Futile Love

Chapter 59

Chapter 59: Chapter 59

If he could have his way, he would hug her and scream to the whole world that she came to him.

Though they confessed to each other with the thick wooden bars between them, they didn’t care about the place anymore.

Their face-to-face meeting was the most important. Revealing their genuine feelings toward each other, which they intentionally avoided until now, they started to relish in sweet conversation that they had never had before.

Right at this moment Kyosul was everything to Ruhae, while Ruhae was everything to Kyosul.

“I’m alright. I can wait for you indefinitely. After all, you have come to me,” he said.

“In fact, I was scared. As you know, I’m the official wife of the Crown Prince, and I kept telling myself that it was the Crown Prince that I had to be faithful to, but I found myself missing you often unconsciously.”

Once she began to speak what she had in mind, she kept talking endlessly now. After she was done finally, she leaned her head on the bars. She felt resentful about the bars that separated them. In her current frame of mind, she wanted to be wrapped into his arms.

“I was just scared Bipaan would notice my longing for you. I was scared of his anger. I was scared because I might not be able to control my affection for you when I saw face to face with you. And I was scared you might be put at risk because of my longing for you.”

“Even if I were put at risk because of you, I would take it gladly. I would be alright because I would be put at risk because of your longing for me. Because you and I share the same love of each other, I would feel fine if I was in trouble.”

Tears streamed from her eyes when she heard him saying that he would be alright even if he were hurt.

“If I continue to stay connected with you like this, you’re going to be hurt. The Crown Prince is a fierce man. I’m sure he’ll certainly harm you. As I have revealed my love to you and confirmed your love of me, I won’t feel cold even if I’m alone.”

“But you can stay warm with me! Don’t avoid me, please. I would like to tell you that you’re going to be alright.”

Holding her by the shoulders, he pleaded with her in an impatient voice for fear that she might change her mind again. Kyosul’s eyes were filled with tears. She seemed to always be crying.

Her tears broke his heart.

“I won’t feel alright. How can I live comfortably when I know you’re suffering?”

“Your Highness…Oh no…Woorum.” Ruhae dared to call her by her childhood name. Holding her hands, he looked into her eyes and spoke slowly, “If you ignore me, that will torment me more than any other punishment. Why don’t you know my heart? Are you just content with the fact that you have confirmed my love for you? I can never be satisfied with that. I’m sure my heart will ache more than before. Are you really satisfied with that?”

His question deeply touched her. Her eyes trembled at his sincere expression. He looked at her trembling eyes quietly and said, “Even if my heart aches later, and I’m suffering because of you, can’t we just feel happy by staying together?”

It was not Kyosul alone who shed tears. With a soft smile on his meek face, he also shed tears. His smile mixed with tears made him look miserable.

“No matter how often you blame me, I’ll call you Woorum.” Pausing for a moment Ruhae continued, “Could you call me Yuuljin, please?”

While looking at him silently, she nodded. His eyes were wide with surprise at her nodding.

He felt breathless and his heart was full of happiness.

“You really make me….”

He could hardly continue as he was so emotional.

Looking at him quietly, she continued in a trembling voice, “I don’t know how I should act from now on, but what I can tell you clearly is ….”

Now his tears began to come down, and he wrapped her face with his hands. He felt as if his passionate feelings could be conveyed through the palms of his hands.

“I can’t reject my longing for you anymore,” she said.

“I love you,” he said.

“I love you,” she replied.

Was it because his warm hands touched her heart? She blushed. She felt the growing warmth of his palms on her cheeks.

‘What should I do now? How lovely her name is!’

Though he couldn’t stand it, he tried to be patient as much as he could.

‘Now that I’ve come as far as here, can I move one step more?’

Little did he know there was such a strong desire hidden in his mind until now. He felt her hands touching his face now. His fingertips followed the tear tracks across her cheeks and across to her petal-soft lips. He pressed his face into her hands. He was all the more anxious to touch her since she was so close. As she lowered her jaw, his thumb touched her lips inevitably. His lips trembled a bit.

Out of desire to get a bit closer to her, he moved closer to the bars when she opened her mouth suddenly.

“By the way, don’t you think it’s too dangerous for us to call each other ‘Woorum’ and ‘Yuuljin’?”

“If you think it’s dangerous….”

In the Mok Kingdom, only lovers could call themselves by their childhood or given names. It was established as a sort of custom for very long, so people knew easily if a man and a woman were lovers or not by hearing how they called each other.

So, Kyosul wanted to give Ruhae a reminder that their secret relationship might be put in danger if they were caught calling each other by their childhood names.

He quickly sensed what she was concerned about, but he hated calling her by her official title ‘Crown Princess’ because it reminded him of the bondage of status in the royal family. While pondering over it, he hit upon a good idea.

“How about this way? Instead of your childhood name, why don’t we call each other ‘woori’? We royal members casually call each other like that. Woori contains significance that we only know.”


“Do you like this expression ‘woori’?”

She nodded with a blush. She seemed more precious, cuter to him with a blush.

“Okay, we’ll call each other woori from now on.”

With their hands folded together, they accepted their fate belatedly. After confirming each other’s love, both acted so naturally. They couldn’t take their eyes off each other as if they thought those days when they pretended not to know for fear of Bipaan were just a joke.

“Even if somebody overheard us, I could make excuses by saying I was about to call you Crown Princess Kyosul.”

“Sounds good, Ruhae.”


Just calling the other party’s first name thrilled them. He felt warm and smiled by just calling her name.

“My dear Kyosul.”

He got closer to the bars. Fortunately, the thick bars were spaced far apart enough that he could wrap her in his arms and Kyosul could stick her small face between the bars.

He pulled her as close as possible. She was heartbroken about the fact that he was prisoned, but the bars couldn’t stop her love for him.

His heart was beating wildly when he noticed her adorable red lips. He felt as if his lips were being sucked into hers.

“What’s wrong with me?” she asked in a cheerful voice, smiling at him brightly. It seemed to remind him that he needed to come to his senses.

He barely took a deep breath. He even felt like he burst into fake laughter.

“It was a close call…”

He almost kissed her. For the first time since he was born he almost let himself get carried with a strong desire. He felt he shouldn’t. He couldn’t, given how hard he fought to win her heart.

While touching her soft lips, he moved his fingers slowly along her jawline, her ears and tucked her hair behind her ears. He rolled her earlobes softly. He had to be content with just touching her.

“By the way, how come you thought about coming to this place?”

“Well, I visited various places all day long.” She shyly told him about her whereabouts in detail today. “When I heard that you were forcibly taken for interrogation, I felt like the whole world crumbled,”

“The whole world crumbled?” he said laughingly.

“Why are you laughing?”

“Well, I just felt it was so cute of you to describe how worried you were about me.”

She pouted, thinking he tried to make fun of her by laughing like that.

He hastily changed the topic again when he felt a strong lust deep inside.

“And then?”

“I first went to the North Palace then the East Palace.”

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