Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 15 - Looking for Eagle Rock Village

   “On August 15, 2018, an aura spewed in the valley behind the Eagle Rock Village in Wuyi Mountain due to an earthquake. It lasted for three days. Some people got a few pieces of primordial fruit in the valley, and later successfully broke through to become a strong man.

   During the Spring Festival of 2019, ZQ Wulong Earth Fission Aura spewed for four days. Later, some people went deep into the ground and discovered the spirit of Wannian. After taking it, they can improve cultivation and spiritual strength.

  On May 1st, 2019, an underground karst cave in Qixingyan, Guilin, the underground aura spewed for five days. Some strong men later searched for the past and discovered Hanyuanguo and Lingshi. “

  Ling Xiao was very shocked, but it was more of a surprise. I did not expect to get such a large amount of information. If he can seize these opportunities, he can definitely increase the speed of training and make himself a stronger man faster.

   “Half a month from August 15, and Wuyi Mountain is only three hours from Hanhai City, but it must take time to find the Eagle Rock Village, so at least 13 days in advance to find the past.” Ling Xiao immediately planned.

Later, Ling Xiao planned a trip to Wuyi Mountain while practicing. In order to prevent the possibility of beasts and the like in the mountain, he went back to the city and bought a variety of outdoor survival equipment such as a single tent, a pickaxe, and an engineer shovel. I bought a three-sided dagger and a small military crossbow online.

  On August 13, Ling Xiao’s Yin and Yang stilted veins had already penetrated halfway. Under normal circumstances, he could break through to the fourth-level warrior in half a month. He also took the opportunity to go home and quietly came to the town under the Wuyi Mountain.

However, Eagle Rock Village is not easy to inquire. Ling Xiao asked the Eagle Rock Village while wandering around the town and asked dozens of people. No one knew it, making him a little depressed, because Baidu map and Gaode map could not search this eagle. Rock village.

   “Eagle fruit, eagle fruit.” Just when Ling Xiao was worried, someone suddenly shouted on the side of the road. With a move in his heart, he walked over and found out that a fellow was selling a bag of bright red fruits.

   This kind of fruit called eagle fruit is about the size of a fist, bright red all over, with a light fragrance, it looks very fresh, but I don’t know how it tastes.

   “My fellow, how do you sell these fruits.” Ling Xiao asked.

   “Five dollars and one catty. This is the fresh fruit we picked from Eagle Rock. It tastes very fresh and refreshing when eaten.” The fellow sells his own fruit.

   “Call me two catties.” Ling Xiao bought two catties and was very happy to see his fellow. He inadvertently asked: “My fellow, are you talking about Eagle Rock, is it Eagle Rock Village?”

   “Hey, how do you know Eagle Rock Village. That’s what it used to be, now it’s changed to Hongshu Village.” The fellow asked him in surprise.

“Oh, I heard from a friend that there is an Eagle Rock Village in Wuyi Mountain. The surrounding scenery is very beautiful. In fact, I just came to Eagle Rock Village to see the scenery, but many people in this small town did not know it. Can you take me to your village? I can bring you a toll fee. If I can live in your house, I can also give you some accommodation and living expenses.” Ling Xiao took the opportunity to say.

   “Your baby, you have courage.” The fellow said with a smile, but there were tourists from time to time in their village before, they all lived in the fellow’s home, so he did not feel surprised.

Therefore, Ling Xiao followed his fellow villager to Eagle Rock Village, more than ten miles away from the town. Fortunately, he is now a third-level warrior. Although he was carrying a tens of pounds of backpacks, he was on the rugged mountain road. The fellow also praised his good physical strength.

   In the evening of August 13, Ling Xiao followed his fellow villager to Eagle Rock Village, but there was no clue to the valley where the world was full of spirits two days later, because there were many valleys around the village.

  The next day, after Xiao Xiao had breakfast, he said goodbye to his fellow villagers and said that he was going to the mountain to find the scenery, and then he set off with his bag on his back and searched in the valleys behind the mountain village.

However, before the change of heaven and earth, there were no signs of various signs, so Ling Xiao looked for a day, and found nothing, but the aura in the mountain was stronger than the outside of the mountain, so after setting down his tent at night, he was around Sprinkle some realgar or something to prevent mosquitoes, and then practiced quietly.

The mountain is very windy, and it is relatively cold at night. Fortunately, Ling Xiao is a cultivator, so it doesn’t feel cold. At this time, the weather is exceptionally clear, and you can look up at the starry sky when you look up. A small feeling.

  On August 15, Ling Xiao continued to search among the surrounding valleys. At noon, there was a sudden rumbling sound not far away, and then the heaven and earth aura in that direction became thicker.

Ling Xiao hurried over and found a valley half a mile away. Although he had searched yesterday, he didn’t find anything. When he came back today, he found a crack in the valley and the surrounding rocks collapsed a lot. . UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   However, from the cracked ground, it exudes a rich heaven and earth aura, which is at least several times or even ten times richer than the outside, which makes Ling Xiao overjoyed. This should be the place.

   He didn’t care about looking for the local fruit, he immediately came to the top of a huge rock near the seam, sat down and began to practice, and then found that the speed of the meridians was several times faster.

   One day later, Ling Xiao’s Yin Yang Yang vein has penetrated more than half, the speed is several times before. After reaching the ultimate level of training, Ling Xiao stopped training and began to look up in the valley. Sure enough, on a cliff, a small tree was found with three red fruits on top, but red with green, Not fully mature yet.

   “This should be the local fruit in the record, but I don’t know who was discovered later?”

  Ling Xiao was alert. From the data records, some people have been to the valley in the past few days. Otherwise, they will not be discovered by Di Yuanguo, but they don’t know who came and when.

Unclear, Ling Xiao didn’t think much. He dug a few trees from the side and planted them around the Diyuan fruit trees, covering the entire Diyuan fruit trees. Even if someone came to the valley, I’m afraid it would not be the first time If he finds Diyuanguo, then he will have a chance.

   Another day later, Ling Xiao found that the Yin and Yang spine veins had penetrated nine tenths, and it was estimated that one day they would be able to penetrate all of them, and then with the Tongmai pharmacy, he would be able to break through to the fourth-level martial arts tomorrow, and he was very happy.

Sure enough, at noon on the third day, Ling Xiao encountered the last bottleneck when penetrating the yin and yang spine veins. He immediately took a meridian medicament and then sprinted the meridians. After about half an hour, he finally successfully penetrated the yin and yang sag veins With the 4th-level warrior, the physical quality is enhanced again, and the strength of the whole body is also improved.

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