing behind Yan Tian respectfully and watching him play the game. After seeing Yan Tian play the game this time, Guo Man felt that it was finally a bit more normal for him.

This was because Yan Tian didn’t play his Blowing Skirt this time around and was playing around as well. Although this was an extremely childish game, it was still much better than the Blowing Skirt Yan Tian had played before.

After finishing this round, Yan Tian gave the table to Guo Man, so he had to complete the work.

In the afternoon, Wang Feng called Yan Tian, and after looking, Yan Tian picked up the phone, but the person who spoke was not Wang Feng, but Sun Nan’s voice.

Big brother, Sister Wang Hui is going to cook a bunch of delicious food for me tonight. Sun Nan said excitedly.

“Hmm? Wang Hui? You made something delicious? Come on, then you must come! ”

Hearing the name Wang Hui, Yan Tian was startled for a moment, but then she realised who it was. Wang Hui was Wang Feng’s little sister, Yan Tian saved her last time.

Some time ago, Wang Feng had already said that Wang Hui wanted to treat him to a meal, but Yan Tian had not been able to go to Wang Feng’s home for a long time.

“Oh, oh, then hurry up and come over tonight Big Brother Wang Feng. Today, Big Brother Wang Feng brought me to buy a lot of delicious food.” Sun Nan said as he ate his snacks.

Hearing Sun Nan’s words, Yan Tian let out a bitter laugh, it seemed that this Wang Feng was also a smart person, that was why he brought Sun Nan to buy a lot of snacks. After using the snacks to gag Sun Nan, it was truly a good plan!

After work, Yan Tian continued to send Guo Man home. At first, Guo Man did not want Yan Tian to send him back, but due to Yan Tian’s insistence and threats, Guo Man had compromised, because Yan Tian had mentioned that the taxi driver had specially picked some pretty girls to take action recently, which was why he was able to successfully trick Guo Man.

When Guo Man asked if they were going to eat dinner together, she refused it even if she wanted to. Helplessly, Yan Tian did not force the matter, and continued to send Liu Ruoxin back home.

When they arrived at their destination, Yan Tian noticed that the Along fellow was also sitting inside. At first, Wang Feng did not plan to call him Along, and furthermore, it was unsuitable for him to be present at night on this topic.

Because tonight, the main topic was Wang Hui thanking Yan Tian for saving her from Along, but now that the person involved was here, it was not appropriate for him.

However, the Along did not agree. He drove his van to chase after Sun Nan’s sports car, while they were in the middle of their journey.

However, this did not affect Along from coming here for a meal because Along had previously investigated Wang Feng’s home and knew where it was. After arriving, he had even ruthlessly smashed two of Wang Feng’s heads.

“Haha, brother Tian, you’re here. Hurry, hurry and come to the table. I’ve been waiting for you.” Seeing Yan Tian coming over, the Along immediately pulled Yan Tian along excitedly, as if the Along was his master.

“Big Brother Yan, sit!” Wang Hui ran out of the kitchen and said bashfully.

“Yeah, I haven’t changed in such a long time. I’ve become more beautiful now, haha!”

Seeing Wang Hui, Yan Tian could not help but praise him. Of course, Yan Tian was not speaking the truth, what he said was also the truth. Last time when he saved Wang Hui, Wang Hui was kidnapped.

This time, Wang Hui was dressed up beautifully. Because she was already very pretty, after carefully dressing up, she looked especially pretty. She also put on an apron and looked quite mature.

“Thank you!” Hearing Yan Tian’s words, Wang Hui shyly lowered his head.

When Yan Tian sat down and started eating, it went without saying that the food Wang Hui cooked looked pretty good. All sorts of food were placed on the table, Sun Nan did not care about anything and just started to eat, while muttering about how delicious they were.

It was the first time Along had eaten food cooked by Wang Hui, and she was also full of praise. She even said that eating Wang Hui’s food waype of enjoyment.

