Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 25 - Learn 1 Divergence Technique First

   Just like during the military training, although the weather was very hot a few days ago, most of the students would take leave during the training. Ling Xiao was sweating and took a break.

   It wasn’t until the weather turned cold that everyone adapted to the training, and Ling Xiao was fully integrated into the class, not much different from all the boys, but if someone paid attention to it, he could still find that he encountered anything calmer.

   Until the military training ended on September 24, Ling Xiao was exactly the same as other boys. The weekend after the military training, Ling Xiao chose to go to the Feifengshan base on Saturday afternoon, and in the evening he went through the belt and became a sixth-level warrior.

   And after this period of training, his mother Ye Xinmei had taken the lead to become a warrior three days ago, and began to penetrate the Yin-Yang scriptures under the guidance of Ling Xiao. Because of his busy management work, his father did not become a warrior until this time Ling Xiao used to start normal training.

  After the breakthrough, Ling Xiao formulated some body refining remedies the next day. Now that his parents have started training, there is more demand for body refining remedies, so he has to prepare some preparations.

Fortunately, his parents have just begun to practice, and Di Yuanguo’s body transformation is still in progress, so he still uses the body refining potion that does not require evaporation, also known as Ling Xiao’s simple version of body refining potion. After reaching the third-level martial arts, then give them purified body refining medicine.

  Although the spirit of heaven and earth is still not strong, but with the body-refining potions and the Tongmai potions, Ling Xiao believes that his parents’ training speed is absolutely comparable to those of the ancient Wu family.

  On Sunday afternoon, Ling Xiao returned to his home, and then received the messages of Lin Yuming and Li Qian and his friends at the same time. After Ling Xiao passed, they were quickly dragged into the WeChat group of pharmacy class and Chinese medicine class.

“Students, before the National Day, the college is going to hold an orientation party and a National Day party. We need to have a program for every major in every class. Please sign up actively. There is only one week’s preparation time.” Inform everyone to say.

“Ling Xiao, just now Mr. Chen told me to inform you that the college said that you are a professional and you need to prepare a program.” Ling Xiao is preparing to ignore it. This kind of thing is not suitable for him to participate. Got him.

   Ling Xiao froze for a moment, then there was a kind of helplessness. He was indeed the only student of Chinese medicine in the School of Biological Medicine. I did not expect that the people in the college would still remember this. Is he going to represent a major in the future?

   “Well, I will try my best.” Ling Xiao sighed and replied in the group. Some classmates gave him a compliment, and some of them laughed, and at the same time they might read his jokes.

  After thinking about it, Ling Xiao didn’t have many programs that he could do well, but he sang okay, so he decided to sing a song and chose the song “Farewell My Concubine” he used to sing.

  If he is a high school classmate, he knows that Ling Xiao is really good at singing this song, because his singing is more powerful, and he can just perform this song.

Now after training as a martial artist, Ling Xiao has more energy and can better control his voice. I believe he will sing this song again at this time, not to mention that it is better than the original singing Tu Honggang, but it will be better than before. Sing better.

   However, Ling Xiao did not rush to sign up for the show, so I will wait until I go to school tomorrow. In the evening, he routinely swiped the martial arts training net, and then implemented the training plan.

During this time, Ling Xiao’s achievements have accumulated to more than 200,000, most of which were contributed by Nangong Hongyan’s video, because some senior students secretly filmed her video on the campus forum during military training. The result is cheaper Ling Xiao.

  Now, Ling Xiao not only exchanged the last few layers of the martial arts master of Jiutian Fenglei Jue, but also helped his parents to exchange the exercises to the martial arts master level.

In addition, Ling Xiao also watched some videos of Prof. Bei Yefenglei’s disciples, focusing on collecting a batch of information about world and earth changes that can be seen by the military. All of them are downloaded and encrypted, and then saved on a separate hard disk. These may be later It will be very precious information.

When Ling Xiao collected information, the first thing to collect was the changes that occurred in different parts of the world, and the second was the changes in animals and plants in China and other parts of the world after the change, including some basics of the strong in 20 years. Information, as well as the characteristics and weaknesses of various beasts, as well as new scientific and technological achievements developed by humans using the beast crystal core and spirit stone.

   It’s just that these materials are not useful at present, and they have to wait until the world changes, so he will download them for backup and save them for later.

  After a night of training, Ling Xiao completely consolidated the sixth-level warrior. He felt that his boxing strength and leg strength had reached at least 300 kilograms, but the specific data has not been tested so it is unknown.

  At the same time, he spent 1,000 points of war, UU reading www.uukanshu. com exchanged a convergence technique on the martial arts practice online. It is a partial but practical martial art. The practice is relatively simple and easy. After successful training, you can hide some of your breath and disguise yourself.

  Ling Xiao because the training speed is too fast, and there are martial arts masters such as Nangong Hongyan in the school, so he chose this convergence technique to practice, because he did not want to expose himself to practice too fast.

  Ling Xiao himself was a fifth-level warrior before, but when she met Nangong Hongyan during military training, she still could not sense her level. Obviously she had at least seven or eight levels, so be careful not to make a big mistake.

Although Ling Xiao was only on the path to martial arts, but in the past, he did not have to read a few novels. In addition, there are many messages in the forums on the martial arts practice online. I know that those ancient martial arts families are not good at it. Regarding the secrets of training, I am afraid they will try to obtain them by any means.

After the exchange of interest, Ling Xiao practiced for two or three hours, and he basically succeeded in training. He successfully reduced his breath to the level of the 4th or 5th martial arts. Although it is much stronger than the ordinary people, compared with the Nangong Hongyan The genius disciples of the ancient martial arts family are not worth mentioning, so that even if they are exposed as martial arts, it can be inferred that this achievement was achieved after more than ten years of training, and naturally it will not attract attention.

   Early the next morning, when Ling Xiao was running to the school, he was seen by a middle-aged woman not far from the school. Because Ling Xiao did not know her and did not notice her, so she did not know.

“Isn’t this Ling Xiao who I asked me to investigate before? He really is a warrior, and he is also a level 6 warrior. According to the data, his family lives at the foot of Feifeng Mountain in the south of the city, more than ten kilometers away from the school. Is it coming from the subway station? Is it true that he runs to school every day?”

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