Full-time BOSS

Chapter 43 - Disaster

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Xiao Yu hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to advance the skill of the fire bomb storm.

Although the first flame burst looks beautiful, if you let him fight a large group of adventurers, to be honest, Xiao Yu does not feel that he has the possibility of winning, so in comparison, the flame bomb looks more practical .

After the advanced boss skills, Xiao Yu is not too excited. After all, he has played the Lord of the Flame Demon. Such a small boss template will not make him too excited. Moreover, whether this character can survive to tomorrow.

“Hey, I said you should stop having fun first. If you want to have fun, you have to wait for us to escape before you talk.”

“Escape? Why do you want to escape?” Bear King Teddy asked strangely. In his opinion, since even the Great Druid of Yeyu Village had been killed, the night elves in Yeyu Village had been defeated from the perspective of the plot. Oh, this is a good opportunity to completely occupy Yeyu Village to further expand its strength. Even if you want, you can also create a copy with Yeyu Village as the core.

“What should I say to escape, the night elves in the village are all killed, how about we just occupy here and open a copy to refresh.”

Xiao Yu rolled his eyes when he couldn’t help it, or the pattern was broken, “You tell Derek about this.”

Several beasts glanced at Derek, who was nervous, and all looked suspicious.

“Ah, those adventurers, they came into the village. Black and Big Golden Fang have been killed. This time they are cleaning up the mobs, and it is estimated that they will be killed soon.

Ace Pilot (Blade Eagle): “It’s not about to die, but it has been killed. Now it is only one wall away from you. They are killing your little brother who is staying outside.”

The big bird did not know when he flew to the roof of the temple, shouting at the people below.

Beowulf (Timberwolf King): “I don’t think so, what should I do?”

Teddy (Furious Bear) “Shall we fight with them!”

Claw of Death (Shadow Cheetah): “Spell a wool, that’s an adventurer, I want to fight you to fight, no one stops you.”

Derek would be terrified. He would be killed just after he advanced. This made him extremely unwilling, “Boss Eric, how can we escape? There is only one exit in this village. Just now you said there was a way Escaped.”

Now everyone’s eyes were on Xiao Yu.

“I think we rushed out in one breath, we have advanced the template now, the strength has been greatly improved, I don’t believe that those adventurers can stop us.” said a Jackal pioneer under Derek, listening The tone also seems to be the player.

Xiao Yu looked around, two bosses, four elites, and a few advanced elites, plus a lot of little monsters, to say that the strength is really not weak, but Xiao Yu is not optimistic, The strongest part of adventurers is that they can be resurrected, even if they can win the first wave, but then? The mobs under his hands are gone, but they are gone, but those adventurers can be resurrected, and the second wave can wipe out themselves.

If there is still a lot of effort in the copy, after all, the copy is playing a regular battle, and winning is losing or losing. Playing field battles with adventurers with resurrection points in the wild, Laozi’s brains are so exhausted.

In fact, he is not the only one who can see this clearly. From the moment the adventurers united outside the village to advance into the village, the result of this monster siege has been decided.

“Hey, if you want to fight, I won’t play with you anymore. I will leave first.” The claw of death said that he was sneaking away.

“Hey, your kid is not righteous.” Bear King Teddy said sullenly, shouting twice without responding, it seems that the death claws have run away.

Beowulf (Timberwolf King): “Ah, everybody who says yes is a good brother. It’s too unforgiving to say run, it’s too sad, because I gave it a wild boar last time.”

Ace Pilot (Blade Eagle): “No way, Jiyou was originally a bird of the same forest, so it’s hard to fly alone. Who wouldn’t let you sneak? When it comes to Fei Laozi, you have to flash people. If you don’t fight, it’s bad.”

The eagle of the wind said that it flew directly into the sky with a burst of wings. Although it can fly, it can only fly against the ground once it enters the battle.

Don’t quarrel, when things don’t reach despair, it’s not difficult to escape, “Let’s go with me, but you have to do one thing before you go. Xiao Yu turned around and looked at the younger brothers, Everyone gave me scattered attackers in the village, go quickly.”

These npcs are also really obedient. The three blackstone orc brothers, the monster Ado, and the goblin scouts of the goblin laborers and goblin warriors rushed towards the surroundings.

“The same is true for you. Send your younger brothers out, and if no one attracts firepower, we can’t escape it.”

Derek saw his teeth, but he had seen the tragic situation of Blackrod’s explosion. The plot was so scary, and he hurriedly ordered the Jackals to break through.

The remaining kobolds and human robbers also left, and even the little wolf cubs of the wolf king Beowulf were left, and finally there were only a few players.

There were three people beside Derek, who seemed to be his classmates, and there were two of Xiao Yu’s men.

“Okay, come with me.”

Xiao Yu ran to the other side of the village when he said it. Derek and others hesitated for a moment when they saw it, and they also followed up, and they also lost some points. The people inside were all monsters with heads and faces. The name of the person can only scatter the girl to run.

Bypassing the temple, the team stopped running and running.

The team stopped in front of a fence of thorns.

Facing the thorn wall, Xiao Yumeng raised his staff with his fingers.

Firestorm! ——Five seconds of casting time, a magic circle appeared under his feet, one after another fireballs condensed in the air around him, and then as he waved his staff, the dense fireballs all moved towards The wall of thorns flew past, exploding like a machine gun on the surrounding wall.

“Huh, it seems a bit effective!” Looking at the lit thorns fence, several bosses showed an excited look, just at this time, a few people suddenly shouted behind him.

“Look, look, the boss is here. Come on, everyone.”

Everyone looked back, but they were a team of five adventurers, and they didn’t know when they were catching up.

“I wipe, bad food.”

Xiao Yu shouted, “What are you waiting for, get rid of them quickly, and give me time, or everyone can’t run away!” Then he began to cast spells.

The bosses hurried towards the adventurer behind them. So several bosses shot together. How could this five-member squad be able to carry it? In the blink of an eye, three were killed. Only one thief was left. By the way, there was another priest who turned away and ran away, and several bosses were too lazy to chase, but soon more adventurers appeared in sight and more and more.

A few bosses can only fight.

Xiao Yu blasted three waves in a row, and finally a gap was exploded in the wall of thorns. There is an exit. Let’s withdraw! He didn’t wait for the others to react, and rushed towards the gap.

This suddenly made several bosses no longer have the slightest sense of war, turned and followed to run, but how could those adventurers let the bosses that got this run, and rushed one by one.

Beowulf (Timberwolf King) started the sprint directly, and rushed out towards the gap, Teddy and Derek were not so lucky, the speed was too slow to be run by various decelerations, Derek was the most After being killed first, Ao was cut down to the ground with a cry, and the equipment of the place burst out. Teddy reluctantly carried it for a while with blood thick, but it will be sooner or later.

“It’s over, this I’m going to kneel.” In desperation, a night elf hunter suddenly threw a tame beast over his head.

System prompt: The adventurer does not eat cat fish and is using tame beasts on you.

“Nima, you still want to catch alive. I don’t know if Lao Tzu is an elite who can save control skills! But wait a minute, it seems to be better than hanging up,” Teddy glanced at the hunter across from him. It seemed to be a pretty girl. Well, my heart was suddenly caught in entanglement and struggling.

ps: The computer is broken, the update is a bit late, and the third one is offered.

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