Future Martial Arts Training Network

Chapter 4 - Can you earn war achievements?

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   “Good, very good. With the videos of these top players, my live broadcast room will definitely be in flames, and I will definitely be able to earn enough warfare.

  If it doesn’t work, I still have the video of the goddess in my dream. If you broadcast those videos, it will definitely cause a sensation, so the video of the goddess should be put behind.

   There are also those who will be strong in the future, and they can still collect their videos. It is also a way not to buy in secret. After all, there are many paparazzi. “Ling Xiao thought with confidence.

   “Next I set up my own live broadcast room, but what is the name of my live broadcast room? Since my registered name is Future Wushen, then it is simply called Wushen Live Broadcasting Room, which can definitely attract attention.”

Ling Xiao immediately went to register a live broadcast room, and named it Wushen Live Broadcasting Room, and then gave a title to the video of Zhou Beibei’s beating: “Zhou Beibei, the strongest man on the earth list, was beaten into a pig’s head, and you can recognize him ?”

   Later, Ling Xiao set this video as a paid video. An account only costs 10 points to be watched repeatedly, but it cannot be downloaded, only watched.

“It takes 1,000 points for redemption of primary training skills and 2000 points for redeployment of primary body-building recipes, so at least 300 people are required to watch my video.” Ling Xiao calculated his required skills and confirmed under nervous conditions To upload the video to the website.

“I am a wolf from the north…” Suddenly, Ling Xiao’s phone rang, and Ling Yu’er called him. He thought about it and connected the phone: “Yu’er, how did you think of calling me?” Yeah?”

   “Brother Xiao, do you have time to come home? My dad heard that your college entrance examination is over and has something to do with you.” Ling Yuer said with a smile.

   “Ling always wants to see me? Yuer, do you know anything? Could you please inquire for me first, lest I come over and be scolded?” Ling Xiao was puzzled and had to ask for help.

“If my dad heard you call him Mr. Ling, he would definitely scold you. Brother Xiao, we are a family, why are you so out of sight? I know, grandpa and dad sometimes don’t talk very well, just they It’s this kind of old-fashioned person, don’t get acquainted with them, you have more time to come home and walk around.” Ling Yuer persuaded with some helplessness.

“Okay, I know. But you are you, Grandpa and Uncle, they are them. Some things you will understand when you grow up. That’s not much to say, I will come over immediately.” Ling Xiao thought about it, immediately Go out and take a taxi to Lingjia Manor on the other side of Feifeng Mountain.

Lingjia Manor covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters. There are three villas with different styles in it. It is where the Ling Family’s grandfather Ling Daijing and his children Ling Weihua and Ling Weiying live separately. There are some scattered houses around. It is for the Ling family’s bodyguards, cooks, drivers, gardeners and other servants.

  According to the principle, usually Ling Weihua will work at the headquarters of the Ling Group. I don’t know why he was at home today. When Ling Xiao arrived, the guard sent him directly to the villa on the right. Apparently Ling Weihua had explained.

   “Brother Xiao, I think my father’s expression is calm, unlike the way to scold people, you don’t have to worry.” Ling Yuer was waiting for him downstairs in the villa, and he was very happy to see him coming, and pulled him forward and whispered.

   “Why are you at home today and not going to school?” Ling Xiao nodded and asked.

   “Brother Xiao, you forgot, we took the exam in two days, and the two days are on vacation.” Ling Yu’er said while pulling him.

   “Is Brother Fang at home?” Ling Zifang is the eldest brother of Ling Yu’er and also the cousin of Ling Xiao. However, Ling Zifang has been twenty-five-six. He graduated from the university and entered the Ling Group. Now he is the CEO of a subsidiary of the group.

   “My elder brother is not at home, he is busy with work all day and night, he rarely plays at home.” Ling Yuer shook his head and said, in her heart, the elder brother is not as good as this cousin.

   “Dad, Brother Xiao is here.” Ling Yu’er took Ling Xiao outside his father’s study and shouted towards it.

   “Come in.” Inside came the majestic voice of Ling Weihua. He has been the CEO of Ling’s Group for more than ten years, and he has an extraordinary momentum.

   “Uncle is good.” Ling Xiao knocked lightly on the door before going in. When he saw Ling Weihua sitting there reading some documents, he stood afar and shouted.

   “Well, Ling Xiao, how is the college entrance examination?” Ling Weihua put down the file and raised his head to ask ah. He didn’t have a smile on his face, but he didn’t have a straight face either. His expression was calmer and his voice was softer.

   “It feels okay, I guess there should be no problem at Hanhai University.” Ling Xiao thought and said slowly.

“That’s good. I have always heard that your grades are okay. It’s really good to be admitted to Hanhai University. By the way, do you have any plans for your holiday?” Ling Weihua nodded and twitched his lips a bit, I don’t know if I wanted to smile.

   “Not yet, but I might go for a short job.” Ling Xiao answered slowly.

   “These months were when Lings acquired a lot of various Chinese medicinal materials. Feifengshan Base is very busy with your father. I am going to let you help him in the past.” Ling Weihua said with undoubted tone.

Ling Xiao did not answer after listening. He knew that his father was working at the Ling’s Chinese herbal medicine base in Feifeng Mountain. UU reading www.uukanshu.com seemed to be guarding the herbal medicine warehouse over there, but he didn’t know exactly what to do. .

“You go to help your dad for three months, basically you can earn your tuition and living expenses for the next year. If you work outside the job, you may not earn so much.” It seems that Ling Xiao is hesitating, Ling Weihua Added another sentence, then looked at him.

   “Thank you uncle, I am willing to go.” Ling Xiao nodded and agreed, not only because he could earn one year’s tuition and living expenses, but also to reduce the burden on his parents.

   also because he suddenly thought that if he could earn war merit and exchange it for training exercises and body-building recipes, then he would need many Chinese herbal medicines to prepare medicines.

   Ling Xiao certainly didn’t have the money to buy the required Chinese medicinal materials, but Ling’s Chinese medicinal material base and warehouse had them. He went to work there and found an opportunity to get some Chinese medicinal materials to prepare medicine, so he agreed.

“Ling Xiao, I know you have some ambitions, but your personal abilities are limited. You must have a good platform to develop better. I hope you will study hard in the future, and then go to Ling’s to help your brother, and Ling’s also Will give you a platform for development.”

  Ling Weihua nodded, and then said that his meaning was obvious. He hoped that Ling Xiao would come to work in the Lings Group to help Ling Zifang and become Ling Zifang’s future class.

   “I know.” Ling Xiao just nodded, neither agreed nor refused, but the time is still long, and how to say things in the future clearly.

After coming out of Ling Weihua’s study, Ling Yuer was pulled and asked some high school things. Then Ling Yuer called a driver to send Ling Xiao back, and on the way home, he opened the martial arts training network and was surprised to find his live broadcast room. Gained 500 points of merit.

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