Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 23 - Across 2 majors

The instructor in the pharmacy class called Chen Zhihong, who was about thirty years old when he heard his voice. He asked Ling Xiao to wait for his phone call. This afternoon or evening, the whole class would meet in the teaching building to get acquainted, and arrange the next military training and other things. .

   Therefore, Ling Xiao was confidently practicing in the woods, eating some bread and water at noon, and then continuing to practice various basic martial arts. He always remembered what the golden account neuropathy said.

However, it may take a long time just to practice the four basic martial arts to a satisfactory level, not to mention the completion of the completion, so Ling Xiao has not exchanged other martial arts for the time being, and has always insisted on practicing basic martial arts, that is the time not enough.

   It wasn’t until 4 pm that Ling Xiao’s phone rang. It was called by Chen Zhihong, the instructor of the pharmacy class, and told him that the class meeting time was 7 pm in Class 401 in the teaching building of the School of Biological Medicine.

Ling Xiao practiced on the mountain until about six o’clock before slowly going down the mountain. Then he ate a shredded rice bowl in the student cafeteria next to the dormitory of the School of Biological Medicine. Twenty or thirty people.

When Ling Xiao came in, the students in the classroom were chatting in twos and threes, most of them were sitting together in the dormitory. Although it was only a short time before they met, it was the fastest to make friends between young people, especially roommates. Relationships also allow them to merge faster.

   However, all the students came empty-handed. They were all lived in school. At this time, the class assembled, and naturally there would be no backpacks. When I saw Ling Xiao carrying the bag, everyone stopped and looked at him.

Ling Xiao smiled at everyone, and then walked to the back of the classroom to find a seat against the wall, put the bag on the seat next to it, and then took out his mobile phone to log in to Budo Training and browse some free information. , But it is all kinds of news 20 years later, both at home and abroad.

   Ling Xiao noticed that the news said that space turbulence occurred in certain places on the earth, and sporadic foreign ethnic warriors were found, and a fierce conflict broke out with humans.

  At the same time, some countries and organizations in the world have a close relationship with alien races, even claiming to be descendants of alien races, and have begun to accept the strong people of alien races, and have had several conflicts with China.

  Although these are just ordinary news 20 years later, it is important information for Ling Xiao. He must remember the information and make some preparations in advance.

  In the eyes of other classmates, Ling Xiao may be a low-headed family who can’t live without a cell phone, but this is also a common problem among young people now, so soon everyone will stop paying attention to him.

  At seven, Chen Zhihong entered the classroom, and nearly 40 students had already arrived in the classroom at this time, but it was equivalent to a classroom of 60 people, and there were many empty seats, so no one around Ling Xiao came to sit.

   “Student, I welcome everyone to Hanhai University School of Biomedicine to become a member of this big family. I am your counselor Chen Zhihong. You can call me Mr. Chen or Brother Hong.

  Although I won’t give you classes, you can contact me for anything. Of course, the counselors in the university are not the same as the class teacher in the middle school, they will not manage too many things in the class, and more class autonomy is needed.

   So tonight we all introduce each other to meet other classmates, and at the same time initially select class cadres, students who are willing to serve the class can recommend themselves. “

  After introducing himself to everyone, Chen Zhihong explained the relevant things, and then asked 38 students in the class to introduce each other. At this time, they can see the personality and some abilities of most students.

When it was Ling Xiao’s turn, he simply introduced his name, graduated from high school, and was a day student and professional, but he was remembered by everyone because he was so unique. Only public classes and other activities were related to Everyone, some professional classes have to be taken together with other classes.

At the time of introduction, some people recommended that they should be class cadres, and several of them used to be cadres of the student union in high school, so Chen Zhihong quickly determined a temporary class committee to let them take charge of the class work during the military training period. After the festival, determine the formal class committee according to the situation, which is equivalent to trying it out first.

   And Ling Xiao also remembered several temporary class committees, the squad leader was Lin Yuming, the league branch secretary was Zhou Ziyun, the learning committee member was Xu Xiaoqi, the sports committee member was Yang Zhan, the entertainment committee member was Xiang Jiaqian, and the labor committee member was Zeng Weihua.

At the same time, the class committee members separately counted everyone’s phone calls, especially the class leader Lin Yuming came over to ask Ling Xiao’s phone number and chatted a few words with him. After all, Ling Xiao is a ground snake. Without knowing his background, Lin Yuming also wanted to have a good relationship with Ling Xiao.

After waiting here, Ling Xiao said a few words to Chen Zhian, and went to Class 416 to instruct Liu Hua, an instructor of Chinese medicine class. Before that, Liu Hua sent a text message to ask Ling Xiao if he wanted to know his classmates. a bit.

   When Ling Xiao passed, classroom 416 was still very busy~www.mtlnovel.com~About forty students were discussing something. At this time, Ling Xiao knocked on the door and Liu Hua, who was standing in front of the classroom, opened the door.

   “You are Teacher Liu, I am Ling Xiao.” Ling Xiao saw a middle-aged man in his forties who opened the door. It is estimated that he should be a counselor Liu Hua.

“You are classmate Ling Xiao, I am Liu Hua. Come in with me.” When Ling Xiao followed Liu Hua into the classroom, all the more than forty classmates in the group were quiet and looked forward to this. Pack of freshmen.

   “Aren’t all 46 students in our class all here? Who is this person?”

   “I don’t know? Is it a shift? Or was it transferred?”

Liu Hua also heard some students’ comments. He raised his hands and pressed down. Everyone calmed down. Then he said: “Students, there is a special classmate in our class. He is a Chinese medicine professional. , And is the only student in this major admitted to our school this year. He is usually with pharmacy majors, but all the relevant courses of our Chinese medicine major, he must follow our classmates together, so it is also considered our class A member of.”

“My fellow students, my name is Ling Xiao, and I graduated from Hanhai Middle School. Because of the embarrassment of the major, I can only complete my studies across the two major classes. In the future, I still need a lot of help from the professional courses. Everyone started to come to Hanhai City. If I want to go somewhere to play, I can introduce it to everyone.” Then, Ling Xiao introduced himself briefly.

   The temporary monitor of the first class of Chinese medicine is a girl named Li Qian. She came over very friendly and asked Ling Xiao’s phone, saying that he would be notified of anything in the future.

   “Then I would like to thank the monitor, especially when I receive the textbook, please let me know.” Ling Xiao also expressed his gratitude very politely.

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