Wang Feng was very happy when he saw that everyone was praising his little sister’s cooking skills. He hurriedly ran to the living room to get a bottle of wine that he had kept for many years.

“Bro, why do you want to drink again!” Seeing Wang Feng bring over a bottle of wine, Wang Hui frowned slightly.

“Aiya, look, Brother Tian and Brother Long are here. How can I not order some wine?”

“Haha, good. I was just thinking that it would be even better if I had some wine. You little brat actually brought a bottle over. Haha, today I’m going to drink until I’m drunk.”

Seeing Wang Feng bringing over a bottle of wine, the Along immediately stood up and received it with a smile. After looking at it in his hands, the Along first poured a cup for Yan Tian, then poured a cup for Wang Hui, and finally poured a cup for himself after that, he poured a cup for himself. As for Wang Feng, the Along did not pour out any, this wine was also not much.

“Damn, Brother Long, you’re not giving me any face at all. Hurry up and pour me one.” Seeing the Along not pouring Wang Feng out for him, he was unhappy. He actually did not pour out the wine for him, his master, when he was drinking in his own home?

“That won’t do. There’s only one bottle of wine in total, we don’t even have enough.” Along held the bottle of wine in his arms as if it wareasure, as if she wasn’t going to let him drink it.

“Fine, fine, fine. If you don’t give it to me, fine. Sister, is there a bottle of red wine under my bed?” “Go ahead and take it out. There were too many people just now, so I didn’t dare to take it. I was afraid that it might not be enough. It’s good now, we’re missing one person.” After nodding, Wang Feng turned to Wang Hui and said.

Hearing Wang Feng’s words, the Along was stunned. Wang Feng, this brat, was actually still hiding a bottle of red wine? He did not know what year it was, and on top of that, he was taking it out right now. Just now, Along did not pour any wine for Wang Feng, but from the meaning behind Wang Feng’s words, it was obvious that he did not want to give it to him to drink.

“Hey, Wang Feng, I felt that the wine was too cold just now, but now I’ve warmed it up for you. Come, come, let me pour a cup for you. What’s the relationship between the two of us? Hehe!”

After thinking about it, Along immediately poured a cup of wine for Wang Feng with a smile, otherwise, he would not be able to drink red wine later. But after Along heard Wang Hui’s words, he almost fell down.

“Bro, where’s the red wine under the bed?” I didn’t see it when I was cleaning up today! ” Wang Hui asked curiously.

“Oh, if that’s the case, then I might have remembered wrongly. It’s fine, then I won’t drink anymore. Come, come, come. Eat, eat, eat. This fish is not bad, haha!” Wang Feng said with a smile.

Seeing Yan Tian smile, he could tell that this Wang Feng was obviously deceiving Along just now. He took out a bottle of red wine that he had treasured for many years as bait. Along was also foolishly deceived, and very obediently poured a cup of wine for Wang Feng.

“Damn, you’re playing with me, brat?” Along finally reacted, this Wang Feng actually tricked him.

“Who told you not to pour me wine?” Wang Feng said in a complacent manner.

“F * ck, just you wait and see. I won’t let you down today.” Along angrily stuffed a few mouthfuls of food into his mouth, chewed on it, then praised again: “The food that Little Sister Hui’er makes is really delicious, hehe!”

“Humph, I don’t want to talk to him!” After hearing Along speak of him, Wang Hui looked at him with narrowed eyes and snorted coldly.

Seeing that Wang Hui did not want to bother with her, the smile on her face slowly disappeared, the chopsticks in her hand suddenly stopped in mid air, from Wang Hui’s tone, it was obvious that she still harbored a grudge with Along for kidnapping her.

“Sigh, Little Sister Hui’er, I’m really sorry about what happened last time. I was muddle-headed for a moment, and now I’m back to normal. Don’t bear grudges against Big Brother, okay?” Along sighed and said worriedly.

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